| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // mini_installer.exe is the first exe that is run when chrome is being |
| // installed or upgraded. It is designed to be extremely small (~5KB with no |
| // extra resources linked) and it has two main jobs: |
| // 1) unpack the resources (possibly decompressing some) |
| // 2) run the real installer (setup.exe) with appropriate flags. |
| // |
| // In order to be really small the app doesn't link against the CRT and |
| // defines the following compiler/linker flags: |
| // EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true" compiler: /Oi |
| // BasicRuntimeChecks="0" |
| // BufferSecurityCheck="false" compiler: /GS- |
| // EntryPointSymbol="MainEntryPoint" linker: /ENTRY |
| // IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries="true" linker: /NODEFAULTLIB |
| // OptimizeForWindows98="1" liker: /OPT:NOWIN98 |
| // linker: /SAFESEH:NO |
| |
| // have the linker merge the sections, saving us ~500 bytes. |
| #pragma comment(linker, "/MERGE:.rdata=.text") |
| |
| #include <windows.h> |
| |
| // #define needed to link in RtlGenRandom(), a.k.a. SystemFunction036. See the |
| // "Community Additions" comment on MSDN here: |
| // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa387694.aspx |
| #define SystemFunction036 NTAPI SystemFunction036 |
| #include <NTSecAPI.h> |
| #undef SystemFunction036 |
| |
| #include <sddl.h> |
| #include <shellapi.h> |
| #include <stdlib.h> |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/appid.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/configuration.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/decompress.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/exit_code.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/mini_installer_constants.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/mini_string.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/pe_resource.h" |
| #include "chrome/installer/mini_installer/regkey.h" |
| |
| namespace mini_installer { |
| |
| typedef StackString<MAX_PATH> PathString; |
| typedef StackString<MAX_PATH * 4> CommandString; |
| |
| struct ProcessExitResult { |
| DWORD exit_code; |
| DWORD windows_error; |
| |
| explicit ProcessExitResult(DWORD exit) : exit_code(exit), windows_error(0) {} |
| ProcessExitResult(DWORD exit, DWORD win) |
| : exit_code(exit), windows_error(win) { |
| } |
| |
| bool IsSuccess() { |
| return exit_code == SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // This structure passes data back and forth for the processing |
| // of resource callbacks. |
| struct Context { |
| // Input to the call back method. Specifies the dir to save resources. |
| const wchar_t* base_path; |
| // First output from call back method. Full path of Chrome archive. |
| PathString* chrome_resource_path; |
| // Second output from call back method. Full path of Setup archive/exe. |
| PathString* setup_resource_path; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| // Opens the Google Update ClientState key for the current install |
| // configuration. This includes locating the correct key in the face of |
| // multi-install. The flag will by default be written to HKCU, but if |
| // --system-level is included in the command line, it will be written to |
| // HKLM instead. |
| bool OpenInstallStateKey(const Configuration& configuration, RegKey* key) { |
| const HKEY root_key = |
| configuration.is_system_level() ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; |
| const wchar_t* app_guid = configuration.chrome_app_guid(); |
| const REGSAM key_access = KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE; |
| |
| return OpenClientStateKey(root_key, app_guid, key_access, key); |
| } |
| |
| // Writes install results into registry where it is read by Google Update. |
| // Don't write anything if there is already a result present, likely |
| // written by setup.exe. |
| void WriteInstallResults(const Configuration& configuration, |
| ProcessExitResult result) { |
| #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) |
| // Calls to setup.exe will write a "success" result if everything was good |
| // so we don't need to write anything from here. |
| if (result.IsSuccess()) |
| return; |
| |
| RegKey key; |
| DWORD value; |
| if (OpenInstallStateKey(configuration, &key)) { |
| if (key.ReadDWValue(kInstallerResultRegistryValue, &value) |
| != ERROR_SUCCESS || value == 0) { |
| key.WriteDWValue(kInstallerResultRegistryValue, |
| result.exit_code ? 1 /* FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR */ |
| : 0 /* SUCCESS */); |
| key.WriteDWValue(kInstallerErrorRegistryValue, result.exit_code); |
