blob: d242f589681549d4b399c0509195f3d3d8fee496 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/small_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/trace_event/memory_dump_provider.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_id.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/return_callback.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/shared_bitmap.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/transferable_resource.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/external_use_client.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_candidate.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/resource_fence.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/resource_metadata.h"
#include "components/viz/service/viz_service_export.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/sync_token.h"
#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h"
#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2ext.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace gfx {
class ColorSpace;
} // namespace gfx
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Interface;
} // namespace gpu
namespace viz {
class ContextProvider;
class SharedBitmapManager;
// This class provides abstractions for receiving and using resources from other
// modules/threads/processes. It abstracts away GL textures vs GpuMemoryBuffers
// vs software bitmaps behind a single ResourceId so that code in common can
// hold onto ResourceIds, as long as the code using them knows the correct type.
// It accepts as input TransferableResources which it holds internally, tracks
// state on, and exposes as a ResourceId.
// The resource's underlying type is accessed through locks that help to
// scope and safeguard correct usage with DCHECKs.
// This class is not thread-safe and can only be called from the thread it was
// created on.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT DisplayResourceProvider
: public base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider {
enum Mode {
// TODO(cblume, |enable_shared_images| is a temporary
// solution that unblocks us until SharedImages are threadsafe in WebView.
DisplayResourceProvider(Mode mode,
ContextProvider* compositor_context_provider,
SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager,
bool enable_shared_images = true);
~DisplayResourceProvider() override;
bool IsSoftware() const { return mode_ == kSoftware; }
void DidLoseContextProvider() { lost_context_provider_ = true; }
size_t num_resources() const { return resources_.size(); }
// base::trace_event::MemoryDumpProvider implementation.
bool OnMemoryDump(const base::trace_event::MemoryDumpArgs& args,
base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Send an overlay promotion hint to all resources that requested it via
// |requestor_set|. |promotable_hints| contains all the resources that should
// be told that they're promotable. Others will be told that they're not.
// We don't use |wants_promotion_hints_set_| in place of |requestor_set|,
// since we might have resources that aren't used for drawing. Sending a hint
// for a resource that wasn't even considered for overlay would be misleading
// to the requestor; the resource might be overlayable except that nobody
// tried to do it.
void SendPromotionHints(
const OverlayCandidateList::PromotionHintInfoMap& promotion_hints,
const ResourceIdSet& requestor_set);
// Indicates if this resource is backed by an Android SurfaceTexture, and thus
// can't really be promoted to an overlay.
bool IsBackedBySurfaceTexture(ResourceId id);
// Return the number of resources that request promotion hints.
size_t CountPromotionHintRequestsForTesting();
// Indicates if this resource wants to receive promotion hints.
bool DoesResourceWantPromotionHint(ResourceId id) const;
// Return true if and only if any resource wants a promotion hint.
bool DoAnyResourcesWantPromotionHints() const;
bool IsResourceSoftwareBacked(ResourceId id);
GLenum GetResourceTextureTarget(ResourceId id);
// Return the format of the underlying buffer that can be used for scanout.
gfx::BufferFormat GetBufferFormat(ResourceId id);
const gfx::ColorSpace& GetColorSpace(ResourceId id);
// Indicates if this resource may be used for a hardware overlay plane.
bool IsOverlayCandidate(ResourceId id);
void WaitSyncToken(ResourceId id);
// Checks whether a resource is in use.
bool InUse(ResourceId id);
// The following lock classes are part of the DisplayResourceProvider API and
// are needed to read the resource contents. The user must ensure that they
// only use GL locks on GL resources, etc, and this is enforced by assertions.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT ScopedReadLockGL {
ScopedReadLockGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id);
GLuint texture_id() const { return texture_id_; }
GLenum target() const { return target_; }
const gfx::Size& size() const { return size_; }
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space() const { return color_space_; }
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const ResourceId resource_id_;
GLuint texture_id_ = 0;
GLenum target_ = GL_TEXTURE_2D;
gfx::Size size_;
gfx::ColorSpace color_space_;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT ScopedSamplerGL {
ScopedSamplerGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id,
GLenum filter);
ScopedSamplerGL(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id,
GLenum unit,
GLenum filter);
GLuint texture_id() const { return resource_lock_.texture_id(); }
GLenum target() const { return target_; }
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space() const {
return resource_lock_.color_space();
const ScopedReadLockGL resource_lock_;
const GLenum unit_;
const GLenum target_;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT ScopedReadLockSkImage {
ScopedReadLockSkImage(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ResourceId resource_id,
SkAlphaType alpha_type = kPremul_SkAlphaType,
GrSurfaceOrigin origin = kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin);
const SkImage* sk_image() const { return sk_image_.get(); }
bool valid() const { return !!sk_image_; }
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const ResourceId resource_id_;
sk_sp<SkImage> sk_image_;
// Maintains set of resources locked for external use by SkiaRenderer.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT LockSetForExternalUse {
// There should be at most one instance of this class per
// |resource_provider|. Both |resource_provider| and |client| outlive this
// class.
