| // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #import "ios/web/webui/crw_web_ui_manager.h" |
| |
| #include "base/json/string_escape.h" |
| #include "base/mac/bind_objc_block.h" |
| #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h" |
| #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" |
| #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" |
| #import "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/values.h" |
| #include "ios/web/grit/ios_web_resources.h" |
| #import "ios/web/net/request_group_util.h" |
| #include "ios/web/public/browser_state.h" |
| #include "ios/web/public/web_client.h" |
| #import "ios/web/public/web_state/web_state_observer_bridge.h" |
| #include "ios/web/web_state/web_state_impl.h" |
| #import "ios/web/webui/crw_web_ui_page_builder.h" |
| #include "ios/web/webui/mojo_js_constants.h" |
| #include "ios/web/webui/url_fetcher_block_adapter.h" |
| #include "mojo/public/js/constants.h" |
| #import "net/base/mac/url_conversions.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| // Prefix for history.requestFavicon JavaScript message. |
| const char kScriptCommandPrefix[] = "webui"; |
| } |
| |
| @interface CRWWebUIManager () <CRWWebUIPageBuilderDelegate> |
| |
| // Current web state. |
| @property(nonatomic, readonly) web::WebStateImpl* webState; |
| |
| // Composes WebUI page for webUIURL and invokes completionHandler with the |
| // result. |
| - (void)loadWebUIPageForURL:(const GURL&)webUIURL |
| completionHandler:(void (^)(NSString*))completionHandler; |
| |
| // Retrieves resource for URL and invokes completionHandler with the result. |
| - (void)fetchResourceWithURL:(const GURL&)URL |
| completionHandler:(void (^)(NSData*))completionHandler; |
| |
| // Handles JavaScript message from the WebUI page. |
| - (BOOL)handleWebUIJSMessage:(const base::DictionaryValue&)message; |
| |
| // Handles webui.requestFavicon JavaScript message from the WebUI page. |
| - (BOOL)handleRequestFavicon:(const base::ListValue*)arguments; |
| |
| // Handles webui.loadMojo JavaScript message from the WebUI page. |
| - (BOOL)handleLoadMojo:(const base::ListValue*)arguments; |
| |
| // Executes mojo script and signals |webui.loadMojo| finish. |
| - (void)executeMojoScript:(const std::string&)mojoScript |
| forModuleName:(const std::string&)moduleName |
| loadID:(const std::string&)loadID; |
| |
| // Removes favicon callback from web state. |
| - (void)resetWebState; |
| |
| // Removes fetcher from vector of active fetchers. |
| - (void)removeFetcher:(web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter*)fetcher; |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation CRWWebUIManager { |
| // Set of live WebUI fetchers for retrieving data. |
| ScopedVector<web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter> _fetchers; |
| // Bridge to observe the web state from Objective-C. |
| std::unique_ptr<web::WebStateObserverBridge> _webStateObserverBridge; |
| // Weak WebStateImpl this CRWWebUIManager is associated with. |
| web::WebStateImpl* _webState; |
| } |
| |
| - (instancetype)init { |
| return self; |
| } |
| |
| - (instancetype)initWithWebState:(web::WebStateImpl*)webState { |
| if (self = [super init]) { |
| _webState = webState; |
| _webStateObserverBridge.reset( |
| new web::WebStateObserverBridge(webState, self)); |
| base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebUIManager> weakSelf(self); |
| _webState->AddScriptCommandCallback( |
| base::BindBlock( |
| ^bool(const base::DictionaryValue& message, const GURL&, bool) { |
| return [weakSelf handleWebUIJSMessage:message]; |
| }), |
| kScriptCommandPrefix); |
| } |
| return self; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)dealloc { |
| [self resetWebState]; |
| [super dealloc]; |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - CRWWebStateObserver Methods |
| |
| - (void)webState:(web::WebState*)webState |
| didStartProvisionalNavigationForURL:(const GURL&)URL { |
| DCHECK(webState == _webState); |
| // If URL is not an application specific URL, ignore the navigation. |
| if (!web::GetWebClient()->IsAppSpecificURL(URL)) |
| return; |
| |
| GURL navigationURL(URL); |
| // Add request group ID to the URL, if not present. Request group ID may |
| // already be added if restoring state to a WebUI page. |
| GURL requestURL = |
| web::ExtractRequestGroupIDFromURL(net::NSURLWithGURL(URL)) |
| ? URL |
| : net::GURLWithNSURL(web::AddRequestGroupIDToURL( |
| net::NSURLWithGURL(URL), _webState->GetRequestGroupID())); |