| key.WriteDWValue(kInstallerExtraCode1RegistryValue, result.windows_error); |
| } |
| key.Close(); |
| } |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| // This function sets the flag in registry to indicate that Google Update |
| // should try full installer next time. If the current installer works, this |
| // flag is cleared by setup.exe at the end of install. |
| void SetInstallerFlags(const Configuration& configuration) { |
| RegKey key; |
| StackString<128> value; |
| |
| if (!OpenInstallStateKey(configuration, &key)) |
| return; |
| |
| ret = key.ReadSZValue(kApRegistryValue, value.get(), value.capacity()); |
| |
| // The conditions below are handling two cases: |
| // 1. When ap value is present, we want to add the required tag only if it is |
| // not present. |
| // 2. When ap value is missing, we are going to create it with the required |
| // tag. |
| if ((ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) { |
| if (ret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) |
| value.clear(); |
| |
| if (!StrEndsWith(value.get(), kFullInstallerSuffix) && |
| value.append(kFullInstallerSuffix)) { |
| key.WriteSZValue(kApRegistryValue, value.get()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Gets the setup.exe path from Registry by looking at the value of Uninstall |
| // string. |size| is measured in wchar_t units. |
| ProcessExitResult GetSetupExePathForAppGuid(bool system_level, |
| const wchar_t* app_guid, |
| const wchar_t* previous_version, |
| wchar_t* path, |
| size_t size) { |
| const HKEY root_key = system_level ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER; |
| RegKey key; |
| if (!OpenClientStateKey(root_key, app_guid, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key)) |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_FIND_REGISTRY_KEY); |
| DWORD result = key.ReadSZValue(kUninstallRegistryValue, path, size); |
| if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_FIND_REGISTRY_KEY, result); |
| |
| // Check that the path to the existing installer includes the expected |
| // version number. It's not necessary for accuracy to verify before/after |
| // delimiters. |
| if (!SearchStringI(path, previous_version)) |
| return ProcessExitResult(PATCH_NOT_FOR_INSTALLED_VERSION); |
| |
| return ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| } |
| |
| // Gets the path to setup.exe of the previous version. The overall path is found |
| // in the Uninstall string in the registry. A previous version number specified |
| // in |configuration| is used if available. |size| is measured in wchar_t units. |
| ProcessExitResult GetPreviousSetupExePath(const Configuration& configuration, |
| wchar_t* path, |
| size_t size) { |
| bool system_level = configuration.is_system_level(); |
| const wchar_t* previous_version = configuration.previous_version(); |
| ProcessExitResult exit_code = ProcessExitResult(GENERIC_ERROR); |
| |
| // If this is a multi install, first try looking in the binaries for the path. |
| if (configuration.is_multi_install()) { |
| exit_code = GetSetupExePathForAppGuid( |
| system_level, google_update::kMultiInstallAppGuid, previous_version, |
| path, size); |
| } |
| |
| // Failing that, look in Chrome Frame's client state key if --chrome-frame was |
| // specified. |
| if (!exit_code.IsSuccess() && configuration.has_chrome_frame()) { |
| exit_code = GetSetupExePathForAppGuid( |
| system_level, google_update::kChromeFrameAppGuid, previous_version, |
| path, size); |
| } |
| |
| // Make a last-ditch effort to look in the Chrome client state key. |
| if (!exit_code.IsSuccess()) { |
| exit_code = GetSetupExePathForAppGuid( |
| system_level, configuration.chrome_app_guid(), previous_version, |
| path, size); |
| } |
| |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| // Calls CreateProcess with good default parameters and waits for the process to |
| // terminate returning the process exit code. |exit_code|, if non-NULL, is |
| // populated with the process exit code. |
| ProcessExitResult RunProcessAndWait(const wchar_t* exe_path, wchar_t* cmdline) { |
| STARTUPINFOW si = {sizeof(si)}; |
| if (!::CreateProcess(exe_path, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, |
| NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(COULD_NOT_CREATE_PROCESS, ::GetLastError()); |
| } |
| |
| ::CloseHandle(pi.hThread); |
| |
| DWORD exit_code = SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE; |
| DWORD wr = ::WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); |
| if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != wr || !::GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code)) { |
| // Note: We've assumed that WAIT_OBJCT_0 != wr means a failure. The call |