LockSetForExternalUse(DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
ExternalUseClient* client);
// Lock a resource for external use.
ResourceMetadata LockResource(ResourceId resource_id);
// Unlock all locked resources with a |sync_token|.
// See UnlockForExternalUse for the detail. All resources must be unlocked
// before destroying this class.
void UnlockResources(const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token);
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
std::vector<ResourceId> resources_;
// All resources that are returned to children while an instance of this
// class exists will be stored and returned when the instance is destroyed.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT ScopedBatchReturnResources {
explicit ScopedBatchReturnResources(
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider);
DisplayResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT SynchronousFence : public ResourceFence {
explicit SynchronousFence(gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl);
// ResourceFence implementation.
void Set() override;
bool HasPassed() override;
// Returns true if fence has been set but not yet synchornized.
bool has_synchronized() const { return has_synchronized_; }
~SynchronousFence() override;
void Synchronize();
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* gl_;
bool has_synchronized_;
// Sets the current read fence. If a resource is locked for read
// and has read fences enabled, the resource will not allow writes
// until this fence has passed.
void SetReadLockFence(ResourceFence* fence) {
current_read_lock_fence_ = fence;
// Creates accounting for a child. Returns a child ID. |needs_sync_tokens|
// sets whether resources need sync points set on them when returned to this
// child.
int CreateChild(const ReturnCallback& return_callback,
bool needs_sync_tokens);
// Destroys accounting for the child, deleting all accounted resources.
void DestroyChild(int child);
// Gets the child->parent resource ID map.
const std::unordered_map<ResourceId, ResourceId>& GetChildToParentMap(
int child) const;
// Receives resources from a child, moving them from mailboxes. ResourceIds
// passed are in the child namespace, and will be translated to the parent
// namespace, added to the child->parent map.
// This adds the resources to the working set in the ResourceProvider without
// declaring which resources are in use. Use DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild
// after calling this method to do that. All calls to ReceiveFromChild should
// be followed by a DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild.
// NOTE: if the sync_token is set on any TransferableResource, this will
// wait on it.
void ReceiveFromChild(
int child,
const std::vector<TransferableResource>& transferable_resources);
// Once a set of resources have been received, they may or may not be used.
// This declares what set of resources are currently in use from the child,
// releasing any other resources back to the child.
void DeclareUsedResourcesFromChild(int child,
const ResourceIdSet& resources_from_child);
enum DeleteStyle {
enum SynchronizationState {
// The LOCALLY_USED state is the state each resource defaults to when
// constructed or modified or read. This state indicates that the
// resource has not been properly synchronized and it would be an error
// to return this resource to a client.
// The NEEDS_WAIT state is the state that indicates a resource has been
// modified but it also has an associated sync token assigned to it.
// The sync token has not been waited on with the local context. When
// a sync token arrives from a client, it is automatically initialized as
// NEEDS_WAIT as well since we still need to wait on it before the resource
// is synchronized on the current context. It is an error to use the
// resource locally for reading or writing if the resource is in this state.
// The SYNCHRONIZED state indicates that the resource has been properly
// synchronized locally. This can either synchronized externally (such
// as the case of software rasterized bitmaps), or synchronized
// internally using a sync token that has been waited upon. In the
// former case where the resource was synchronized externally, a
// corresponding sync token will not exist. In the latter case which was
// synchronized from the NEEDS_WAIT state, a corresponding sync token will
// exist which is associated with the resource. This sync token is still
// valid and still associated with the resource and can be passed as an
// external resource for others to wait on.
struct Child {
Child(const Child& other);
std::unordered_map<ResourceId, ResourceId> child_to_parent_map;
ReturnCallback return_callback;
bool marked_for_deletion = false;
bool needs_sync_tokens = true;
// The data structure used to track state of Gpu and Software-based
// resources and the service, for resources transferred
// between the two. This is an implementation detail of the resource tracking
// for client and service libraries and should not be used directly from
// external client code.
struct ChildResource {
ChildResource(int child_id, const TransferableResource& transferable);
ChildResource(ChildResource&& other);
bool is_gpu_resource_type() const { return !transferable.is_software; }
bool needs_sync_token() const {
return is_gpu_resource_type() && synchronization_state_ == LOCALLY_USED;
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token() const { return sync_token_; }
SynchronizationState synchronization_state() const {
return synchronization_state_;
// If true the gpu resource needs its SyncToken waited on in order to be
// synchronized for use.
bool ShouldWaitSyncToken() const {
return synchronization_state_ == NEEDS_WAIT;
void SetLocallyUsed();
void SetSynchronized();
void UpdateSyncToken(const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token);
// This is the id of the client the resource comes from.
const int child_id;
// Data received from the client that describes the resource fully.
const TransferableResource transferable;
// The number of times the resource has been received from a client. It must
// have this many number of references returned back to the client in order
// for it to know it is no longer in use in the service. This is used to
// avoid races where a resource is in flight to the service while also being
// returned to the client. It starts with an initial count of 1, for the
// first time the resource is received.
int imported_count = 1;
// The number of active users of a resource in the display compositor. While
// a resource is in use, it will not be returned back to the client even if
// the ResourceId is deleted.
int lock_for_read_count = 0;
// When true, the resource is currently being used externally. This is a
// parallel counter to |lock_for_read_count| which can only go to 1.
bool locked_for_external_use = false;
// When the resource should be deleted until it is actually reaped.
bool marked_for_deletion = false;
// Texture id for texture-backed resources, when the mailbox is mapped into
// a client GL id in this process.
