blob: a213fa051684dba7427a306c2f4144e18b9f7416 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <atlcomcli.h>
#include <credentialprovider.h>
#include <wrl/client.h>
#include <tuple>
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/win/win_util.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/common/gcp_strings.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/auth_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gaia_credential_provider.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gaia_credential_provider_i.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/gcpw_strings.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/mdm_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/gaiacp/reg_utils.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/test/com_fakes.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/test/gcp_fakes.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/test/gls_runner_test_base.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/test/test_credential.h"
namespace credential_provider {
namespace testing {
class GcpCredentialProviderTest : public GlsRunnerTestBase {};
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, Basic) {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredentialProvider> provider;
nullptr, IID_PPV_ARGS(&provider)));
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, SetUserArray_NoGaiaUsers) {
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment", L"",
L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// There should only be the anonymous credential. Only users with the
// requisite registry entry will be counted.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, count);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential2> cred2;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth_cred;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth_cred));
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, CpusLogon) {
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment", L"",
L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// There should only be the anonymous credential. Only users with the
// requisite registry entry will be counted.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, count);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential2> cred2;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth_cred;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth_cred));
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, CpusUnlock) {
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment", L"",
L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// Check credentials. None should be available because the anonymous
// credential is not allowed during an unlock scenario.
ASSERT_EQ(0u, count);
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, AutoLogonAfterUserRefresh) {
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment", L"",
L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderAndGetCredential(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider = created_provider();
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredentialProvider> gaia_provider;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider.As(&gaia_provider));
// Notify that user access is denied to fake a forced recreation of the users.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialUpdateEventsHandler> update_handler;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider.As(&update_handler));
// Credential changed event should have been received.
// At the same time notify that a user has authenticated and requires a
// sign in.
// Temporary locker to prevent DCHECKs in OnUserAuthenticated
AssociatedUserValidator::ScopedBlockDenyAccessUpdate deny_update_locker(
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, gaia_provider->OnUserAuthenticated(
cred.Get(), CComBSTR(L"username"),
CComBSTR(L"password"), sid, true));
// No credential changed should have been signalled here.
// GetCredentialCount should return back the same credential that was just
// auto logged on.
DWORD count;
DWORD default_index;
BOOL autologon;
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, default_index);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> auto_logon_cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &auto_logon_cred));
EXPECT_EQ(auto_logon_cred, cred);
// The next call to GetCredentialCount should return re-created credentials.
// Fake an update request with no access changes. The pending user refresh
// should be queued.
// Credential changed event should have been received.
// GetCredentialCount should return new credentials with no auto logon.
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> new_cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &new_cred));
EXPECT_NE(new_cred, cred);
// Another request to refresh the credentials should yield no credential
// changed event or refresh of credentials.
// No credential changed event should have been received.
// GetCredentialCount should return the same credentials with no change.
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> unchanged_cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &unchanged_cred));
EXPECT_EQ(new_cred, unchanged_cred);
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, AutoLogonBeforeUserRefresh) {
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment", L"",
L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderAndGetCredential(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider = created_provider();
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IGaiaCredentialProvider> gaia_provider;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider.As(&gaia_provider));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialUpdateEventsHandler> update_handler;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider.As(&update_handler));
// Notify user auto logon first and then notify user access denied to ensure
// that auto logon always has precedence over user access denied.
// Temporary locker to prevent DCHECKs in OnUserAuthenticated
AssociatedUserValidator::ScopedBlockDenyAccessUpdate deny_update_locker(
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, gaia_provider->OnUserAuthenticated(
cred.Get(), CComBSTR(L"username"),
CComBSTR(L"password"), sid, true));
// Credential changed event should have been received.
// Notify that user access is denied. This should not cause a credential
// changed since an event was already processed.
// No credential changed should have been signalled here.
// GetCredentialCount should return back the same credential that was just
// auto logged on.
DWORD count;
DWORD default_index;
BOOL autologon;
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, default_index);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> auto_logon_cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &auto_logon_cred));
EXPECT_EQ(auto_logon_cred, cred);
// The next call to GetCredentialCount should return re-created credentials.
// Fake an update request with no access changes. The pending user refresh
// should be queued.
// Credential changed event should have been received.
// GetCredentialCount should return new credentials with no auto logon.