| // could return a different object but since we never spawn more than one |
| // sub-process at a time that case should never happen. |
| return ProcessExitResult(WAIT_FOR_PROCESS_FAILED, ::GetLastError()); |
| } |
| |
| ::CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); |
| |
| return ProcessExitResult(exit_code); |
| } |
| |
| // Appends any command line params passed to mini_installer to the given buffer |
| // so that they can be passed on to setup.exe. |
| // |buffer| is unchanged in case of error. |
| void AppendCommandLineFlags(const Configuration& configuration, |
| CommandString* buffer) { |
| PathString full_exe_path; |
| size_t len = ::GetModuleFileName( |
| NULL, full_exe_path.get(), static_cast<DWORD>(full_exe_path.capacity())); |
| if (!len || len >= full_exe_path.capacity()) |
| return; |
| |
| const wchar_t* exe_name = |
| GetNameFromPathExt(full_exe_path.get(), static_cast<DWORD>(len)); |
| |
| // - configuration.program() returns the first command line argument |
| // passed into the program (that the user probably typed in this case). |
| // "mini_installer.exe" |
| // "mini_installer" |
| // "out\Release\mini_installer" |
| // - |exe_name| is the executable file of the current process. |
| // "mini_installer.exe" |
| // |
| // Note that there are three possibilities to handle here. |
| // Receive a cmdline containing: |
| // 1) executable name WITH extension |
| // 2) executable name with NO extension |
| // 3) NO executable name as part of cmdline |
| const wchar_t* cmd_to_append = L""; |
| const wchar_t* arg0 = configuration.program(); |
| if (!arg0) |
| return; |
| const wchar_t* arg0_base_name = GetNameFromPathExt(arg0, ::lstrlen(arg0)); |
| if (!StrStartsWith(exe_name, arg0_base_name)) { |
| // State 3: NO executable name as part of cmdline. |
| buffer->append(L" "); |
| cmd_to_append = configuration.command_line(); |
| } else if (configuration.argument_count() > 1) { |
| // State 1 or 2: Executable name is in cmdline. |
| // - Append everything AFTER the executable name. |
| // (Using arg0_base_name here to make sure to match with or without |
| // extension. Then move to the space following the token.) |
| const wchar_t* tmp = SearchStringI(configuration.command_line(), |
| arg0_base_name); |
| tmp = SearchStringI(tmp, L" "); |
| cmd_to_append = tmp; |
| } |
| |
| buffer->append(cmd_to_append); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Windows defined callback used in the EnumResourceNames call. For each |
| // matching resource found, the callback is invoked and at this point we write |
| // it to disk. We expect resource names to start with 'chrome' or 'setup'. Any |
| // other name is treated as an error. |
| BOOL CALLBACK OnResourceFound(HMODULE module, const wchar_t* type, |
| wchar_t* name, LONG_PTR context) { |
| if (NULL == context) |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| Context* ctx = reinterpret_cast<Context*>(context); |
| |
| PEResource resource(name, type, module); |
| if (!resource.IsValid() || resource.Size() < 1) |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| PathString full_path; |
| if (!full_path.assign(ctx->base_path) || |
| !full_path.append(name) || |
| !resource.WriteToDisk(full_path.get())) |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| if (StrStartsWith(name, kChromeArchivePrefix)) { |
| if (!ctx->chrome_resource_path->assign(full_path.get())) |
| return FALSE; |
| } else if (StrStartsWith(name, kSetupPrefix)) { |
| if (!ctx->setup_resource_path->assign(full_path.get())) |
| return FALSE; |
| } else { |
| // Resources should either start with 'chrome' or 'setup'. We don't handle |
| // anything else. |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) |
| // An EnumResNameProc callback that writes the resource |name| to disk in the |
| // directory |base_path_ptr| (which must end with a path separator). |
| BOOL CALLBACK WriteResourceToDirectory(HMODULE module, |
| const wchar_t* type, |
| wchar_t* name, |
| LONG_PTR base_path_ptr) { |
| const wchar_t* base_path = reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(base_path_ptr); |
| PathString full_path; |
| |
| PEResource resource(name, type, module); |
| return (resource.IsValid() && |
| full_path.assign(base_path) && |
| full_path.append(name) && |
| resource.WriteToDisk(full_path.get())); |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| // Finds and writes to disk resources of various types. Returns false |
| // if there is a problem in writing any resource to disk. setup.exe resource |
| // can come in one of three possible forms: |
| // - Resource type 'B7', compressed using LZMA (*.7z) |
