blob: 36cff04e931412392d0dd62bae3df39a8da4937d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
class CalculatedMetric {
constructor(insertAtOriginalMetricName, name, value) {
this.insertAtOriginalMetricName = insertAtOriginalMetricName; = name;
this.value = value;
class StatsReport {
constructor() {
// Represents an RTCStatsReport. It is a Map -> RTCStats.
this.statsById = new Map();
this.calculatedStatsById = new Map();
// |internalReports| is an array, each element represents an RTCStats object,
// but the format is a little different from the spec. This is the format:
// {
// id: "string",
// type: "string",
// stats: {
// timestamp: <milliseconds>,
// values: ["member1", value1, "member2", value2...]
// }
// }
static fromInternalsReportList(internalReports) {
const result = new StatsReport();
internalReports.forEach(internalReport => {
if (!internalReport.stats || !internalReport.stats.values) {
return; // continue;
const stats = {
type: internalReport.type,
timestamp: internalReport.stats.timestamp / 1000.0 // ms -> s
const values = internalReport.stats.values;
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) {
// Metric "name: value".
stats[values[i]] = values[i + 1];
result.statsById.set(, stats);
return result;
toInternalsReportList() {
const result = [];
for (let stats of this.statsById.values()) {
const internalReport = {
type: stats.type,
stats: {
timestamp: stats.timestamp * 1000.0, // s -> ms
values: []
Object.keys(stats).forEach(metricName => {
if (metricName == 'id' || metricName == 'type' ||
metricName == 'timestamp') {
return; // continue;
const calculatedMetric =
this.getCalculatedMetricByOriginalName(, metricName);
if (calculatedMetric) {
// Treat calculated metrics that are undefined as 0 to ensure graphs
// can be created anyway.
calculatedMetric.value ? calculatedMetric.value : 0);
return result;
toString() {
let str = '';
for (let stats of this.statsById.values()) {
if (str != '') {
str += ',';
str += JSON.stringify(stats);
let str2 = '';
for (let stats of this.calculatedStatsById.values()) {
if (str2 != '') {
str2 += ',';
str2 += JSON.stringify(stats);
return '[original:' + str + '],calculated:[' + str2 + ']';
get(id) {
return this.statsById.get(id);
getByType(type) {
const result = [];
for (let stats of this.statsById.values()) {
if (stats.type == type) {
return result;
setCalculatedMetric(id, insertAtOriginalMetricName, name, value) {
let calculatedStats = this.calculatedStatsById.get(id);
if (!calculatedStats) {
calculatedStats = {};
this.calculatedStatsById.set(id, calculatedStats);
calculatedStats[insertAtOriginalMetricName] =
new CalculatedMetric(insertAtOriginalMetricName, name, value);
getCalculatedMetricByOriginalName(id, originalMetricName) {
const calculatedStats = this.calculatedStatsById.get(id);
return calculatedStats ? calculatedStats[originalMetricName] : undefined;
class StatsRatesCalculator {
constructor() {
this.previousReport = null;
this.currentReport = null;
addStatsReport(report) {
this.previousReport = this.currentReport;
this.currentReport = report;
// Updates all "calculated metrics", which are metrics derived from standard
// values, such as converting total counters (e.g. bytesSent) to rates (e.g.
// bytesSent/s).
updateCalculatedMetrics_() {
const calculatedMetrics = [
type: 'data-channel',
condition: null,
names: [
['messagesSent', 'timestamp'],
['messagesReceived', 'timestamp'],
['bytesSent', 'timestamp'],
['bytesReceived', 'timestamp'],
type: 'track',
condition: null,
names: [
['framesSent', 'timestamp'],
['framesReceived', 'timestamp'],
(value) => {
// Calculated according to:
return Math.sqrt(value);
(value) => {
return value * 1000; // s -> ms
type: 'outbound-rtp',
condition: null,
names: [
['bytesSent', 'timestamp'],
['packetsSent', 'timestamp'],
(value) => {
return value * 1000; // s -> ms
['framesEncoded', 'timestamp'],
'totalEncodedBytesTarget', 'framesEncoded',
(value, currentStats, previousStats) => {
if (!previousStats) {
return 0;
const deltaTime =
currentStats.timestamp - previousStats.timestamp;
const deltaFrames =
currentStats.framesEncoded - previousStats.framesEncoded;
const encodedFrameRate = deltaFrames / deltaTime;
return value * encodedFrameRate;
'totalEncodeTime', 'framesEncoded',
(value) => {
return value * 1000; // s -> ms
['qpSum', 'framesEncoded'],
type: 'inbound-rtp',
condition: null,
names: [
['bytesReceived', 'timestamp'],
['packetsReceived', 'timestamp'],
['framesDecoded', 'timestamp'],
['qpSum', 'framesDecoded'],
type: 'transport',
condition: null,
names: [
['bytesSent', 'timestamp'], ['bytesReceived', 'timestamp'],
// TODO( Add packetsSent and
// packetsReceived once implemented.
type: 'candidate-pair',
condition: null,
names: [
['bytesSent', 'timestamp'],
['bytesReceived', 'timestamp'],
// TODO( Add packetsSent and
// packetsReceived once implemented.
['requestsSent', 'timestamp'],
['requestsReceived', 'timestamp'],
['responsesSent', 'timestamp'],
['responsesReceived', 'timestamp'],
['consentRequestsSent', 'timestamp'],
['consentRequestsReceived', 'timestamp'],
(value) => {
return value * 1000; // s -> ms
calculatedMetrics.forEach(calculatedMetric => {
([accumulativeMetric, samplesMetric, resultName, transformation]) => {
.forEach(stats => {
if (!calculatedMetric.condition ||
calculatedMetric.condition(stats)) {
if (!resultName) {
resultName = (samplesMetric == 'timestamp') ?
'[' + accumulativeMetric + '/s]' :
'[' + accumulativeMetric + '/' + samplesMetric + ']';
let result = this.calculateAccumulativeMetricOverSamples_(, accumulativeMetric, samplesMetric);
if (result && transformation) {
const previousStats = this.previousReport.get(;
result = transformation(result, stats, previousStats);
this.currentReport.setCalculatedMetric(, accumulativeMetric, resultName, result);
// Calculates the rate "delta accumulative / delta samples" and returns it. If
// a rate cannot be calculated, such as the metric is missing in the current
// or previous report, undefined is returned.
id, accumulativeMetric, samplesMetric) {
if (!this.previousReport || !this.currentReport) {
return undefined;
const previousStats = this.previousReport.get(id);
const currentStats = this.currentReport.get(id);
if (!previousStats || !currentStats) {
return undefined;
const deltaTime = currentStats.timestamp - previousStats.timestamp;
if (deltaTime <= 0) {
return undefined;
// Try to convert whatever the values are to numbers. This gets around the
// fact that some types that are not supported by base::Value (e.g. uint32,
// int64, uint64 and double) are passed as strings.
const previousValue = Number(previousStats[accumulativeMetric]);
const currentValue = Number(currentStats[accumulativeMetric]);
if (typeof previousValue != 'number' || typeof currentValue != 'number') {
return undefined;
const previousSamples = Number(previousStats[samplesMetric]);
const currentSamples = Number(currentStats[samplesMetric]);
if (typeof previousSamples != 'number' ||
typeof currentSamples != 'number') {
return undefined;
const deltaValue = currentValue - previousValue;
const deltaSamples = currentSamples - previousSamples;
return deltaValue / deltaSamples;