blob: 2f4c7f55de951424a27116fe57b98f98f55fd705 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_cache.h"
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_cache_observer.h"
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/cache_storage/cache_storage.mojom.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace storage {
class BlobStorageContext;
namespace content {
class CacheStorageIndex;
class CacheStorageManager;
class CacheStorageScheduler;
enum class CacheStorageOwner;
namespace cache_storage_manager_unittest {
class CacheStorageManagerTest;
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(CacheStorageManagerTest, PersistedCacheKeyUsed);
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(CacheStorageManagerTest, TestErrorInitializingCache);
} // namespace cache_storage_manager_unittest
// TODO(jkarlin): Constrain the total bytes used per origin.
// CacheStorage holds the set of caches for a given origin. It is
// owned by the CacheStorageManager. This class expects to be run
// on the IO thread. The asynchronous methods are executed serially.
class CONTENT_EXPORT CacheStorage : public CacheStorageCacheObserver {
constexpr static int64_t kSizeUnknown = -1;
using BoolAndErrorCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, blink::mojom::CacheStorageError)>;
using ErrorCallback =
using CacheAndErrorCallback =
using IndexCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const CacheStorageIndex&)>;
using SizeCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t)>;
static const char kIndexFileName[];
const base::FilePath& origin_path,
bool memory_only,
base::SequencedTaskRunner* cache_task_runner,
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_context,
CacheStorageManager* cache_storage_manager,
const url::Origin& origin,
CacheStorageOwner owner);
// Any unfinished asynchronous operations may not complete or call their
// callbacks.
virtual ~CacheStorage();
// Creates a new handle to this CacheStorage instance. Each handle represents
// a signal that the CacheStorage is in active use and should avoid cleaning
// up resources, if possible. However, there are some cases, such as a
// user-initiated storage wipe, that will forcibly delete the CacheStorage
// instance. Therefore the handle should be treated as a weak pointer that
// needs to be tested for existence before use.
CacheStorageHandle CreateHandle();
// These methods are called by the CacheStorageHandle to track the number
// of outstanding references.
void AddHandleRef();
void DropHandleRef();
void AssertUnreferenced() const {
// Get the cache for the given key. If the cache is not found it is
// created. The CacheStorgeCacheHandle in the callback prolongs the lifetime
// of the cache. Once all handles to a cache are deleted the cache is deleted.
// The cache will also be deleted in the CacheStorage's destructor so be sure
// to check the handle's value before using it.
void OpenCache(const std::string& cache_name, CacheAndErrorCallback callback);
// Calls the callback with whether or not the cache exists.
void HasCache(const std::string& cache_name, BoolAndErrorCallback callback);
// Deletes the cache if it exists. If it doesn't exist,
// blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kErrorNotFound is returned. Any
// existing CacheStorageCacheHandle(s) to the cache will remain valid but
// future CacheStorage operations won't be able to access the cache. The cache
// isn't actually erased from disk until the last handle is dropped.
void DoomCache(const std::string& cache_name, ErrorCallback callback);
// Calls the callback with the cache index.
void EnumerateCaches(IndexCallback callback);
// Calls match on the cache with the given |cache_name|.
void MatchCache(const std::string& cache_name,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::CacheQueryOptionsPtr match_options,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback);
// Calls match on all of the caches in parallel, calling |callback| with the
// response from the first cache (in order of cache creation) to have the
// entry. If no response is found then |callback| is called with
// blink::mojom::CacheStorageError::kErrorNotFound.
void MatchAllCaches(blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::CacheQueryOptionsPtr match_options,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback);
// Puts the request/response pair in the cache.
void WriteToCache(const std::string& cache_name,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr response,
CacheStorage::ErrorCallback callback);
// Sums the sizes of each cache and closes them. Runs |callback| with the
// size. The sizes include any doomed caches and will also force close all
// caches even if there are existing handles to them.
void GetSizeThenCloseAllCaches(SizeCallback callback);
// The size of all of the origin's contents. This value should be used as an
// estimate only since the cache may be modified at any time.
void Size(SizeCallback callback);
// The functions below are for tests to verify that the operations run
// serially.
void StartAsyncOperationForTesting();
void CompleteAsyncOperationForTesting();
// Removes the manager reference. Called before this storage is deleted by the
// manager, since it is removed from manager's storage map before deleting.
void ResetManager();
// CacheStorageCacheObserver:
void CacheSizeUpdated(const CacheStorageCache* cache) override;
// The immutable origin of the CacheStorage.
const url::Origin& Origin() const { return origin_; }
// Destroy any CacheStorageCache instances that are not currently referenced
// by a CacheStorageCacheHandle.
void ReleaseUnreferencedCaches();
friend class CacheStorageCache;
friend class cache_storage_manager_unittest::CacheStorageManagerTest;
class CacheLoader;
class MemoryLoader;
class SimpleCacheLoader;
struct CacheMatchResponse;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCache>> CacheMap;
// Generate a new padding key. For testing only and *not thread safe*.
static void GenerateNewKeyForTesting();
// Returns a CacheStorageCacheHandle for the given name if the name is known.
