Perf Bot Sheriffing

The perf bot sheriff is responsible for keeping the bots on the chromium.perf waterfall up and running, and triaging performance test failures and flakes.

Rotation calendar

Key Responsibilities

Table of Contents

Understanding the Waterfall State

Sheriff-O-Matic is (as of 2/27/2017) the recommended way to perfbot sheriff. It can be used to track the different issues and associate them with specific bugs, and annotate failures with useful information. It also attempts to group together similar failures across different builders, so it can help to see a higher level perspective on what is happening on the perf waterfall.

It is an actively staffed project, which should be getting better over time. If you find any bugs with the app, you can file a bug by clicking on the feedback link in the bottom right of the app, or by clicking this link.

Everyone can view the chromium.perf waterfall at, but for Googlers it is recommended that you use the url instead. The reason for this is that in order to make the performance tests as realistic as possible, the chromium.perf waterfall runs release official builds of Chrome. But the logs from release official builds may leak info from our partners that we do not have permission to share outside of Google. So the logs are available to Googlers only. To avoid manually rewriting the URL when switching between the upstream and downstream views of the waterfall and bots, you can install the Chromium Waterfall View Switcher extension, which adds a switching button to Chrome's URL bar.

Note that there are three different views:

  1. Console view makes it easier to see a summary.
  2. Waterfall view shows more details, including recent changes.
  3. Firefighter shows traces of recent builds. It takes url parameter arguments:
    • master can be chromium.perf, tryserver.chromium.perf
    • builder can be a builder or tester name, like “Android Nexus5 Perf (2)”
    • start_time is seconds since the epoch.

There is also milo, which has the same data as buildbot, but mirrored in a different datastore. It is generally faster than buildbot, and links to it will not break, as the data is kept around for much longer.

You can see a list of all previously filed bugs using the Performance-Sheriff-BotHealth label in crbug.

Please also check the recent postings for important announcements about bot turndowns and other known issues.


As of Q2 2017 all desktop and android bots have been moved to the swarming. There is now one machine on the chromium.perf waterfall for each desktop configuration that is triggering test tasks on 5 corresponding swarming bots. All of our swarming bots exist in the chrome-perf swarming pool

Some things have probably changed about sheriffing since we migrated from buildbot. Here's a partial list:

  1. Buildbot status pages
    • Every test that is run now has 2-3 recipe steps on the buildbot status page associated with it
      1. ‘[trigger] <test_name>’ step (you can mostly ignore this)
      2. ‘<test_name>’ This is the test that was run on the swarming bot, ‘shard #0’ link on the step takes you to the swarming task page
      3. ‘<test_name> Dashboard Upload’ This is the upload of the perf tests results to the perf dashboard. This will not be present if the test was disabled.
    • We now run most benchmark tests even if they are disabled, but disabled tests will always return success and you can ignore them. You can identify these by the ‘DISABLED_BENCHMARK’ link under the step and the fact that they don’t have an upload step after them.
      • Some tests aren‘t run, if it’s possible for us to tell that it would just be disabled. Right now, we don't trigger “mobile” benchmarks for desktop bots.
  2. Debugging Expiring Jobs on the waterfall
    • You can tell a job is expiring in one of two ways:
      1. Click on the ‘shard #0’ link of the failed test and you will see EXPIRED on the swarming task page
      2. If there is a ‘no_results_exc’ and an ‘invalid_results_exc’ link on the buildbot failing test step with the dashboard upload step failing (Note: this could be an EXPIRED job or a TIMEOUT. An Expired job means the task never got scheduled within the 5 hour swarming timeout and TIMEOUT means it started running but couldn’t finish before the 5 hour swarming timeout)
    • You can quickly see what bots the jobs are expiring/timing out on with the ‘Bot id’ annotation on the failing test step
    • Troubleshooting why they are expiring
      1. Bot might be down, check the chrome-perf pool for that bot-id and file a ticket with go/bugatrooper if the bot is down. Example bot page
        • Can also identify a down bot through viceroy Search for a bot id and if the graph stops it tells you the bot is down
      2. Otherwise check the bots swarming page task list for each bot that has failing jobs and examine what might be going on (good video from maruel@ on the swarming ui and how to filter and search bot task lists. For example you can filter on bot-id and name to examine the last n runs of a test).
        • A test might be timing out on a bot that is causing subsequent tests to expire even though they would pass normally but never get scheduled due to that timing out test. Debug the timing out test.
        • A test might be taking a longer time than normal but still passing, but the extra execution time causes other unrelated tests to fail. Examine the last passing run to the first failing run and see if you can see a test that is taking a significantly longer time and debug that issue. If you need help with this, martiniss@ can get some useful data.