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> new_cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &new_cred));
EXPECT_NE(new_cred, cred);
// Deactivate the CP.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->UnAdvise());
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderTest, AddPersonAfterUserRemove) {
GoogleUploadDeviceDetailsNeededForTesting upload_device_details_needed(false);
// Set up such that multi-users is not enabled, and a user already
// exists.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmSupportsMultiUser, 0));
const wchar_t kDummyUsername[] = L"username";
const wchar_t kDummyPassword[] = L"password";
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
kDummyUsername, kDummyPassword, L"full name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id", L"", &sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// In this case no credential should be returned.
ASSERT_EQ(0u, count);
// Release the CP so we can create another one.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, ReleaseProvider());
// Delete the OS user. At this point, info in the HKLM registry about this
// user will still exist. However it gets properly cleaned up when the token
// validator starts its refresh of token handle validity.
fake_os_user_manager()->RemoveUser(kDummyUsername, kDummyPassword));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// This time a credential should be returned.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, count);
// And this credential should be the anonymous one.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential2> cred2;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth_cred;
ASSERT_NE(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth_cred));
// Release the CP.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->UnAdvise());
class GcpCredentialProviderExecutionTest : public GlsRunnerTestBase {};
TEST_F(GcpCredentialProviderExecutionTest, UnAdviseDuringGls) {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderAndGetCredential(0, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ITestCredential> test;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&test));
// This event is merely used to keep the gls running while it is killed by
// Terminate().
constexpr wchar_t kStartGlsEventName[] = L"UnAdviseDuringGls_Signal";
base::win::ScopedHandle start_event_handle(
::CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, kStartGlsEventName));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, test->SetStartGlsEventName(kStartGlsEventName));
base::WaitableEvent start_event(std::move(start_event_handle));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, StartLogonProcess(/*succeeds=*/true));
// Release the provider which should also Terminate the credential that
// was created.
// Tests auto logon enabled when set serialization is called.
// Parameters:
// 1. bool: are the users' token handles still valid.
// 2. CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO - the usage scenario.
class GcpCredentialProviderSetSerializationTest
: public GcpCredentialProviderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
TEST_P(GcpCredentialProviderSetSerializationTest, CheckAutoLogon) {
const bool valid_token_handles = std::get<0>(GetParam());
const CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO cpus = std::get<1>(GetParam());
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmSupportsMultiUser, 0));
GoogleUploadDeviceDetailsNeededForTesting upload_device_details_needed(false);
CComBSTR first_sid;
constexpr wchar_t first_username[] = L"username";
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
first_username, L"password", L"full name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id", L"", &first_sid));
CComBSTR second_sid;
constexpr wchar_t second_username[] = L"username2";
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
second_username, L"password", L"Full Name", L"Comment",
L"gaia-id2", L"", &second_sid));
// Build a dummy authentication buffer that can be passed to SetSerialization.
base::string16 local_domain = OSUserManager::GetLocalDomain();
base::string16 serialization_username = second_username;
base::string16 serialization_password = L"password";
std::vector<wchar_t> dummy_domain(
local_domain.c_str(), local_domain.c_str() + local_domain.size() + 1);
std::vector<wchar_t> dummy_username(
serialization_username.c_str() + serialization_username.size() + 1);
std::vector<wchar_t> dummy_password(
serialization_password.c_str() + serialization_password.size() + 1);
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, BuildCredPackAuthenticationBuffer(
&dummy_domain[0], &dummy_username[0], &dummy_password[0],
cpus, &cpcs));
cpcs.clsidCredentialProvider = CLSID_GaiaCredentialProvider;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
? kDefaultValidTokenHandleResponse
: kDefaultInvalidTokenHandleResponse);
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithRemoteCredentials(&cpcs, &provider));
// Check the correct number of credentials are created and whether autologon
// is enabled based on the token handle validity.
DWORD count;
DWORD default_index;
BOOL autologon;
provider->GetCredentialCount(&count, &default_index, &autologon));
bool should_autologon = !valid_token_handles;
EXPECT_EQ(valid_token_handles ? 0u : 2u, count);
EXPECT_EQ(autologon, should_autologon);
should_autologon ? 1 : CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_NO_DEFAULT);
// Check that reauth credentials only exist when the token handle for the
// associated user is no longer valid and internet is available.
// Parameters are:
// 1. bool - does the fake user have a token handle set.
