blob: 554860077430b5addaf41e4cd134d96331178460 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/task_runner.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "mojo/core/channel.h"
#include "mojo/core/connection_params.h"
#include "mojo/core/embedder/process_error_callback.h"
#include "mojo/core/ports/name.h"
#include "mojo/core/scoped_process_handle.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace core {
// Wraps a Channel to send and receive Node control messages.
class NodeChannel : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<NodeChannel>,
public Channel::Delegate {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() {}
virtual void OnAcceptInvitee(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& inviter_name,
const ports::NodeName& token) = 0;
virtual void OnAcceptInvitation(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::NodeName& invitee_name) = 0;
virtual void OnAddBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& client_name,
base::ProcessHandle process_handle) = 0;
virtual void OnBrokerClientAdded(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& client_name,
PlatformHandle broker_channel) = 0;
virtual void OnAcceptBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& broker_name,
PlatformHandle broker_channel) = 0;
virtual void OnEventMessage(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) = 0;
virtual void OnRequestPortMerge(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::PortName& connector_port_name,
const std::string& token) = 0;
virtual void OnRequestIntroduction(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& name) = 0;
virtual void OnIntroduce(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& name,
PlatformHandle channel_handle) = 0;
virtual void OnBroadcast(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) = 0;
#if defined(OS_WIN) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
virtual void OnRelayEventMessage(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
base::ProcessHandle from_process,
const ports::NodeName& destination,
Channel::MessagePtr message) = 0;
virtual void OnEventMessageFromRelay(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& source_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) = 0;
virtual void OnAcceptPeer(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::NodeName& peer_name,
const ports::PortName& port_name) = 0;
virtual void OnChannelError(const ports::NodeName& node,
NodeChannel* channel) = 0;
static scoped_refptr<NodeChannel> Create(
Delegate* delegate,
ConnectionParams connection_params,
Channel::HandlePolicy channel_handle_policy,
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> io_task_runner,
const ProcessErrorCallback& process_error_callback);
static Channel::MessagePtr CreateEventMessage(size_t capacity,
size_t payload_size,
void** payload,
size_t num_handles);
static void GetEventMessageData(Channel::Message* message,
void** data,
size_t* num_data_bytes);
Channel* channel() const { return channel_.get(); }
// Start receiving messages.
void Start();
// Permanently stop the channel from sending or receiving messages.
void ShutDown();
// Leaks the pipe handle instead of closing it on shutdown.
void LeakHandleOnShutdown();
// Invokes the bad message callback for this channel, if any.
void NotifyBadMessage(const std::string& error);
void SetRemoteProcessHandle(ScopedProcessHandle process_handle);
bool HasRemoteProcessHandle();
ScopedProcessHandle CloneRemoteProcessHandle();
// Used for context in Delegate calls (via |from_node| arguments.)
void SetRemoteNodeName(const ports::NodeName& name);
void AcceptInvitee(const ports::NodeName& inviter_name,
const ports::NodeName& token);
void AcceptInvitation(const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::NodeName& invitee_name);
void AcceptPeer(const ports::NodeName& sender_name,
const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::PortName& port_name);
void AddBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& client_name,
ScopedProcessHandle process_handle);
void BrokerClientAdded(const ports::NodeName& client_name,
PlatformHandle broker_channel);
void AcceptBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& broker_name,
PlatformHandle broker_channel);
void RequestPortMerge(const ports::PortName& connector_port_name,
const std::string& token);
void RequestIntroduction(const ports::NodeName& name);
void Introduce(const ports::NodeName& name, PlatformHandle channel_handle);
void SendChannelMessage(Channel::MessagePtr message);
void Broadcast(Channel::MessagePtr message);
#if defined(OS_WIN) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
// Relay the message to the specified node via this channel. This is used to
// pass windows handles between two processes that do not have permission to
// duplicate handles into the other's address space. The relay process is
// assumed to have that permission.
void RelayEventMessage(const ports::NodeName& destination,
Channel::MessagePtr message);
// Sends a message to its destination from a relay. This is interpreted by the
// receiver similarly to EventMessage, but the original source node is
// provided as additional message metadata from the (trusted) relay node.
void EventMessageFromRelay(const ports::NodeName& source,
Channel::MessagePtr message);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<NodeChannel>;
using PendingMessageQueue = base::queue<Channel::MessagePtr>;
using PendingRelayMessageQueue =
base::queue<std::pair<ports::NodeName, Channel::MessagePtr>>;
NodeChannel(Delegate* delegate,
ConnectionParams connection_params,
Channel::HandlePolicy channel_handle_policy,
scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> io_task_runner,
const ProcessErrorCallback& process_error_callback);
~NodeChannel() override;
// Channel::Delegate:
void OnChannelMessage(const void* payload,
size_t payload_size,
std::vector<PlatformHandle> handles) override;
void OnChannelError(Channel::Error error) override;
void WriteChannelMessage(Channel::MessagePtr message);
Delegate* const delegate_;
const scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> io_task_runner_;
const ProcessErrorCallback process_error_callback_;
base::Lock channel_lock_;
scoped_refptr<Channel> channel_;
// Must only be accessed from |io_task_runner_|'s thread.
ports::NodeName remote_node_name_;
base::Lock remote_process_handle_lock_;
ScopedProcessHandle remote_process_handle_;
} // namespace core
} // namespace mojo