blob: e563b2cbf24adbf8ffdc963ceac1d2de46e778c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/values.h"
namespace catalog {
// Implemented by an object that provides storage for the service catalog
// (e.g. in Chrome, preferences). The Catalog is the canonical owner of the
// contents of the store, so no one else must modify its contents.
class Store {
// Value is an integer.
static const char kManifestVersionKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kNameKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kQualifierKey[];
// Value is a string.
static const char kDisplayNameKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kCapabilitiesKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kCapabilities_ProvidedKey[];
// Value is a dictionary.
static const char kCapabilities_RequiredKey[];
// Value is a list.
static const char kCapabilities_ClassesKey[];
// Value is a list.
static const char kCapabilities_InterfacesKey[];
// Value is a list.
static const char kServicesKey[];
virtual ~Store() {}
// Called during initialization to construct the Catalog's catalog.
// Returns a serialized list of the services. Each entry in the returned list
// corresponds to an app (as a dictionary). Each dictionary has a name,
// display name and capabilities. The return value is owned by the caller.
virtual const base::ListValue* GetStore() = 0;
// Write the catalog to the store. Called when the Catalog learns of a newly
// encountered service.
virtual void UpdateStore(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> store) = 0;
} // namespace catalog