| // - Resource type 'BL', compressed using LZ (*.ex_) |
| // - Resource type 'BN', uncompressed (*.exe) |
| // If setup.exe is present in more than one form, the precedence order is |
| // BN < BL < B7 |
| // For more details see chrome/tools/build/win/create_installer_archive.py. |
| // For component builds (where setup.ex_ is always used), all files stored as |
| // uncompressed 'BN' resources are also extracted. This is generally the set of |
| // DLLs/resources needed by setup.exe to run. |
| ProcessExitResult UnpackBinaryResources(const Configuration& configuration, |
| HMODULE module, const wchar_t* base_path, |
| PathString* archive_path, |
| PathString* setup_path) { |
| // Generate the setup.exe path where we patch/uncompress setup resource. |
| PathString setup_dest_path; |
| if (!setup_dest_path.assign(base_path) || |
| !setup_dest_path.append(kSetupExe)) |
| return ProcessExitResult(PATH_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| |
| // Prepare the input to OnResourceFound method that needs a location where |
| // it will write all the resources. |
| Context context = { |
| base_path, |
| archive_path, |
| setup_path, |
| }; |
| |
| // Get the resources of type 'B7' (7zip archive). |
| // We need a chrome archive to do the installation. So if there |
| // is a problem in fetching B7 resource, just return an error. |
| if (!::EnumResourceNames(module, kLZMAResourceType, OnResourceFound, |
| reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(&context))) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_CHROME_ARCHIVE, |
| ::GetLastError()); |
| } |
| if (archive_path->length() == 0) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_CHROME_ARCHIVE); |
| } |
| |
| ProcessExitResult exit_code = ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| |
| // If we found setup 'B7' resource (used for differential updates), handle |
| // it. Note that this is only for Chrome; Chromium installs are always |
| // "full" installs. |
| if (setup_path->length() > 0) { |
| CommandString cmd_line; |
| PathString exe_path; |
| // Get the path to setup.exe first. |
| exit_code = GetPreviousSetupExePath(configuration, exe_path.get(), |
| exe_path.capacity()); |
| if (exit_code.IsSuccess()) { |
| if (!cmd_line.append(exe_path.get()) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L" --") || |
| !cmd_line.append(kCmdUpdateSetupExe) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"=\"") || |
| !cmd_line.append(setup_path->get()) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"\" --") || |
| !cmd_line.append(kCmdNewSetupExe) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"=\"") || |
| !cmd_line.append(setup_dest_path.get()) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"\"")) { |
| exit_code = ProcessExitResult(COMMAND_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Get any command line option specified for mini_installer and pass them |
| // on to setup.exe. This is important since switches such as |
| // --multi-install and --chrome-frame affect where setup.exe will write |
| // installer results for consumption by Google Update. |
| AppendCommandLineFlags(configuration, &cmd_line); |
| |
| if (exit_code.IsSuccess()) |
| exit_code = RunProcessAndWait(exe_path.get(), cmd_line.get()); |
| |
| if (!exit_code.IsSuccess()) |
| DeleteFile(setup_path->get()); |
| else if (!setup_path->assign(setup_dest_path.get())) |
| exit_code = ProcessExitResult(PATH_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| // setup.exe wasn't sent as 'B7', lets see if it was sent as 'BL' |
| // (compressed setup). |
| if (!::EnumResourceNames(module, kLZCResourceType, OnResourceFound, |
| reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(&context))) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_SETUP_BL, ::GetLastError()); |
| } |
| if (setup_path->length() == 0) { |
| // Neither setup_patch.packed.7z nor setup.ex_ was found. |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_SETUP); |
| } |
| |
| // Uncompress LZ compressed resource. Setup is packed with 'MSCF' |
| // as opposed to old DOS way of 'SZDD'. Hence we don't use LZCopy. |
| bool success = |
| mini_installer::Expand(setup_path->get(), setup_dest_path.get()); |
| ::DeleteFile(setup_path->get()); |
| if (success) { |
| if (!setup_path->assign(setup_dest_path.get())) { |
| ::DeleteFile(setup_dest_path.get()); |
| exit_code = ProcessExitResult(PATH_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| } |
| } else { |
| exit_code = ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_SETUP_EXE); |
| } |
| |
| #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) |
| if (exit_code.IsSuccess()) { |
