blob: 937350aa3ddcf2cab2e6054a38549b007323dc04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_strategy_single_on_top.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_candidate_validator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/buffer_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h"
namespace viz {
OverlayCandidateValidator* capability_checker)
: capability_checker_(capability_checker) {
OverlayStrategySingleOnTop::~OverlayStrategySingleOnTop() {}
bool OverlayStrategySingleOnTop::Attempt(
const SkMatrix44& output_color_matrix,
const OverlayProcessor::FilterOperationsMap& render_pass_backdrop_filters,
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
RenderPassList* render_pass_list,
OverlayCandidateList* candidate_list,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* content_bounds) {
RenderPass* render_pass = render_pass_list->back().get();
QuadList* quad_list = &render_pass->quad_list;
// Build a list of candidates with the associated quad.
OverlayCandidate best_candidate;
auto best_quad_it = quad_list->end();
for (auto it = quad_list->begin(); it != quad_list->end(); ++it) {
OverlayCandidate candidate;
if (OverlayCandidate::FromDrawQuad(resource_provider, output_color_matrix,
*it, &candidate) &&
!OverlayCandidate::IsOccluded(candidate, quad_list->cbegin(), it)) {
// If the candidate has been promoted previously and has not changed
// (resource ID is the same) for 3 frames, do not use it as Overlay as
// flattening it to the main fb will be more power efficient when the
// contents don't change.
if (candidate.resource_id == previous_frame_resource_id_ &&
++same_resource_id_frames_count_ >
kMaxFrameCandidateWithSameResourceId) {
if (candidate.display_rect.size().GetArea() >
best_candidate.display_rect.size().GetArea()) {
best_candidate = candidate;
best_quad_it = it;
if (best_quad_it == quad_list->end())
return false;
if (TryOverlay(quad_list, candidate_list, best_candidate, best_quad_it)) {
if (previous_frame_resource_id_ != best_candidate.resource_id) {
previous_frame_resource_id_ = best_candidate.resource_id;
same_resource_id_frames_count_ = 1;
return true;
} else {
previous_frame_resource_id_ = kInvalidResourceId;
same_resource_id_frames_count_ = 0;
return false;
bool OverlayStrategySingleOnTop::TryOverlay(
QuadList* quad_list,
OverlayCandidateList* candidate_list,
const OverlayCandidate& candidate,
QuadList::Iterator candidate_iterator) {
// Add the overlay.
OverlayCandidateList new_candidate_list = *candidate_list;
new_candidate_list.back().plane_z_order = 1;
// Check for support.
const OverlayCandidate& overlay_candidate = new_candidate_list.back();
// If the candidate can be handled by an overlay, create a pass for it.
if (overlay_candidate.overlay_handled) {
return true;
return false;
OverlayStrategy OverlayStrategySingleOnTop::GetUMAEnum() const {
return OverlayStrategy::kSingleOnTop;
} // namespace viz