blob: 821678bc0a048109d580facf1d3b041e74c33157 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
class ChromeAppViewAsh;
struct MetroViewerHostMsg_SaveAsDialogParams;
namespace base {
class FilePath;
// Base class for the file pickers.
class FilePickerSessionBase {
virtual ~FilePickerSessionBase();
// Runs the picker, returns true on success.
bool Run();
const base::string16& result() const { return result_; }
bool success() const { return success_; }
// Creates a file picker for open_file_name.
FilePickerSessionBase(ChromeAppViewAsh* app_view,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& filter,
const base::FilePath& default_path);
// Creates, configures and starts a file picker.
// If the HRESULT returned is a failure code the file picker has not started,
// so no callbacks should be expected.
virtual HRESULT StartFilePicker() = 0;
// True iff a file picker has successfully finished.
bool success_;
// The title of the file picker.
base::string16 title_;
// The file type filter.
base::string16 filter_;
// The starting directory/file name.
base::FilePath default_path_;
// Pointer to the ChromeAppViewAsh instance. We notify the ChromeAppViewAsh
// instance when the file open/save operations complete.
ChromeAppViewAsh* app_view_;
base::string16 result_;
// Initiate a file picker, must be called on the main metro thread.
// Returns true on success.
bool DoFilePicker();
// Provides functionality to display the open file/multiple open file pickers
// metro dialog.
class OpenFilePickerSession : public FilePickerSessionBase {
OpenFilePickerSession(ChromeAppViewAsh* app_view,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& filter,
const base::FilePath& default_path,
bool allow_multi_select);
~OpenFilePickerSession() override;
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& filenames() const {
return filenames_;
const bool allow_multi_select() const {
return allow_multi_select_;
HRESULT StartFilePicker() override;
typedef winfoundtn::IAsyncOperation<winstorage::StorageFile*>
typedef winfoundtn::Collections::IVectorView<
winstorage::StorageFile*> StorageFileVectorCollection;
typedef winfoundtn::IAsyncOperation<StorageFileVectorCollection*>
// Called asynchronously when a single file picker is done.
HRESULT SinglePickerDone(SingleFileAsyncOp* async, AsyncStatus status);
// Called asynchronously when a multi file picker is done.
HRESULT MultiPickerDone(MultiFileAsyncOp* async, AsyncStatus status);
// Composes a multi-file result string suitable for returning to a
// from a storage file collection.
static HRESULT ComposeMultiFileResult(StorageFileVectorCollection* files,
base::string16* result);
// True if the multi file picker is to be displayed.
bool allow_multi_select_;
// If multi select is true then this member contains the list of filenames
// to be returned back.
std::vector<base::FilePath> filenames_;
// Provides functionality to display the save file picker.
class SaveFilePickerSession : public FilePickerSessionBase {
SaveFilePickerSession(ChromeAppViewAsh* app_view,
const MetroViewerHostMsg_SaveAsDialogParams& params);
int SaveFilePickerSession::filter_index() const;
HRESULT StartFilePicker() override;
typedef winfoundtn::IAsyncOperation<winstorage::StorageFile*>
// Called asynchronously when the save file picker is done.
HRESULT FilePickerDone(SaveFileAsyncOp* async, AsyncStatus status);
int filter_index_;
// Provides functionality to display the folder picker.
class FolderPickerSession : public FilePickerSessionBase {
FolderPickerSession(ChromeAppViewAsh* app_view, const base::string16& title);
HRESULT StartFilePicker() override;
typedef winfoundtn::IAsyncOperation<winstorage::StorageFolder*>
// Called asynchronously when the folder picker is done.
HRESULT FolderPickerDone(FolderPickerAsyncOp* async, AsyncStatus status);