Handle Device and Bot Failures

Offline Buildslaves

At least once during your shift, you should check the lists of buildslaves and ensure they're all running.

The machines restart between test runs, so just looking for “Status: Not connected” is not enough to indicate a problem. For each disconnected machine, you can also check the “Last heard from” column to ensure that it's been gone for at least an hour. To get it running again, file a bug against the current trooper and read go/bug-a-trooper for contacting troopers.

The chrome infrastructure team also maintains a set of dashboards you can use to view some debugging information about our systems. This is available at vi/chrome_infra. To debug offline buildslaves, you can look at the “Individual machine” dashboard, (at vi/chrome_infra/Machines/per_machine under the “Machines” section, which can show some useful information about the machine in question.

Purple bots

When a bot goes purple, it's usually because of an infrastructure failure outside of the tests. But you should first check the logs of a purple bot to try to better understand the problem. Sometimes a telemetry test failure can turn the bot purple, for example.

If the bot goes purple and you believe it's an infrastructure issue, file a bug with this template, which will automatically add the bug to the trooper queue. Be sure to note which step is failing, and paste any relevant info from the logs into the bug. Also be sure to read go/bug-a-trooper for contacting troopers.

Android Device failures

Android device failures will mainly manifest by turning a bunch of steps on a builder purple. Failures of this type are expected to be purple. This will manifest itself as a string of tests failing, all with the same device id. Sheriff-o-matic will try to do this grouping for you, and it will make an entry in sheriff-o-matic with a title like bot affinity build123-b1 is broken on chromium.perf/Linux Perf, affecting 10 tests.

These issues are usually automatically handled by the labs team. If you are a Googler, you can see a list of tickets here which have been auto-filed by Chrome Infra. These are filed twice a day, and usually get attention from people in the lab, who can fix these bugs quickly. Check this list to see if a device is on there. If it isn't, then follow the instructions below to file a ticket with the labs team.

For these types of failures, please file a bug with this template which will add an issue to the infra labs queue.

If you need help triaging, here are the common labels you should use:

  • Performance-Sheriff-BotHealth should go on all bugs you file about the bots; it's the label we use to track all the issues.
  • Infra-Troopers adds the bug to the trooper queue. This is for high priority issues, like a build breakage. Please add a comment explaining what you want the trooper to do.

Here are the common components you should also use:

  • Infra>Labs adds the bug to the labs queue. If there is a hardware problem, like an android device not responding or a bot that likely needs a restart, please use this label. Make sure you set the OS- label correctly as well, and add a comment explaining what you want the labs team to do.
  • Infra label is appropriate for bugs that are not high priority, but we need infra team's help to triage. For example, the buildbot status page UI is weird or we are getting some infra-related log spam. The infra team works to triage these bugs within 24 hours, so you should ping if you do not get a response.
  • Tests>Telemetry for telemetry failures.
  • Tests>AutoBisect for bisect and perf try job failures.

If you still need help, ask the speed infra chat, or escalate to sullivan@.

