blob: 59059d88f6df215e320d00ddf8ccd5799e19b80a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "net/tools/huffman_trie/trie_entry.h"
namespace net {
namespace transport_security_state {
// Maps a name to an index. This is used to track the index of several values
// in the C++ code. The trie refers to the array index of the values. For
// example; the pinsets are outputted as a C++ array and the index for the
// pinset in that array is placed in the trie.
using NameIDMap = std::map<std::string, uint32_t>;
using NameIDPair = std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>;
struct TransportSecurityStateEntry {
std::string hostname;
bool include_subdomains = false;
bool force_https = false;
bool hpkp_include_subdomains = false;
std::string pinset;
bool expect_ct = false;
std::string expect_ct_report_uri;
using TransportSecurityStateEntries =
class TransportSecurityStateTrieEntry : public huffman_trie::TrieEntry {
TransportSecurityStateTrieEntry(const NameIDMap& expect_ct_report_uri_map,
const NameIDMap& pinsets_map,
TransportSecurityStateEntry* entry);
~TransportSecurityStateTrieEntry() override;
// huffman_trie::TrieEntry:
std::string name() const override;
bool WriteEntry(huffman_trie::TrieBitBuffer* writer) const override;
const NameIDMap& expect_ct_report_uri_map_;
const NameIDMap& pinsets_map_;
TransportSecurityStateEntry* entry_;
} // namespace transport_security_state
} // namespace net