blob: a29cb8d372ec3c18f2976864b4df4dcc3b20c8eb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Runs the version processing script over the given template file to produce
# an output file. This is used for generating various forms of files that
# incorporate the product name and version.
# Unlike GYP, this will actually compile the resulting file, so you don't need
# to add it separately to the sources, just depend on the target.
# This template automatically includes VERSION, LASTCHANGE, and BRANDING. It
# automatically uses the template file .
# GYP parameterizes this template file but all current invocations use this
# same one. If in the future we need to set it, this should be added as an
# optional argument.
# In GYP this is a rule that runs once per ".ver" file. In GN this just
# processes one file per invocation of the template so you may have to have
# multiple targets.
# Parameters:
# sources (optional):
# List of file names to read. When converting a GYP target, this should
# list the 'source' (see above) as well as any extra_variable_files.
# output:
# File name of file to write. In GYP this is unspecified and it will
# make up a file name for you based on the input name, and tack on
# "_version.rc" to the end. But in GN you need to specify the full name.
# template_file (optional):
# Template file to use (not a list). Most Windows uses for generating
# resources will want to specify the chrome_version_rc_template defined
# below.
# extra_args (optional):
# Extra arguments to pass to Any "-f <filename>" args should
# use sources instead.
# process_only (optional, defaults to false)
# Set to generate only one action that processes the version file and
# doesn't attempt to link the result into a source set. This is for if
# you are processing the version as data only.
# visibility (optional)
# Example:
# process_version("myversion") {
# sources = [ "" ]
# output = "$target_gen_dir/myfile.h"
# extra_args = ["-e", "FOO=42"]
# extra_files = [ "foo/BRANDING" ]
# }
template("process_version") {
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Output must be defined for $target_name")
process_only = defined(invoker.process_only) && invoker.process_only
if (process_only) {
action_name = target_name
} else {
action_name = target_name + "_action"
source_set_name = target_name
action(action_name) {
script = "//build/util/"
lastchange_path = "//build/util/LASTCHANGE"
version_path = "//chrome/VERSION"
if (is_chrome_branded) {
branding_path = "//chrome/app/theme/google_chrome/BRANDING"
} else {
branding_path = "//chrome/app/theme/chromium/BRANDING"
inputs = [
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
if (defined(invoker.template_file)) {
inputs += [ invoker.template_file ]
outputs = [
args = []
if (is_official_build) {
args += [ "--official" ]
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
inputs += invoker.sources
foreach(i, invoker.sources) {
args += [
rebase_path(i, root_build_dir),
args += [
rebase_path(version_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(branding_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(lastchange_path, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.extra_args)) {
args += invoker.extra_args
args += [
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.template_file)) {
args += [ rebase_path(invoker.template_file, root_build_dir) ]
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "deps" ])
if (process_only) {
# When processing only, visibility gets applied to this target.
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
} else {
# When linking the result, only the source set can depend on the action.
visibility = [ ":$source_set_name" ]
if (!process_only) {
source_set(source_set_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "visibility" ])
sources = get_target_outputs(":$action_name")
public_deps = [
chrome_version_rc_template = "//chrome/app/chrome_version.rc.version"