Android Cross-Device Failures

Sometimes when looking at failing android tests you will notice that there are tests on multiple devices failing. Sometimes (but not always) this means that there is a problem on the host machine. One way this problem can occur is if a test is using the wrong version of adb in one of its commands. This causes the adb server on the host to reset which can cause failures to anything trying to communicate with a device via adb during that time. A good tool for diagnosing this is the Test Trace step on the android runs. This is a trace of which tests are running. If you have all the tests across all the testing shards failing, it may be an issue on the host not with the tests. This will no longer be used when the android bots move to swarming, since each device will be sandboxed from the others and not run from a single point.


Sometimes when a compile step is failing, you may be asked to clobber example. Steps to clobber:

  1. Open the builder page through uberchromegw.
  2. At the bottom, there is a form titled “Force build”.
  3. Fill out the force build form, including your username, the reason for the clobber with crbug id if possible, and checking the “Clobber” box.
  4. Click the “Force Build” button.

Handle Test Failures

You want to keep the waterfall green! So any bot that is red or purple needs to be investigated. When a test fails:

  1. File a bug using this template. You'll want to be sure to include:
    • Link to buildbot status page of failing build.
    • Copy and paste of relevant failure snippet from the stdio.
    • CC the test owner from go/perf-owners.
    • The revision range the test occurred on.
    • A list of all platforms the test fails on.
  2. Disable the failing test if it is failing more than one out of five runs. (see below for instructions on telemetry and other types of tests). Make sure your disable cl includes a BUG= line with the bug from step 1 and the test owner is cc-ed on the bug.
  3. After the disable CL lands, you can downgrade the priority to Pri-2 and ensure that the bug title reflects something like “Fix and re-enable testname”.
  4. Investigate the failure. Some tips for investigating:
    • If it's a non flaky failure, indentify the first failed build so you can narrow down the range of CLs that causes the failure. You can use the diagnose_test_failure script to automatically find the first failed build and the good & bad revisions (which can also be used for return code bisect).
    • If you suspect a specific CL in the range, you can revert it locally and run the test on the perf trybots.
    • You can run a return code bisect to narrow down the culprit CL:
      1. Open up the graph in the perf dashboard on one of the failing platforms.
      2. Hover over a data point and click the “Bisect” button on the tooltip.
      3. Type the Bug ID from step 1, the Good Revision the last commit pos data was received from, the Bad Revision the last commit pos and set Bisect mode to return_code.
    • Debugging telemetry failures
    • On Android and Mac, you can view platform-level screenshots of the device screen for failing tests, links to which are printed in the logs. Often this will immediately reveal failure causes that are opaque from the logs alone. On other platforms, Devtools will produce tab screenshots as long as the tab did not crash.

Useful Logs and Debugging Info

  1. Telemetry test runner logs

    Useful Content: Best place to start. These logs contain all of the python logging information from the telemetry test runner scripts.

    Where to find: These logs can be found from the buildbot build page. Click the “[stdout]” link under any of the telemetry test buildbot steps to view the logs. Do not use the “stdio” link which will show similiar information but will expire earilier and be slower to load.

  2. Android Logcat (Android)

    Useful Content: This file contains all Android device logs. All Android apps and the Android system will log information to logcat. Good place to look if you believe an issue is device related (Android out-of-memory problem for example). Additionally, often information about native crashes will be logged to here.

    Where to find: These logs can be found from the buildbot status page. Click the “logcat dump” link under one of the “gsutil upload” steps.

  3. Test Trace (Android)

    Useful Content: These logs graphically depict the start/end times for all telemetry tests on all of the devices. This can help determine if test failures were caused by an environmental issue. (see Cross-Device Failures)

    Where to find: These logs can be found from the buildbot status page. Click the “Test Trace” link under one of the “gsutil Upload Test Trace” steps.

  4. Symbolized Stack Traces (Android)

    Useful Content: Contains symbolized stack traces of any Chrome or Android crashes.

    Where to find: These logs can be found from the buildbot status page. The symbolized stack traces can be found under several steps. Click link under “symbolized breakpad crashes” step to see symbolized Chrome crashes. Click link under “stack tool with logcat dump” to see symbolized Android crashes.