| // Extract the (uncompressed) modules required by setup.exe. |
| if (!::EnumResourceNames(module, kBinResourceType, WriteResourceToDirectory, |
| reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(base_path))) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_EXTRACT_SETUP, ::GetLastError()); |
| } |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| // Executes setup.exe, waits for it to finish and returns the exit code. |
| ProcessExitResult RunSetup(const Configuration& configuration, |
| const wchar_t* archive_path, |
| const wchar_t* setup_path) { |
| // There could be three full paths in the command line for setup.exe (path |
| // to exe itself, path to archive and path to log file), so we declare |
| // total size as three + one additional to hold command line options. |
| CommandString cmd_line; |
| |
| // Get the path to setup.exe first. |
| if (::lstrlen(setup_path) > 0) { |
| if (!cmd_line.assign(L"\"") || |
| !cmd_line.append(setup_path) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"\"")) |
| return ProcessExitResult(COMMAND_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| } else { |
| ProcessExitResult exit_code = GetPreviousSetupExePath( |
| configuration, cmd_line.get(), cmd_line.capacity()); |
| if (!exit_code.IsSuccess()) |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| // Append the command line param for chrome archive file. |
| if (!cmd_line.append(L" --") || |
| #if defined(COMPONENT_BUILD) |
| // For faster developer turnaround, the component build generates |
| // uncompressed archives. |
| !cmd_line.append(kCmdUncompressedArchive) || |
| #else |
| !cmd_line.append(kCmdInstallArchive) || |
| #endif |
| !cmd_line.append(L"=\"") || |
| !cmd_line.append(archive_path) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"\"")) |
| return ProcessExitResult(COMMAND_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| |
| // Append the command line param for chrome previous version. |
| if (configuration.previous_version() && |
| (!cmd_line.append(L" --") || |
| !cmd_line.append(kCmdPreviousVersion) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"=\"") || |
| !cmd_line.append(configuration.previous_version()) || |
| !cmd_line.append(L"\""))) { |
| return ProcessExitResult(COMMAND_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| } |
| |
| // Get any command line option specified for mini_installer and pass them |
| // on to setup.exe |
| AppendCommandLineFlags(configuration, &cmd_line); |
| |
| return RunProcessAndWait(NULL, cmd_line.get()); |
| } |
| |
| // Deletes given files and working dir. |
| void DeleteExtractedFiles(const wchar_t* base_path, |
| const wchar_t* archive_path, |
| const wchar_t* setup_path) { |
| ::DeleteFile(archive_path); |
| ::DeleteFile(setup_path); |
| // Delete the temp dir (if it is empty, otherwise fail). |
| ::RemoveDirectory(base_path); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if the supplied path supports ACLs. |
| bool IsAclSupportedForPath(const wchar_t* path) { |
| PathString volume; |
| DWORD flags = 0; |
| return ::GetVolumePathName(path, volume.get(), |
| static_cast<DWORD>(volume.capacity())) && |
| ::GetVolumeInformation(volume.get(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &flags, NULL, |
| 0) && |
| } |
| |
| // Retrieves the SID of the default owner for objects created by this user |
| // token (accounting for different behavior under UAC elevation, etc.). |
| // NOTE: On success the |sid| parameter must be freed with LocalFree(). |
| bool GetCurrentOwnerSid(wchar_t** sid) { |
| HANDLE token; |
| if (!::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &token)) |
| return false; |
| |
| DWORD size = 0; |
| bool result = false; |
| // We get the TokenOwner rather than the TokenUser because e.g. under UAC |
| // elevation we want the admin to own the directory rather than the user. |
| ::GetTokenInformation(token, TokenOwner, NULL, 0, &size); |
| if (size && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { |
| if (TOKEN_OWNER* owner = |
| reinterpret_cast<TOKEN_OWNER*>(::LocalAlloc(LPTR, size))) { |
| if (::GetTokenInformation(token, TokenOwner, owner, size, &size)) |
| result = !!::ConvertSidToStringSid(owner->Owner, sid); |
| ::LocalFree(owner); |
| } |
| } |
| ::CloseHandle(token); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| // Populates |sd| suitable for use when creating directories within |path| with |
| // ACLs allowing access to only the current owner, admin, and system. |
| // NOTE: On success the |sd| parameter must be freed with LocalFree(). |
| bool SetSecurityDescriptor(const wchar_t* path, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR* sd) { |
| *sd = NULL; |
