blob: 5abb158ed81d043076dff9d20cdcd87266ce013f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for autofill.
// Update proto_value_conversions{.h,.cc,} if you change
// any fields in this file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option retain_unknown_fields = true;
package sync_pb;
// Properties of autofill sync objects.
// An AutofillProfile.
message AutofillProfileSpecifics {
optional string guid = 15;
optional string origin = 16;
optional int64 use_count = 22;
// The time_t value of the last time this profile was used. This
// value makes sense wrt base::Time::To/FromTimeT, which measures
// from the Windows epoch.
optional int64 use_date = 23;
// Contact info.
repeated string name_first = 2;
repeated string name_middle = 3;
repeated string name_last = 4;
repeated string name_full = 21;
repeated string email_address = 5;
optional string company_name = 6;
// Address.
optional string address_home_line1 = 7;
optional string address_home_line2 = 8;
optional string address_home_city = 9;
optional string address_home_state = 10;
optional string address_home_zip = 11;
optional string address_home_country = 12;
// Additional address fields for i18n.
optional string address_home_street_address = 17;
optional string address_home_sorting_code = 18;
optional string address_home_dependent_locality = 19;
optional string address_home_language_code = 20;
// Phone.
repeated string phone_home_whole_number = 13;
// Deprecated.
optional string label = 1 [deprecated=true];
optional string phone_fax_whole_number = 14 [deprecated=true];
message AutofillSpecifics {
// If any of these 3 fields are present, then all 3 should be, and it implies
// that this entity represents a classic autofill object. In this case,
// none of the autofill++ objects below should be present.
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
repeated int64 usage_timestamp = 3;
// An autofill++ profile object. If present, indicates this entity
// represents an AutofillProfile exclusively, and no other fields (such as
// name/value or credit_card) should be present.
optional AutofillProfileSpecifics profile = 4;
// Obsolete credit card fields.
// optional bytes deprecated_encrypted_credit_card = 5;
// optional AutofillCreditCardSpecifics deprecated_credit_card = 6;
message WalletMaskedCreditCard {
enum WalletCardStatus {
VALID = 0;
enum WalletCardType {
AMEX = 1;
JCB = 3;
SOLO = 6;
VISA = 8;
// Server-generated unique ID string. This is opaque to the client.
optional string id = 1;
// What the server thinks of this card.
optional WalletCardStatus status = 2;
optional string name_on_card = 3;
optional WalletCardType type = 4;
// Last 4 digits of the credit card number.
optional string last_four = 5;
// Month number 1-12.
optional int32 exp_month = 6;
// Four-digit year (e.g. 2017).
optional int32 exp_year = 7;
// Different than an AutofillProfile because this represents some known address
// on the server that is pulled down rather than synced between Chromes.
message WalletPostalAddress {
// Server-generated unique ID string. This is opaque to the client.
optional string id = 1;
optional string recipient_name = 12;
optional string company_name = 2;
// This is the street address, of which there may be multiple lines. This
// corresponds to "address_home_line[1|2] in the AutofillProfileSpecifics
// message above. In some locales there may be more than two lines.
repeated string street_address = 3;
// Also known as "administrative area". This is normally the state or
// province in most countries.
optional string address_1 = 4;
// Also known as "locality". In the US this is the city.
optional string address_2 = 5;
// A sub-classification beneath the city, e.g. an inner-city district or
// suburb. Also known as "dependent_locality"
optional string address_3 = 6;
// Used in certain countries. Also known as "sub_dependent_locality".
optional string address_4 = 7;
optional string postal_code = 8;
// Similar to the zipcode column, but used for businesses or organizations
// that might not be geographically contiguous. The canonical example is
// CEDEX in France.
optional string sorting_code = 9;
optional string country_code = 10;
optional string language_code = 11;
message AutofillWalletSpecifics {
enum WalletInfoType {
optional WalletInfoType type = 1;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to
optional WalletMaskedCreditCard masked_card = 2;
// This field exists if and only if the "type" field equals to ADDRESS.
optional WalletPostalAddress address = 3;