blob: 88d7fe948f9a5e8522e6c619d12c42899453ac7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/parent_local_surface_id_allocator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/picture_in_picture_window_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
namespace content {
class OverlaySurfaceEmbedder;
class WebContents;
class MediaWebContentsObserver;
// TODO(thakis,mlamouri): PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl isn't
// CONTENT_EXPORT'd because it creates complicated build issues with
// WebContentsUserData being a non-exported template. As a result, the class
// uses CONTENT_EXPORT for methods that are being used from tests.
// CONTENT_EXPORT should be moved back to the class when the Windows build will
// work with it.
class PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl
: public PictureInPictureWindowController,
public WebContentsUserData<PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl> {
// Gets a reference to the controller associated with |initiator| and creates
// one if it does not exist. The returned pointer is guaranteed to be
// non-null.
CONTENT_EXPORT static PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl*
GetOrCreateForWebContents(WebContents* initiator);
~PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl() override;
// PictureInPictureWindowController:
CONTENT_EXPORT void Show() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT void Close() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT void EmbedSurface(const viz::SurfaceId& surface_id,
const gfx::Size& natural_size) override;
CONTENT_EXPORT OverlayWindow* GetWindowForTesting() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT void UpdateLayerBounds() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsPlayerActive() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT WebContents* GetInitiatorWebContents() override;
CONTENT_EXPORT bool TogglePlayPause() override;
friend class WebContentsUserData<PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl>;
// Use PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl::GetOrCreateForWebContents() to
// create an instance.
CONTENT_EXPORT explicit PictureInPictureWindowControllerImpl(
WebContents* initiator);
// Signal to the media player that |this| is leaving Picture-in-Picture mode.
void OnLeavingPictureInPicture();
std::unique_ptr<OverlayWindow> window_;
std::unique_ptr<OverlaySurfaceEmbedder> embedder_;
WebContents* const initiator_;
// Used to determine the state of the media player and route messages to
// the corresponding media player with id |media_player_id_|.
MediaWebContentsObserver* media_web_contents_observer_;
base::Optional<WebContentsObserver::MediaPlayerId> media_player_id_;
viz::SurfaceId surface_id_;
} // namespace content