| // We succeed without doing anything if ACLs aren't supported. |
| if (!IsAclSupportedForPath(path)) |
| return true; |
| |
| wchar_t* sid = NULL; |
| if (!GetCurrentOwnerSid(&sid)) |
| return false; |
| |
| // The largest SID is under 200 characters, so 300 should give enough slack. |
| StackString<300> sddl; |
| bool result = sddl.append(L"D:PAI" // Protected, auto-inherited DACL. |
| L"(A;;FA;;;BA)" // Admin: Full control. |
| L"(A;OIIOCI;GA;;;BA)" |
| L"(A;;FA;;;SY)" // System: Full control. |
| L"(A;OIIOCI;GA;;;SY)" |
| L"(A;OIIOCI;GA;;;CO)" // Owner: Full control. |
| L"(A;;FA;;;") && sddl.append(sid) && sddl.append(L")"); |
| if (result) { |
| result = !!::ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor( |
| sddl.get(), SDDL_REVISION_1, sd, NULL); |
| } |
| |
| ::LocalFree(sid); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| // Creates a temporary directory under |base_path| and returns the full path |
| // of created directory in |work_dir|. If successful return true, otherwise |
| // false. When successful, the returned |work_dir| will always have a trailing |
| // backslash and this function requires that |base_path| always includes a |
| // trailing backslash as well. |
| // We do not use GetTempFileName here to avoid running into AV software that |
| // might hold on to the temp file as soon as we create it and then we can't |
| // delete it and create a directory in its place. So, we use our own mechanism |
| // for creating a directory with a hopefully-unique name. In the case of a |
| // collision, we retry a few times with a new name before failing. |
| bool CreateWorkDir(const wchar_t* base_path, PathString* work_dir, |
| ProcessExitResult* exit_code) { |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(PATH_STRING_OVERFLOW); |
| if (!work_dir->assign(base_path) || !work_dir->append(kTempPrefix)) |
| return false; |
| |
| // Store the location where we'll append the id. |
| size_t end = work_dir->length(); |
| |
| // Check if we'll have enough buffer space to continue. |
| // The name of the directory will use up 11 chars and then we need to append |
| // the trailing backslash and a terminator. We've already added the prefix |
| // to the buffer, so let's just make sure we've got enough space for the rest. |
| if ((work_dir->capacity() - end) < (_countof("fffff.tmp") + 1)) |
| return false; |
| |
| // Add an ACL if supported by the filesystem. Otherwise system-level installs |
| // are potentially vulnerable to file squatting attacks. |
| sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); |
| if (!SetSecurityDescriptor(base_path, &sa.lpSecurityDescriptor)) { |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_SET_DIRECTORY_ACL, |
| ::GetLastError()); |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| unsigned int id; |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(UNABLE_TO_GET_WORK_DIRECTORY); |
| for (int max_attempts = 10; max_attempts; --max_attempts) { |
| ::RtlGenRandom(&id, sizeof(id)); // Try a different name. |
| |
| // This converts 'id' to a string in the format "78563412" on windows |
| // because of little endianness, but we don't care since it's just |
| // a name. Since we checked capaity at the front end, we don't need to |
| // duplicate it here. |
| HexEncode(&id, sizeof(id), work_dir->get() + end, |
| work_dir->capacity() - end); |
| |
| // We only want the first 5 digits to remain within the 8.3 file name |
| // format (compliant with previous implementation). |
| work_dir->truncate_at(end + 5); |
| |
| // for consistency with the previous implementation which relied on |
| // GetTempFileName, we append the .tmp extension. |
| work_dir->append(L".tmp"); |
| |
| if (::CreateDirectory(work_dir->get(), |
| sa.lpSecurityDescriptor ? &sa : NULL)) { |
| // Yay! Now let's just append the backslash and we're done. |
| work_dir->append(L"\\"); |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (sa.lpSecurityDescriptor) |
| LocalFree(sa.lpSecurityDescriptor); |
| return exit_code->IsSuccess(); |
| } |
| |
| // Creates and returns a temporary directory in |work_dir| that can be used to |
| // extract mini_installer payload. |work_dir| ends with a path separator. |
| bool GetWorkDir(HMODULE module, PathString* work_dir, |
| ProcessExitResult* exit_code) { |
| PathString base_path; |
| DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(static_cast<DWORD>(base_path.capacity()), |
| base_path.get()); |
| if (!len || len >= base_path.capacity() || |
| !CreateWorkDir(base_path.get(), work_dir, exit_code)) { |
| // Problem creating the work dir under TEMP path, so try using the |
| // current directory as the base path. |
| len = ::GetModuleFileName(module, base_path.get(), |
