blob: 1f9a9f90d0bb25c263c626af4d5d730c3632a087 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using std::string;
namespace net {
namespace {
struct TestData {
string host;
uint16_t port;
string to_string;
string host_for_url;
} tests[] = {
{ "", 80, "", "" },
{ "", 443, "", "" },
{ "", 80, "", "" },
{ "", 80, "", "" },
{ "::1", 80, "[::1]:80", "[::1]" },
{ "2001:db8::42", 80, "[2001:db8::42]:80", "[2001:db8::42]" },
TEST(HostPortPairTest, Parsing) {
HostPortPair foo("", 10);
string foo_str = foo.ToString();
EXPECT_EQ("", foo_str);
HostPortPair bar = HostPortPair::FromString(foo_str);
TEST(HostPortPairTest, BadString) {
const char* kBadStrings[] = {
"", "", "",
"", "", "[2001:db8::42]:65536",
for (const auto* const test : kBadStrings) {
HostPortPair foo = HostPortPair::FromString(test);
EXPECT_EQ(0, foo.port());
TEST(HostPortPairTest, Emptiness) {
HostPortPair foo;
foo = HostPortPair::FromString("");
TEST(HostPortPairTest, ToString) {
for (const auto& test : tests) {
HostPortPair foo(, test.port);
EXPECT_EQ(test.to_string, foo.ToString());
// Test empty hostname.
HostPortPair foo(string(), 10);
TEST(HostPortPairTest, HostForURL) {
for (const auto& test : tests) {
HostPortPair foo(, test.port);
EXPECT_EQ(test.host_for_url, foo.HostForURL());
// Test hostname with null character.
string bar_hostname("a\0.\0com", 7);
HostPortPair bar(bar_hostname, 80);
string expected_error("Host has a null char: a%00.%00com");
EXPECT_DFATAL(bar.HostForURL(), expected_error);
TEST(HostPortPairTest, LessThan) {
HostPortPair a_10("", 10);
HostPortPair a_11("", 11);
HostPortPair b_10("", 10);
HostPortPair b_11("", 11);
EXPECT_FALSE(a_10 < a_10);
EXPECT_TRUE(a_10 < a_11);
EXPECT_TRUE(a_10 < b_10);
EXPECT_TRUE(a_10 < b_11);
EXPECT_FALSE(a_11 < a_10);
EXPECT_FALSE(a_11 < b_10);
EXPECT_FALSE(b_10 < a_10);
EXPECT_TRUE(b_10 < a_11);
EXPECT_FALSE(b_11 < a_10);
TEST(HostPortPairTest, Equals) {
HostPortPair a_10("", 10);
HostPortPair a_11("", 11);
HostPortPair b_10("", 10);
HostPortPair b_11("", 11);
HostPortPair new_a_10("", 10);
} // namespace
} // namespace net