blob: 171c85d1682c55112755841501bc4ccdde8e651c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip_controller.h"
#include "ui/base/models/list_selection_model.h"
class FakeBaseTabStripController : public TabStripController {
~FakeBaseTabStripController() override;
void AddTab(int index, bool is_active);
void AddPinnedTab(int index, bool is_active);
void RemoveTab(int index);
ui::ListSelectionModel* selection_model() { return &selection_model_; }
void set_tab_strip(TabStrip* tab_strip) { tab_strip_ = tab_strip; }
// TabStripController overrides:
const ui::ListSelectionModel& GetSelectionModel() const override;
int GetCount() const override;
bool IsValidIndex(int index) const override;
bool IsActiveTab(int index) const override;
int GetActiveIndex() const override;
bool IsTabSelected(int index) const override;
bool IsTabPinned(int index) const override;
void SelectTab(int index) override;
void ExtendSelectionTo(int index) override;
void ToggleSelected(int index) override;
void AddSelectionFromAnchorTo(int index) override;
void CloseTab(int index, CloseTabSource source) override;
void ShowContextMenuForTab(Tab* tab,
const gfx::Point& p,
ui::MenuSourceType source_type) override;
int HasAvailableDragActions() const override;
void OnDropIndexUpdate(int index, bool drop_before) override;
bool IsCompatibleWith(TabStrip* other) const override;
NewTabButtonPosition GetNewTabButtonPosition() const override;
void CreateNewTab() override;
void CreateNewTabWithLocation(const base::string16& loc) override;
void StackedLayoutMaybeChanged() override;
bool IsSingleTabModeAvailable() override;
bool ShouldDrawStrokes() const override;
void OnStartedDraggingTabs() override;
void OnStoppedDraggingTabs() override;
bool IsFrameCondensed() const override;
bool HasVisibleBackgroundTabShapes() const override;
bool EverHasVisibleBackgroundTabShapes() const override;
SkColor GetFrameColor() const override;
SkColor GetToolbarTopSeparatorColor() const override;
SkColor GetTabBackgroundColor(TabState state) const override;
SkColor GetTabForegroundColor(TabState state) const override;
int GetTabBackgroundResourceId(
BrowserNonClientFrameView::ActiveState active_state,
bool* has_custom_image) const override;
base::string16 GetAccessibleTabName(const Tab* tab) const override;
Profile* GetProfile() const override;
void SetActiveIndex(int new_index);
TabStrip* tab_strip_ = nullptr;
int num_tabs_ = 0;
int active_index_ = -1;
ui::ListSelectionModel selection_model_;