| static_cast<DWORD>(base_path.capacity())); |
| if (len >= base_path.capacity() || !len) |
| return false; // Can't even get current directory? Return an error. |
| |
| wchar_t* name = GetNameFromPathExt(base_path.get(), len); |
| if (name == base_path.get()) |
| return false; // There was no directory in the string! Bail out. |
| |
| *name = L'\0'; |
| |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| return CreateWorkDir(base_path.get(), work_dir, exit_code); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true for ".." and "." directories. |
| bool IsCurrentOrParentDirectory(const wchar_t* dir) { |
| return dir && |
| dir[0] == L'.' && |
| (dir[1] == L'\0' || (dir[1] == L'.' && dir[2] == L'\0')); |
| } |
| |
| // Best effort directory tree deletion including the directory specified |
| // by |path|, which must not end in a separator. |
| // The |path| argument is writable so that each recursion can use the same |
| // buffer as was originally allocated for the path. The path will be unchanged |
| // upon return. |
| void RecursivelyDeleteDirectory(PathString* path) { |
| // |path| will never have a trailing backslash. |
| size_t end = path->length(); |
| if (!path->append(L"\\*.*")) |
| return; |
| |
| WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data = {0}; |
| HANDLE find = ::FindFirstFile(path->get(), &find_data); |
| if (find != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { |
| do { |
| // Use the short name if available to make the most of our buffer. |
| const wchar_t* name = find_data.cAlternateFileName[0] ? |
| find_data.cAlternateFileName : find_data.cFileName; |
| if (IsCurrentOrParentDirectory(name)) |
| continue; |
| |
| path->truncate_at(end + 1); // Keep the trailing backslash. |
| if (!path->append(name)) |
| continue; // Continue in spite of too long names. |
| |
| if (find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { |
| RecursivelyDeleteDirectory(path); |
| } else { |
| ::DeleteFile(path->get()); |
| } |
| } while (::FindNextFile(find, &find_data)); |
| ::FindClose(find); |
| } |
| |
| // Restore the path and delete the directory before we return. |
| path->truncate_at(end); |
| ::RemoveDirectory(path->get()); |
| } |
| |
| // Enumerates subdirectories of |parent_dir| and deletes all subdirectories |
| // that match with a given |prefix|. |parent_dir| must have a trailing |
| // backslash. |
| // The process is done on a best effort basis, so conceivably there might |
| // still be matches left when the function returns. |
| void DeleteDirectoriesWithPrefix(const wchar_t* parent_dir, |
| const wchar_t* prefix) { |
| // |parent_dir| is guaranteed to always have a trailing backslash. |
| PathString spec; |
| if (!spec.assign(parent_dir) || !spec.append(prefix) || !spec.append(L"*.*")) |
| return; |
| |
| WIN32_FIND_DATA find_data = {0}; |
| HANDLE find = ::FindFirstFileEx(spec.get(), FindExInfoStandard, &find_data, |
| FindExSearchLimitToDirectories, NULL, 0); |
| if (find == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) |
| return; |
| |
| PathString path; |
| do { |
| if (find_data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { |
| // Use the short name if available to make the most of our buffer. |
| const wchar_t* name = find_data.cAlternateFileName[0] ? |
| find_data.cAlternateFileName : find_data.cFileName; |
| if (IsCurrentOrParentDirectory(name)) |
| continue; |
| if (path.assign(parent_dir) && path.append(name)) |
| RecursivelyDeleteDirectory(&path); |
| } |
| } while (::FindNextFile(find, &find_data)); |
| ::FindClose(find); |
| } |
| |
| // Attempts to free up space by deleting temp directories that previous |
| // installer runs have failed to clean up. |
| void DeleteOldChromeTempDirectories() { |
| static const wchar_t* const kDirectoryPrefixes[] = { |
| kTempPrefix, |
| L"chrome_" // Previous installers created directories with this prefix |
| // and there are still some lying around. |
| }; |
| |
| PathString temp; |
| // GetTempPath always returns a path with a trailing backslash. |
| DWORD len = ::GetTempPath(static_cast<DWORD>(temp.capacity()), temp.get()); |
| // GetTempPath returns 0 or number of chars copied, not including the |
| // terminating '\0'. |
| if (!len || len >= temp.capacity()) |
| return; |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(kDirectoryPrefixes); ++i) { |
| DeleteDirectoriesWithPrefix(temp.get(), kDirectoryPrefixes[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Checks the command line for specific mini installer flags. |
| // If the function returns true, the command line has been processed and all |
| // required actions taken. The installer must exit and return the returned |
