blob: 0fe9e973347479f8d211352408a1f0468da24efa [file] [log] [blame]
<title>WebSocket is not subject to HTTP(S) connection limit</title>
var protocol = location.protocol.replace('http', 'ws');
var url = protocol + '//' + + '/echo-with-no-extension';
// TODO(ricea): The limit for ws: is 255, but wss: gets a limit of 30
// (per-host:port, not ip:port!) because it still uses the HTTP pool code. This
// should be fixed at some point. When it is, change this number back to 50 (or
// even larger, if it works).
const SOCKETS_TO_OPEN = 30;
// PARALLELISM limits the number of connections we try to open simultaneously.
// This avoids triggering the throttling added in,
// which otherwise slows the test down considerably.
const PARALLELISM = 2;
var created = 0;
var connected = 0;
function createNewWebSocket()
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.onopen = function() {
if (created < SOCKETS_TO_OPEN) {
if (connected == SOCKETS_TO_OPEN) {
document.title = "PASS";
ws.onclose = function() {
document.title = "FAIL";
for (var i = 0; i < PARALLELISM; ++i) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Got stuck after " + connected + " socket(s) connected");
document.title = "FAIL";
}, 5000);