| base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebUIManager> weakSelf(self); |
| [self loadWebUIPageForURL:requestURL |
| completionHandler:^(NSString* HTML) { |
| web::WebStateImpl* webState = [weakSelf webState]; |
| if (webState) { |
| webState->LoadWebUIHtml(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(HTML), |
| navigationURL); |
| } |
| }]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)webStateDidLoadPage:(web::WebState*)webState { |
| DCHECK_EQ(webState, _webState); |
| // All WebUI pages are HTML based. |
| _webState->SetContentsMimeType("text/html"); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)webStateDestroyed:(web::WebState*)webState { |
| [self resetWebState]; |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - CRWWebUIPageBuilderDelegate Methods |
| |
| - (void)webUIPageBuilder:(CRWWebUIPageBuilder*)webUIPageBuilder |
| fetchResourceWithURL:(const GURL&)resourceURL |
| completionHandler:(web::WebUIDelegateCompletion)completionHandler { |
| GURL URL(resourceURL); |
| [self fetchResourceWithURL:URL |
| completionHandler:^(NSData* data) { |
| base::scoped_nsobject<NSString> resource( |
| [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data |
| encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); |
| completionHandler(resource, URL); |
| }]; |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - Private Methods |
| |
| - (void)loadWebUIPageForURL:(const GURL&)webUIURL |
| completionHandler:(void (^)(NSString*))handler { |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebUIPageBuilder> pageBuilder( |
| [[CRWWebUIPageBuilder alloc] initWithDelegate:self]); |
| [pageBuilder buildWebUIPageForURL:webUIURL completionHandler:handler]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)fetchResourceWithURL:(const GURL&)URL |
| completionHandler:(void (^)(NSData*))completionHandler { |
| base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebUIManager> weakSelf(self); |
| web::URLFetcherBlockAdapterCompletion fetcherCompletion = |
| ^(NSData* data, web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter* fetcher) { |
| completionHandler(data); |
| [weakSelf removeFetcher:fetcher]; |
| }; |
| |
| _fetchers.push_back( |
| [self fetcherForURL:URL completionHandler:fetcherCompletion]); |
| _fetchers.back()->Start(); |
| } |
| |
| - (BOOL)handleWebUIJSMessage:(const base::DictionaryValue&)message { |
| std::string command; |
| if (!message.GetString("message", &command)) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "Malformed message received"; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| const base::ListValue* arguments = nullptr; |
| if (!message.GetList("arguments", &arguments)) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: arguments"; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| |
| if (!arguments) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "No arguments provided to " << command; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| |
| if (command == "webui.requestFavicon") |
| return [self handleRequestFavicon:arguments]; |
| if (command == "webui.loadMojo") |
| return [self handleLoadMojo:arguments]; |
| |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "Unknown webui command received: " << command; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| |
| - (BOOL)handleRequestFavicon:(const base::ListValue*)arguments { |
| std::string favicon; |
| if (!arguments->GetString(0, &favicon)) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: Favicon URL"; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| GURL faviconURL(favicon); |
| DCHECK(faviconURL.is_valid()); |
| // Retrieve favicon resource and set favicon background image via JavaScript. |
| base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebUIManager> weakSelf(self); |
| void (^faviconHandler)(NSData*) = ^void(NSData* data) { |
| base::scoped_nsobject<CRWWebUIManager> strongSelf([weakSelf retain]); |
| if (!strongSelf) |
| return; |
| NSString* base64EncodedResource = [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]; |
| NSString* dataURLString = [NSString |
| stringWithFormat:@"data:image/png;base64,%@", base64EncodedResource]; |
| NSString* faviconURLString = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(faviconURL.spec()); |
| NSString* script = |
| [NSString stringWithFormat:@"chrome.setFaviconBackground('%@', '%@');", |
| faviconURLString, dataURLString]; |
| [strongSelf webState]->ExecuteJavaScript(base::SysNSStringToUTF16(script)); |
