blob: 16002441e1fc370593653e5e423b42ff21aab0bd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import sys
import core.path_util
def generate_sharding_map(
benchmarks_to_shard, timing_data, num_shards, debug):
"""Generate sharding map.
benchmarks_to_shard is a list all benchmarks to be sharded. Its
structure is as follows:
"name": "benchmark_1",
"stories": [ "storyA", "storyB",...],
"repeat": <number of pageset_repeat>
"name": "benchmark_2",
"stories": [ "storyA", "storyB",...],
"repeat": <number of pageset_repeat>
The "stories" field contains a list of ordered story names. Notes that
this should match the actual order of how the benchmark stories are
executed for the sharding algorithm to be effective.
# Sort the list of benchmarks to be sharded by benchmark's name to make the
# execution of this algorithm deterministic.
benchmarks_to_shard.sort(key=lambda entry: entry['name'])
story_timing_list = _gather_timing_data(
benchmarks_to_shard, timing_data, True)
all_stories = {}
for b in benchmarks_to_shard:
all_stories[b['name']] = b['stories']
total_time = sum(p[1] for p in story_timing_list)
expected_time_per_shard = total_time/num_shards
total_time_scheduled = 0
sharding_map = collections.OrderedDict()
debug_map = collections.OrderedDict()
min_shard_time = sys.maxint
min_shard_index = None
max_shard_time = 0
max_shard_index = None
num_stories = len(story_timing_list)
predicted_shard_timings = []
# The algorithm below removes all the stories from |story_timing_list| one by
# one and add them to the current shard until the shard's total time is
# approximately equals to |expected_time_per_shard|. After that point,
# it moves to the next shard.
# For efficient removal of |story_timing_list|'s elements & to keep the
# ordering of benchmark alphabetically sorted in the shards' assignment, we
# reverse the |story_timing_list|.
num_stories = len(story_timing_list)
final_shard_index = num_shards - 1
for i in range(num_shards):
shard_name = 'shard #%i' % i
sharding_map[str(i)] = {'benchmarks': collections.OrderedDict()}
debug_map[shard_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
time_per_shard = 0
stories_in_shard = []
expected_total_time = expected_time_per_shard * (i + 1)
last_diff = abs(total_time_scheduled - expected_total_time)
# Keep adding story to the current shard until either:
# * The absolute difference between the total time of shards so far and
# expected total time is minimal.
# * The shard is final shard, and there is no more stories to add.
# Note: we do check for the final shard in case due to rounding error,
# the last_diff can be minimal even if we don't add all the stories to the
# final shard.
while story_timing_list:
candidate_story, candidate_story_duration = story_timing_list[-1]
new_diff = abs(total_time_scheduled + candidate_story_duration -
if new_diff < last_diff or i == final_shard_index:
total_time_scheduled += candidate_story_duration
time_per_shard += candidate_story_duration
debug_map[shard_name][candidate_story] = candidate_story_duration
last_diff = abs(total_time_scheduled - expected_total_time)
_add_benchmarks_to_shard(sharding_map, i, stories_in_shard, all_stories)
# Double time_per_shard to account for reference benchmark run.
debug_map[shard_name]['expected_total_time'] = time_per_shard * 2
if time_per_shard > max_shard_time:
max_shard_time = time_per_shard
max_shard_index = i
if time_per_shard < min_shard_time:
min_shard_time = time_per_shard
min_shard_index = i
predicted_shard_timings.append((shard_name, time_per_shard * 2))
sharding_map['extra_infos'] = collections.OrderedDict([
('num_stories', num_stories),
# Double all the time stats by 2 to account for reference build.
('predicted_min_shard_time', min_shard_time * 2),
('predicted_min_shard_index', min_shard_index),
('predicted_max_shard_time', max_shard_time * 2),
('predicted_max_shard_index', max_shard_index),
if debug:
return sharding_map
def _add_benchmarks_to_shard(sharding_map, shard_index, stories_in_shard,
benchmarks = collections.OrderedDict()
for story in stories_in_shard:
(b, story) = story.split('/', 1)
if b not in benchmarks:
benchmarks[b] = []
# Format the benchmark's stories by indices
benchmarks_in_shard = collections.OrderedDict()
for b in benchmarks:
benchmarks_in_shard[b] = {}
first_story = all_stories[b].index(benchmarks[b][0])
last_story = all_stories[b].index(benchmarks[b][-1]) + 1
if first_story != 0:
benchmarks_in_shard[b]['begin'] = first_story
if last_story != len(all_stories[b]):
benchmarks_in_shard[b]['end'] = last_story
sharding_map[str(shard_index)] = {'benchmarks': benchmarks_in_shard}
def _gather_timing_data(benchmarks_to_shard, timing_data, repeat):
story_timing_dict = {}
benchmarks_data_by_name = {}
for b in benchmarks_to_shard:
story_list = b['stories']
benchmarks_data_by_name[b['name']] = b
# Initialize the duration of all stories to be shard to 1 * repeat.
# The reasons are:
# 1) Even if the stories are skipped, they still have non neligible
# overhead.
# 2) For a case of sharding a set of benchmarks with no existing data about
# timing, initializing the stories time within a single repeat to 1 leads
# to a roughly equal distribution of stories on the shards, whereas
# initializing them to zero will make the algorithm put all the stories
# into the first shard.
for story in story_list:
story_timing_dict[b['name'] + '/' + story] = b['repeat']
for run in timing_data:
benchmark = run['name'].split('/', 1)[0]
if run['name'] in story_timing_dict:
if run['duration']:
if repeat:
story_timing_dict[run['name']] = (float(run['duration'])
* benchmarks_data_by_name[benchmark]['repeat'])
story_timing_dict[run['name']] = float(run['duration'])
story_timing_list = []
for entry in benchmarks_to_shard:
benchmark_name = entry['name']
for story_name in entry['stories']:
test_name = '%s/%s' % (benchmark_name, story_name)
story_timing_list.append((test_name, story_timing_dict[test_name]))
return story_timing_list
def _generate_empty_sharding_map(num_shards):
sharding_map = collections.OrderedDict()
for i in range(0, num_shards):
sharding_map[str(i)] = {'benchmarks': collections.OrderedDict()}
return sharding_map
def test_sharding_map(
sharding_map, benchmarks_to_shard, test_timing_data):
story_timing_list = _gather_timing_data(
benchmarks_to_shard, test_timing_data, False)
story_timing_dict = dict(story_timing_list)
results = collections.OrderedDict()
all_stories = {}
for b in benchmarks_to_shard:
all_stories[b['name']] = b['stories']
sharding_map.pop('extra_infos', None)
for shard in sharding_map:
results[shard] = collections.OrderedDict()
shard_total_time = 0
for benchmark_name in sharding_map[shard]['benchmarks']:
benchmark = sharding_map[shard]['benchmarks'][benchmark_name]
begin = 0
end = len(all_stories[benchmark_name])
if 'begin' in benchmark:
begin = benchmark['begin']
if 'end' in benchmark:
end = benchmark['end']
benchmark_timing = 0
for story in all_stories[benchmark_name][begin : end]:
story_timing = story_timing_dict[benchmark_name + '/' + story]
results[shard][benchmark_name + '/' + story] = str(story_timing)
benchmark_timing += story_timing
shard_total_time += benchmark_timing
results[shard]['full_time'] = shard_total_time
return results