blob: 51416f9c6087a44e121ff4a1639437b7b384ebed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package content;
message ServiceWorkerOriginTrialFeature {
required string name = 1;
repeated string tokens = 2;
message ServiceWorkerOriginTrialInfo {
repeated ServiceWorkerOriginTrialFeature features = 1;
message ServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadState {
required bool enabled = 1;
optional string header = 2;
message ServiceWorkerRegistrationData {
enum ServiceWorkerScriptType {
enum ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCacheType {
ALL = 1;
NONE = 2;
required int64 registration_id = 1;
required string scope_url = 2;
required string script_url = 3;
// Versions are first stored once they successfully install and become the
// waiting version. Then they are updated when they transition to the active
// version.
required int64 version_id = 4;
required bool is_active = 5;
required bool has_fetch_handler = 6;
// Serialized by Time::ToInternalValue().
required int64 last_update_check_time = 7;
optional uint64 resources_total_size_bytes = 8;
// repeated string foreign_fetch_scope = 9; // obsolete
// repeated string foreign_fetch_origin = 10; // obsolete
// If the registration data was created by old Chrome (< M56),
// |origin_trial_tokens| is not set. In this case, we have to start the
// Service Worker and load the main script resource in ServiceWorkerStorage
// to check the HTTP header.
optional ServiceWorkerOriginTrialInfo origin_trial_tokens = 11;
optional ServiceWorkerNavigationPreloadState navigation_preload_state = 12;
// The set of features that the worker used up until the time installation
// completed. The values must be from blink::UseCounter::Feature enum.
repeated uint32 used_features = 13;
optional ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCacheType update_via_cache = 14
[default = IMPORTS];
optional ServiceWorkerScriptType script_type = 15 [default = CLASSIC];
// The time when the browser received the service worker main script,
// serialized by Time::ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch().
optional int64 script_response_time = 16;
message ServiceWorkerResourceRecord {
required int64 resource_id = 1;
required string url = 2;
optional uint64 size_bytes = 3;