// 2. bool - is the token handle for the fake user valid (i.e. the fetch of
// the token handle info from win_http_url_fetcher returns a valid json).
// 3. bool - is internet available.
// 4. bool - is active directory user.
// 5. bool - is internet not available but validity expired.
// 6. int - 0. Both GaiaID and Email are available.
// 1. Gaia ID is not available
// 2. Email is not available
// 3. Both are unavailable.
// 7. int - number of times device details upload failed.
class GcpCredentialProviderWithGaiaUsersTest
: public GcpCredentialProviderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
std::tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, int, int>> {
void SetUp() override;
void GcpCredentialProviderWithGaiaUsersTest::SetUp() {
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(L"enable_cloud_association", 0));
TEST_P(GcpCredentialProviderWithGaiaUsersTest, ReauthCredentialTest) {
const bool has_token_handle = std::get<0>(GetParam());
const bool valid_token_handle = std::get<1>(GetParam());
const bool has_internet = std::get<2>(GetParam());
const bool is_ad_user = std::get<3>(GetParam());
has_internet ? FakeInternetAvailabilityChecker::kHicForceYes
: FakeInternetAvailabilityChecker::kHicForceNo);
const bool is_offline_validity_expired = std::get<4>(GetParam());
const int user_property_status = std::get<5>(GetParam());
const int num_upload_device_details_failures = std::get<6>(GetParam());
const bool is_upload_device_details_failed =
num_upload_device_details_failures > 0;
CComBSTR sid;
if (is_ad_user) {
// Add an AD user. Note that this covers the scenario where
// enable_cloud_association is set to false.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id", L"", L"domain", &sid));
} else {
// Add a local user.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id", L"", &sid));
if (user_property_status & 1) {
// Gaia id is not available.
SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kUserId, L"");
if (user_property_status & 2) {
// Email is not available.
SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kUserEmail, L"");
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty(OLE2CW(sid),
base::UTF8ToUTF16(kKeyLastTokenValid), L"0"));
if (is_offline_validity_expired) {
// Setting validity period to zero enforces gcpw login irrespective of
// whether internet is available or not.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(
base::UTF8ToUTF16(kKeyValidityPeriodInDays), 0));
if (!has_token_handle)
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kUserTokenHandle, L""));
// Set upload device details status and failure count.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kRegDeviceDetailsUploadStatus,
is_upload_device_details_failed ? 0 : 1));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kRegDeviceDetailsUploadFailures,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
? kDefaultValidTokenHandleResponse
: kDefaultInvalidTokenHandleResponse);
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// should_reauth_user will be false if one of the following holds:
// - the user properties don't contain email and gaia id
// - no internet with offline validity hasn't expired
// - with internet and when all of the following is satisfied:
// - device details upload succeeded or failed more than the max number of
// times failure is allowed.
// - has token handle
// - token handle is valid
// In all other cases, reauth must be added, thus should_reauth_user is set to
// true.
bool should_reauth_user =
(user_property_status != 3) &&
((!has_internet && is_offline_validity_expired) ||
(has_internet && ((is_upload_device_details_failed &&
num_upload_device_details_failures <=
kMaxNumConsecutiveUploadDeviceFailures) ||
!has_token_handle || !valid_token_handle)));
// Check if there is a IReauthCredential depending on the state of the token
// handle.
ASSERT_EQ(should_reauth_user ? 2u : 1u, count);
if (should_reauth_user) {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(1, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth;
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth));
::testing::Values(0, 1, 2, 3),
::testing::Range(0, 2 * kMaxNumConsecutiveUploadDeviceFailures)));
// Check that reauth credentials only exists when either user is an AD user or
// the token handle for the associated user is no longer valid when internet is
// available.
// Parameters are:
// 1. bool - has an user_id and token handle in the registry.
// 2. bool - is the token handle for the fake user valid (i.e. the fetch of
// the token handle info from win_http_url_fetcher returns a valid json).
// 3. bool - is the fake user an AD user.
// 4. bool - is internet available.
// 5. bool - is offline validity expired.