// If the CacheStorageCache has been deleted, creates a new one.
CacheStorageCacheHandle GetLoadedCache(const std::string& cache_name);
// Initializer and its callback are below.
void LazyInit();
void LazyInitImpl();
void LazyInitDidLoadIndex(std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageIndex> index);
// The Open and CreateCache callbacks are below.
void OpenCacheImpl(const std::string& cache_name,
CacheAndErrorCallback callback);
void CreateCacheDidCreateCache(const std::string& cache_name,
CacheAndErrorCallback callback,
std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCache> cache);
void CreateCacheDidWriteIndex(CacheAndErrorCallback callback,
CacheStorageCacheHandle cache_handle,
bool success);
// The HasCache callbacks are below.
void HasCacheImpl(const std::string& cache_name,
BoolAndErrorCallback callback);
// The DeleteCache callbacks are below.
void DoomCacheImpl(const std::string& cache_name, ErrorCallback callback);
void DeleteCacheDidWriteIndex(CacheStorageCacheHandle cache_handle,
ErrorCallback callback,
bool success);
void DeleteCacheFinalize(CacheStorageCache* doomed_cache);
void DeleteCacheDidGetSize(CacheStorageCache* doomed_cache,
int64_t cache_size);
void DeleteCacheDidCleanUp(bool success);
// The EnumerateCache callbacks are below.
void EnumerateCachesImpl(IndexCallback callback);
// The MatchCache callbacks are below.
void MatchCacheImpl(const std::string& cache_name,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::CacheQueryOptionsPtr match_options,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback);
void MatchCacheDidMatch(CacheStorageCacheHandle cache_handle,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr response);
// The MatchAllCaches callbacks are below.
void MatchAllCachesImpl(blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::CacheQueryOptionsPtr match_options,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback);
void MatchAllCachesDidMatch(CacheStorageCacheHandle cache_handle,
CacheMatchResponse* out_match_response,
const base::RepeatingClosure& barrier_closure,
blink::mojom::CacheStorageError error,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr response);
void MatchAllCachesDidMatchAll(
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<CacheMatchResponse>> match_responses,
CacheStorageCache::ResponseCallback callback);
// WriteToCache callbacks.
void WriteToCacheImpl(const std::string& cache_name,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIRequestPtr request,
blink::mojom::FetchAPIResponsePtr response,
CacheStorage::ErrorCallback callback);
void GetSizeThenCloseAllCachesImpl(SizeCallback callback);
void SizeImpl(SizeCallback callback);
void SizeRetrievedFromCache(CacheStorageCacheHandle cache_handle,
base::OnceClosure closure,
int64_t* accumulator,
int64_t size);
void NotifyCacheContentChanged(const std::string& cache_name);
void ScheduleWriteIndex();
void WriteIndex(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
void WriteIndexImpl(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
bool index_write_pending() const { return !index_write_task_.IsCancelled(); }
// Start a scheduled index write immediately. Returns true if a write was
// scheduled, or false if not.
bool InitiateScheduledIndexWriteForTest(
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
void CacheUnreferenced(CacheStorageCache* cache);
// Whether or not we've loaded the list of cache names into memory.
bool initialized_;
bool initializing_;
// True if the backend is supposed to reside in memory only.
bool memory_only_;
// The pending operation scheduler.
std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageScheduler> scheduler_;
// The map of cache names to CacheStorageCache objects.
CacheMap cache_map_;
// Caches that have been deleted but must still be held onto until all handles
// have been released.
std::map<CacheStorageCache*, std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageCache>>
// The cache index data.
std::unique_ptr<CacheStorageIndex> cache_index_;
// The file path for this CacheStorage.
base::FilePath origin_path_;
// The TaskRunner to run file IO on.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> cache_task_runner_;
// Performs backend specific operations (memory vs disk).
std::unique_ptr<CacheLoader> cache_loader_;
// The quota manager.
scoped_refptr<storage::QuotaManagerProxy> quota_manager_proxy_;
// The origin that this CacheStorage is associated with.
const url::Origin origin_;
// The owner that this CacheStorage is associated with.
CacheStorageOwner owner_;
// The manager that owns this cache storage. Only set to null by
// RemoveManager() when this cache storage is being deleted.
CacheStorageManager* cache_storage_manager_;
base::CancelableOnceClosure index_write_task_;
size_t handle_ref_count_ = 0;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CacheStorage> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content