| // |exit_code|. |
| bool ProcessNonInstallOperations(const Configuration& configuration, |
| ProcessExitResult* exit_code) { |
| switch (configuration.operation()) { |
| case Configuration::CLEANUP: |
| // Cleanup has already taken place in DeleteOldChromeTempDirectories at |
| // this point, so just tell our caller to exit early. |
| *exit_code = ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| return true; |
| |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if we should delete the temp files we create (default). |
| // Returns false iff the user has manually created a ChromeInstallerCleanup |
| // string value in the registry under HKCU\\Software\\[Google|Chromium] |
| // and set its value to "0". That explicitly forbids the mini installer from |
| // deleting these files. |
| // Support for this has been publicly mentioned in troubleshooting tips so |
| // we continue to support it. |
| bool ShouldDeleteExtractedFiles() { |
| wchar_t value[2] = {0}; |
| if (RegKey::ReadSZValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, kCleanupRegistryKey, |
| kCleanupRegistryValue, value, _countof(value)) && |
| value[0] == L'0') { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Main function. First gets a working dir, unpacks the resources and finally |
| // executes setup.exe to do the install/upgrade. |
| ProcessExitResult WMain(HMODULE module) { |
| // Always start with deleting potential leftovers from previous installations. |
| // This can make the difference between success and failure. We've seen |
| // many installations out in the field fail due to out of disk space problems |
| // so this could buy us some space. |
| DeleteOldChromeTempDirectories(); |
| |
| ProcessExitResult exit_code = ProcessExitResult(SUCCESS_EXIT_CODE); |
| |
| // Parse configuration from the command line and resources. |
| Configuration configuration; |
| if (!configuration.Initialize(module)) |
| |
| // If the --cleanup switch was specified on the command line, then that means |
| // we should only do the cleanup and then exit. |
| if (ProcessNonInstallOperations(configuration, &exit_code)) |
| return exit_code; |
| |
| // First get a path where we can extract payload |
| PathString base_path; |
| if (!GetWorkDir(module, &base_path, &exit_code)) |
| return exit_code; |
| |
| #if defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) |
| // Set the magic suffix in registry to try full installer next time. We ignore |
| // any errors here and we try to set the suffix for user level unless |
| // --system-level is on the command line in which case we set it for system |
| // level instead. This only applies to the Google Chrome distribution. |
| SetInstallerFlags(configuration); |
| #endif |
| |
| PathString archive_path; |
| PathString setup_path; |
| exit_code = UnpackBinaryResources(configuration, module, base_path.get(), |
| &archive_path, &setup_path); |
| |
| // While unpacking the binaries, we paged in a whole bunch of memory that |
| // we don't need anymore. Let's give it back to the pool before running |
| // setup. |
| ::SetProcessWorkingSetSize(::GetCurrentProcess(), (SIZE_T)-1, (SIZE_T)-1); |
| |
| if (exit_code.IsSuccess()) |
| exit_code = RunSetup(configuration, archive_path.get(), setup_path.get()); |
| |
| if (ShouldDeleteExtractedFiles()) |
| DeleteExtractedFiles(base_path.get(), archive_path.get(), setup_path.get()); |
| |
| WriteInstallResults(configuration, exit_code); |
| return exit_code; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace mini_installer |
| |
| int MainEntryPoint() { |
| mini_installer::ProcessExitResult result = |
| mini_installer::WMain(::GetModuleHandle(NULL)); |
| |
| ::ExitProcess(result.exit_code); |
| } |
| |
| // VC Express editions don't come with the memset CRT obj file and linking to |
| // the obj files between versions becomes a bit problematic. Therefore, |
| // simply implement memset. |
| // |
| // This also avoids having to explicitly set the __sse2_available hack when |
| // linking with both the x64 and x86 obj files which is required when not |
| // linking with the std C lib in certain instances (including Chromium) with |
| // MSVC. __sse2_available determines whether to use SSE2 intructions with |
| // std C lib routines, and is set by MSVC's std C lib implementation normally. |
| extern "C" { |
| #pragma function(memset) |
| void* memset(void* dest, int c, size_t count) { |
| void* start = dest; |
| while (count--) { |
| *reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest) = static_cast<char>(c); |
| dest = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dest) + 1; |
| } |
| return start; |
| } |
| } // extern "C" |