// 6. bool - is device details upload failed.
class GcpCredentialProviderWithADUsersTest
: public GcpCredentialProviderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
std::tuple<bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool>> {
void SetUp() override;
void GcpCredentialProviderWithADUsersTest::SetUp() {
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(L"enable_cloud_association", 1));
TEST_P(GcpCredentialProviderWithADUsersTest, ReauthCredentialTest) {
const bool has_user_id = std::get<0>(GetParam());
const bool valid_token_handle = std::get<1>(GetParam());
const bool is_ad_user = std::get<2>(GetParam());
const bool has_internet = std::get<3>(GetParam());
const bool is_offline_validity_expired = std::get<4>(GetParam());
const bool is_upload_device_details_failed = std::get<5>(GetParam());
has_internet ? FakeInternetAvailabilityChecker::kHicForceYes
: FakeInternetAvailabilityChecker::kHicForceNo);
CComBSTR sid;
DWORD error;
base::string16 domain;
if (is_ad_user) {
// Add an AD user.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->AddUser(
L"username", L"password", L"full name", L"comment",
true, L"domain", &sid, &error));
} else {
// Add a local user.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->AddUser(L"username", L"password",
L"full name", L"comment",
true, &sid, &error));
if (has_user_id) {
base::string16 test_user_id(L"12345");
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty(OLE2CW(sid), kUserId, test_user_id));
// Set token handle to a non-empty value in registry.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty(OLE2CW(sid), kUserTokenHandle,
base::UTF8ToUTF16(kKeyLastTokenValid), L"0"));
if (is_offline_validity_expired) {
// Setting validity period to zero enforces gcpw login irrespective of
// whether internet is available or not.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(
base::UTF8ToUTF16(kKeyValidityPeriodInDays), 0));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetUserProperty((BSTR)sid, kRegDeviceDetailsUploadStatus,
is_upload_device_details_failed ? 0 : 1));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
? kDefaultValidTokenHandleResponse
: kDefaultInvalidTokenHandleResponse);
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
bool should_reauth_user =
(!has_internet && is_offline_validity_expired && has_user_id) ||
(has_internet &&
((!has_user_id && is_ad_user) || (has_user_id && !valid_token_handle) ||
(has_user_id && is_upload_device_details_failed)));
// We expect one reauth credential for AD/Local user
// and one anonymous credential.
ASSERT_EQ(should_reauth_user ? 2u : 1u, count);
if (should_reauth_user) {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(1, &cred));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth;
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth));
// Check that the correct reauth credential type is created based on various
// policy settings as well as usage scenarios.
// Parameters are:
// 1. bool - are the users' token handles still valid.
// 2. CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO - the usage scenario.
// 3. bool - is the other user tile available.
// 4. bool - is machine enrolled to mdm.
// 5. bool - is the second user locking the system.
class GcpCredentialProviderAvailableCredentialsTest
: public GcpCredentialProviderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<
bool>> {
void SetUp() override;
void GcpCredentialProviderAvailableCredentialsTest::SetUp() {
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmUrl, L""));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmSupportsMultiUser, 0));
TEST_P(GcpCredentialProviderAvailableCredentialsTest, AvailableCredentials) {
const bool valid_token_handles = std::get<0>(GetParam());
const CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO cpus = std::get<1>(GetParam());
const bool other_user_tile_available = std::get<2>(GetParam());
const bool enrolled_to_mdm = std::get<3>(GetParam());
const bool second_user_locking_system = std::get<4>(GetParam());
GoogleMdmEnrolledStatusForTesting forced_status(enrolled_to_mdm);
GoogleUploadDeviceDetailsNeededForTesting upload_device_details_needed(false);
if (other_user_tile_available)
CComBSTR first_sid;
constexpr wchar_t first_username[] = L"username";
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
first_username, L"password", L"full name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id", L"", &first_sid));
CComBSTR second_sid;
constexpr wchar_t second_username[] = L"username2";
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
second_username, L"password", L"Full Name", L"Comment",
L"gaia-id2", L"", &second_sid));
// Set the user locking the system.
SetSidLockingWorkstation(second_user_locking_system ? OLE2CW(second_sid)
: OLE2CW(first_sid));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProvider> provider;
DWORD count = 0;
? kDefaultValidTokenHandleResponse
: kDefaultInvalidTokenHandleResponse);
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderWithCredentials(&count, &provider));
// Check the correct number of credentials are created.