Disabling Telemetry Tests

If the test is a telemetry test, its name will have a ‘.’ in it, such as thread_times.key_mobile_sites or page_cycler.top_10. The part before the first dot will be a python file in tools/perf/benchmarks.

If a telemetry test is failing and there is no clear culprit to revert immediately, disable the story on the failing platforms.

For example:

  • If a single story is failing on a single platform, disable only that story on that platform.
  • If multiple stories are failing across all platforms, disable those stories on all platforms.
  • If all stories are failing on a single platform, disable all stories on that platform.

You can do this with StoryExpectations.

To determine which stories are failing in a given run, go to the buildbot page for that run and search for Unexpected failures.

Example: On platform P, story foo is failing on benchmark bar. On the same benchmark on platform Q, story baz is failing. To disable these stories, go to where benchmark bar is declared. Using codesearch, you can look for benchmark_baz which will likely be in This is where you can disable the story.

Once there, find the benchmark's GetExpectations() method. Inside there you should see a SetExpectations() method. That is where stories are disabled.

Buildbot output for failing run on platform P:

Bot id: 'buildxxx-xx'
Unexpected Failures:
* foo

Buildbot output for failing run on platform Q

Bot id: 'buildxxx-xx'
Unexpected Failures:
* baz

Code snippet from benchmark:

class BarBenchmark(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark):
  def Name():
    return 'bar.benchmark_baz'
  def GetExpectations(self):
    class StoryExpectations(story.expectations.StoryExpectations):
     def SetExpectations(self):
           'foo', [story.expectations.PLATFORM_P], '')
           'baz', [story.expectations.PLATFORM_Q], '')

If a story is failing on multiple platforms, you can add more platforms to the list in the second argument to DisableStory(). If the story is failing on different platforms for different reasons, you can have multiple DisableStory() declarations for the same story with different reasons listed.

If a particular story isn't applicable to a given platform, it should be disabled using CanRunStory.

To find the currently supported disabling conditions view the expectations file.

In the case that a benchmark is failing in its entirety on a platfrom that it should noramally run on, you can temporarily disable it by using DisableBenchmark():

class BarBenchmark(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark):
  def GetExpectations(self):
    class StoryExpectations(story.expectations.StoryExpectations):
      def SetExpectations(self):
        self.DisableBenchmark([story.expectation.PLATFORM_Q], '')

If for some reason you are unable to disable at the granularity you would like, disable the test at the lowest granularity possible and contact rnephew@ to suggest new disabling criteria.

Disabling CLs can be TBR-ed to anyone in tools/perf/OWNERS, but please do not submit with NOTRY=true.

Disabling Other Tests

Non-telemetry tests are configured in chromium.perf.json But do not manually edit this file. Update tools/perf/ to disable the test and rerun script to generate the new chromium.perf.json file. You can TBR any of the per-file OWNERS, but please do not submit with NOTRY=true.

Follow up on failures

Pri-0 bugs should have an owner or contact on speed infra team and be worked on as top priority. Pri-0 generally implies an entire waterfall is down.

Pri-1 bugs should be pinged daily, and checked to make sure someone is following up. Pri-1 bugs are for a red test (not yet disabled), purple bot, or failing device. Here is the list of Pri-1 bugs that have not been pinged today.

Pri-2 bugs are for disabled tests. These should be pinged weekly, and work towards fixing should be ongoing when the sheriff is not working on a Pri-1 issue. Here is the list of Pri-2 bugs that have not been pinged in a week.

Shift Hand-off

At the end of your shift you should send out a message to the next sheriff It should detail any ongoing issues you are trying to resolve. This can contain new bugs you have filed and bisects you are waiting to finish. If there has been any significant updates on older issues that the next sheriff should know about they should also be included. This will greatly decrease the amount of time needed for the next sheriff to come up to speed.

There is also a weekly debrief that you should see on your calendar titled Weekly Speed Sheriff Retrospective. For this meeting you should prepare any highlights or lowlights from your sheriffing shift as well as any other feedback you may have that could improve future sheriffing shifts.