GLuint gl_id = 0;
// The current min/mag filter for GL texture-backed resources. The original
// filter as given from the client is saved in |transferable|.
GLenum filter;
// A pointer to the shared memory structure for software-backed resources,
// when it is mapped into memory in this process.
std::unique_ptr<SharedBitmap> shared_bitmap;
// A GUID for reporting the |shared_bitmap| to memory tracing. The GUID is
// known by other components in the system as well to give the same id for
// this shared memory bitmap everywhere. This is empty until the resource is
// mapped for use in the display compositor.
base::UnguessableToken shared_bitmap_tracing_guid;
// A fence used for accessing a gpu resource for reading, that ensures any
// writing done to the resource has been completed. This is implemented and
// used to implement transferring ownership of the resource from the client
// to the service, and in the GL drawing code before reading from the
// texture.
scoped_refptr<ResourceFence> read_lock_fence;
// Tracks if a sync token needs to be waited on before using the resource.
SynchronizationState synchronization_state_;
// A SyncToken associated with a texture-backed or GpuMemoryBuffer-backed
// resource. It is given from a child to the service, and waited on in order
// to use the resource, and this is tracked by the |synchronization_state_|.
gpu::SyncToken sync_token_;
using ChildMap = std::unordered_map<int, Child>;
using ResourceMap = std::unordered_map<ResourceId, ChildResource>;
ChildResource* InsertResource(ResourceId id, ChildResource resource);
ChildResource* GetResource(ResourceId id);
// TODO(ericrk): TryGetResource is part of a temporary workaround for cases
// where resources which should be available are missing. This version may
// return nullptr if a resource is not found.
ChildResource* TryGetResource(ResourceId id);
void PopulateSkBitmapWithResource(SkBitmap* sk_bitmap,
const ChildResource* resource);
void DeleteResourceInternal(ResourceMap::iterator it, DeleteStyle style);
void WaitSyncTokenInternal(ChildResource* resource);
// Returns null if we do not have a ContextProvider.
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* ContextGL() const;
const ChildResource* LockForRead(ResourceId id);
void UnlockForRead(ResourceId id);
// Lock a resource for external use.
ResourceMetadata LockForExternalUse(ResourceId id);
// Unlock a resource which locked by LockForExternalUse.
// The |sync_token| should be waited on before reusing the resouce's backing
// to ensure that any external use of it is completed. This |sync_token|
// should have been verified.
void UnlockForExternalUse(ResourceId id, const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token);
void TryReleaseResource(ResourceMap::iterator it);
// Binds the given GL resource to a texture target for sampling using the
// specified filter for both minification and magnification. Returns the
// texture target used. The resource must be locked for reading.
GLenum BindForSampling(ResourceId resource_id, GLenum unit, GLenum filter);
bool ReadLockFenceHasPassed(const ChildResource* resource);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void DeletePromotionHint(ResourceMap::iterator it, DeleteStyle style);
void DeleteAndReturnUnusedResourcesToChild(
ChildMap::iterator child_it,
DeleteStyle style,
const std::vector<ResourceId>& unused);
void DestroyChildInternal(ChildMap::iterator it, DeleteStyle style);
void SetBatchReturnResources(bool aggregate);
const Mode mode_;
ContextProvider* const compositor_context_provider_;
SharedBitmapManager* const shared_bitmap_manager_;
ResourceMap resources_;
ChildMap children_;
base::flat_map<ResourceId, sk_sp<SkImage>> resource_sk_images_;
// Used to release resources held by an external consumer.
ExternalUseClient* external_use_client_ = nullptr;
base::flat_map<int, std::vector<ResourceId>> batched_returning_resources_;
scoped_refptr<ResourceFence> current_read_lock_fence_;
// Keep track of whether deleted resources should be batched up or returned
// immediately.
int batch_return_resources_lock_count_ = 0;
// Set to true when the ContextProvider becomes lost, to inform that resources
// modified by this class are now in an indeterminate state.
bool lost_context_provider_ = false;
// The ResourceIds in DisplayResourceProvider start from 2 to avoid
// conflicts with id from ClientResourceProvider.
ResourceId next_id_ = 2;
// Used as child id when creating a child.
int next_child_ = 1;
// A process-unique ID used for disambiguating memory dumps from different
// resource providers.
int tracing_id_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Set of ResourceIds that would like to be notified about promotion hints.
ResourceIdSet wants_promotion_hints_set_;
bool enable_shared_images_;
} // namespace viz