DWORD expected_credentials = 0;
expected_credentials = valid_token_handles && enrolled_to_mdm ? 0 : 2;
if (other_user_tile_available)
expected_credentials += 1;
} else {
if (other_user_tile_available) {
expected_credentials = 1;
} else {
expected_credentials = valid_token_handles && enrolled_to_mdm ? 0 : 1;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_credentials, count);
// No credentials to verify.
if (expected_credentials == 0)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential2> cred2;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IReauthCredential> reauth;
DWORD first_non_anonymous_cred_index = 0;
// Other user tile is shown, we should create the anonymous tile as a
// ICredentialProviderCredential2 so that it is added to the "Other User"
// tile.
if (other_user_tile_available) {
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(first_non_anonymous_cred_index++,
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
// Not unlocking workstation: if there are more credentials then they should
// all the credentials should be shown as reauth credentials since all the
// users have expired token handles (or need mdm enrollment) and need to
// reauth.
if (first_non_anonymous_cred_index < expected_credentials) {
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(
first_non_anonymous_cred_index++, &cred));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(
first_non_anonymous_cred_index++, &cred));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
} else if (!other_user_tile_available) {
// Only the user who locked the computer should be returned as a credential
// and it should be a ICredentialProviderCredential2 with the correct sid.
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, provider->GetCredentialAt(first_non_anonymous_cred_index++,
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&reauth));
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred.As(&cred2));
wchar_t* sid;
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, cred2->GetUserSid(&sid));
EXPECT_EQ(second_user_locking_system ? second_sid : first_sid,
// In the case that a real CReauthCredential is created, we expect that this
// credential will set the default credential provider for the user tile.
auto guid_string = base::win::WStringFromGUID(CLSID_GaiaCredentialProvider);
wchar_t guid_in_registry[64];
ULONG length = base::size(guid_in_registry);
EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, GetMachineRegString(kLogonUiUserTileRegKey, sid,
guid_in_registry, &length));
EXPECT_EQ(guid_string, base::string16(guid_in_registry));
// Test creation of new users when multi user mode is enabled/disabled through
// either registry or by cloud policy of existing user.
// Parameters are:
// 1. bool : Whether multi user mode is enabled in the registry.
// 2. bool : Whether cloud policies feature is enabled.
// 3. bool : Whether multi user policy is enabled for the existing user through
// cloud polcies.
class GcpGaiaCredentialBaseMultiUserCloudPolicyTest
: public GcpCredentialProviderTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<std::tuple<bool, bool, bool>> {};
TEST_P(GcpGaiaCredentialBaseMultiUserCloudPolicyTest, CanCreateNewUsers) {
bool reg_multi_user_enabled = std::get<0>(GetParam());
bool cloud_policies_enabled = std::get<1>(GetParam());
bool cloud_multi_user_enabled = std::get<2>(GetParam());
GoogleMdmEnrolledStatusForTesting force_success(true);
FakeUserPoliciesManager fake_user_policies_manager(cloud_policies_enabled);
// Create a fake user that is already associated so when the user tries to
// sign on and create a new user, it fails if multi user mode is disabled.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmAllowConsumerAccounts, 1));
CComBSTR sid;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, fake_os_user_manager()->CreateTestOSUser(
L"foo_registered", L"password", L"name", L"comment",
L"gaia-id-registered", base::string16(), &sid));
// Set multi user mode in registry.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, SetGlobalFlagForTesting(kRegMdmSupportsMultiUser,
reg_multi_user_enabled ? 1 : 0));
// Set multi user mode with cloud policy for the existing user.
if (cloud_policies_enabled) {
UserPolicies user_policies;
user_policies.enable_multi_user_login = cloud_multi_user_enabled;
fake_user_policies_manager.SetUserPolicies((BSTR)sid, user_policies);
// Populate the associated users list. The created user's token handle
// should be valid so that no reauth credential is created.
// Set the other user tile so that we can get the anonymous credential
// that may try to sign in a user.
// Create provider and start logon.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ICredentialProviderCredential> cred;
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, InitializeProviderAndGetCredential(0, &cred));
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, StartLogonProcessAndWait());
if ((cloud_policies_enabled ? cloud_multi_user_enabled
: reg_multi_user_enabled)) {
// Sign in should succeed for the new user.
ASSERT_EQ(S_OK, FinishLogonProcess(true, true, 0));
} else {
// Sign in should fail with an error stating that no new users can be
// created.
FinishLogonProcess(false, false, IDS_ADD_USER_DISALLOWED_BASE));
} // namespace testing
} // namespace credential_provider