| }; |
| [self fetchResourceWithURL:faviconURL completionHandler:faviconHandler]; |
| return YES; |
| } |
| |
| - (BOOL)handleLoadMojo:(const base::ListValue*)arguments { |
| std::string moduleName; |
| if (!arguments->GetString(0, &moduleName)) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: Module name"; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| std::string loadID; |
| if (!arguments->GetString(1, &loadID)) { |
| DLOG(WARNING) << "JS message parameter not found: Load ID"; |
| return NO; |
| } |
| |
| // Look for built-in scripts first. |
| std::map<std::string, int> resource_map{ |
| {mojo::kBindingsModuleName, IDR_MOJO_BINDINGS_JS}, |
| {mojo::kBufferModuleName, IDR_MOJO_BUFFER_JS}, |
| {mojo::kCodecModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CODEC_JS}, |
| {mojo::kConnectionModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CONNECTION_JS}, |
| {mojo::kConnectorModuleName, IDR_MOJO_CONNECTOR_JS}, |
| {mojo::kRouterModuleName, IDR_MOJO_ROUTER_JS}, |
| {mojo::kUnicodeModuleName, IDR_MOJO_UNICODE_JS}, |
| {mojo::kValidatorModuleName, IDR_MOJO_VALIDATOR_JS}, |
| {web::kSyncMessageChannelModuleName, |
| {web::kHandleUtilModuleName, IDR_IOS_MOJO_HANDLE_UTIL_JS}, |
| {web::kSupportModuleName, IDR_IOS_MOJO_SUPPORT_JS}, |
| {web::kCoreModuleName, IDR_IOS_MOJO_CORE_JS}, |
| {web::kInterfaceProviderModuleName, IDR_IOS_SHELL_INTERFACE_PROVIDER_JS}, |
| }; |
| scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> scriptData( |
| web::GetWebClient()->GetDataResourceBytes(resource_map[moduleName])); |
| if (scriptData) { |
| std::string script(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(scriptData->front()), |
| scriptData->size()); |
| [self executeMojoScript:script forModuleName:moduleName loadID:loadID]; |
| return YES; |
| } |
| |
| // Not a built-in script, try retrieving from network. |
| GURL resourceURL(self.webState->GetLastCommittedURL().Resolve(moduleName)); |
| base::WeakNSObject<CRWWebUIManager> weakSelf(self); |
| [self fetchResourceWithURL:resourceURL completionHandler:^(NSData* data) { |
| std::string script; |
| if (data) { |
| script = base::SysNSStringToUTF8( |
| [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); |
| // WebUIIOSDataSourceImpl returns the default resource (which is the HTML |
| // page itself) if the resource URL isn't found. Fail with error instead |
| // of silently injecting garbage (leading to a not-very-useful syntax |
| // error from the JS side). |
| if (script.find("<!doctype") != std::string::npos) { |
| NOTREACHED() << "cannot load " << moduleName; |
| script.clear(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| [weakSelf executeMojoScript:script forModuleName:moduleName loadID:loadID]; |
| }]; |
| |
| return YES; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)executeMojoScript:(const std::string&)mojoScript |
| forModuleName:(const std::string&)moduleName |
| loadID:(const std::string&)loadID { |
| std::string script = mojoScript; |
| // Append with completion function call. |
| if (script.empty()) { |
| DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find a module named " << moduleName; |
| script = "__crWeb.webUIModuleLoadNotifier.moduleLoadFailed"; |
| } else { |
| script += "__crWeb.webUIModuleLoadNotifier.moduleLoadCompleted"; |
| } |
| base::StringAppendF(&script, "(%s, %s);", |
| base::GetQuotedJSONString(moduleName).c_str(), |
| base::GetQuotedJSONString(loadID).c_str()); |
| |
| _webState->ExecuteJavaScript(base::UTF8ToUTF16(script)); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)resetWebState { |
| if (_webState) { |
| _webState->RemoveScriptCommandCallback(kScriptCommandPrefix); |
| } |
| _webState = nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| - (web::WebStateImpl*)webState { |
| return _webState; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)removeFetcher:(web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter*)fetcher { |
| _fetchers.erase(std::find(_fetchers.begin(), _fetchers.end(), fetcher)); |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - Testing-Only Methods |
| |
| - (std::unique_ptr<web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter>) |
| fetcherForURL:(const GURL&)URL |
| completionHandler:(web::URLFetcherBlockAdapterCompletion)handler { |
| return std::unique_ptr<web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter>( |
| new web::URLFetcherBlockAdapter( |
| URL, _webState->GetBrowserState()->GetRequestContext(), handler)); |
| } |
| |
| @end |