Reproducing swarming task runs

  • Reproduce on local machine using same inputs as bot
    1. Note that the local machines spec must roughly match that of the swarming bot
    2. See ‘Reproducing the task locally’ on swarming task page
    3. First run the command under ‘Download input files into directory foo’
    4. cd into foo/out/Release of those downloaded inputs
    5. Execute test from this directory. Command you are looking for should be at the top of the logs, you just need to update the --isolated-script-test-output=/b/s/w/ioFB73Qz/output.json and --isolated-script-test-chartjson-output=/b/s/w/ioFB73Qz/chartjson-output.json flags to be a local path
    6. Example with tmp as locally created dir: /usr/bin/python ../../testing/scripts/ ../../tools/perf/run_benchmark speedometer -v --upload-results --output-format=chartjson --browser=release --isolated-script-test-output=tmp/output.json --isolated-script-test-chartjson-output=tmp/chartjson-output.json
  • ssh into swarming bot and run test on that machine
    1. NOTE: this should be a last resort since it will cause a fifth of the benchmarks to continuously fail on the waterfall. Notify to nednguyen@ or sullivan@ if you are going to do this. 2 First you need to decommission the swarming bot so other jobs don’t interfere, file a ticket with go/bugatrooper
    2. See remote access to bots on how to ssh into the bot and then run the test. Rough overview for build161-m1
      • prodaccess --chromegolo_ssh
      • Ssh build161-m1.golo
      • Password is in valentine “Chrome Golo, Perf, GPU bots - chrome-bot”
      • File a bug to reboot the machine to get it online in the swarming pool again
  • Running local changes on swarming bot
    • Using sunspider as example benchmark since it is a quick one
    • First, run test locally to make sure there is no issue with the binary or the script running the test on the swarming bot. Make sure dir foo exists: python testing/scripts/ tools/perf/run_benchmark sunspider -v --output-format=chartjson --upload-results --browser=reference --output-trace-tag=_ref --isolated-script-test-output=foo/output.json --isolated-script-test-chartjson-output=foo/chart-output.json
    • Build any dependencies needed in isolate:
      1. ninja -C out/Release chrome/test:telemetry_perf_tests
      2. This target should be enough if you are running a benchmark, otherwise build any targets that they say are missing when building the isolate in step #2.
      3. Make sure compiler proxy is running * ./ ensure_start from goma directory
    • Build the isolate
      1. python tools/mb/ isolate //out/Release -m chromium.perf -b "Linux Builder" telemetry_perf_tests
        • -m is the master
        • -b is the builder name from mb_config.pyl that corresponds to the platform you are running this command on
        • telemetry_perf_tests is the isolate name
        • Might run into internal source deps when building the isolate, depending on the isolate. Might need to update the entry in mb_config.pyl for this builder to not be an official built so src/internal isn’t required
    • Archive and create the isolate hash
      1. python tools/swarming_client/ archive -I -i out/Release/telemetry_perf_tests.isolate -s out/Release/telemetry_perf_tests.isolated
    • Run the test with the has from step #3
      1. Run hash locally
        • Note output paths are local
        • ./tools/swarming_client/ -I -s <insert_hash_here> -- sunspider -v --upload-results --output-format=chartjson --browser=reference --output-trace-tag=_ref --isolated-script-test-output=/usr/local/google/home/eyaich/projects/chromium/src/tmp/output.json
      2. Trigger on swarming bot
        • Note paths are using swarming output dir environment variable ISOLATED_OUTDIR and dimensions are based on the bot and os you are triggering the job on
        • python tools/swarming_client/ trigger -v --isolate-server -S -d id build150-m1 -d pool Chrome-perf -d os Linux -s <insert_hash_here> -- sunspider -v --upload-results --output-format=chartjson --browser=reference --output-trace-tag=_ref -isolated-script-test-output='${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/output.json' --isolated-script-test-chartjson-output='${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/chart-output.json'
        • All args after the ‘--’ are for the swarming task and not for the trigger command. The output dirs must be in quotes when triggering on swarming bot