blob: aba466d500a3b133ce49ffdbc4af7b95a6b188ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/sqlite/sqlite3.h"
namespace sql {
// This empty constructor initializes our reference with an empty one so that
// we don't have to null-check the ref_ to see if the statement is valid: we
// only have to check the ref's validity bit.
: ref_(base::MakeRefCounted<Database::StatementRef>(nullptr,
succeeded_(false) {}
Statement::Statement(scoped_refptr<Database::StatementRef> ref)
: ref_(std::move(ref)), stepped_(false), succeeded_(false) {}
Statement::~Statement() {
// Free the resources associated with this statement. We assume there's only
// one statement active for a given sqlite3_stmt at any time, so this won't
// mess with anything.
void Statement::Assign(scoped_refptr<Database::StatementRef> ref) {
ref_ = std::move(ref);
void Statement::Clear() {
Assign(base::MakeRefCounted<Database::StatementRef>(nullptr, nullptr, false));
succeeded_ = false;
bool Statement::CheckValid() const {
// Allow operations to fail silently if a statement was invalidated
// because the database was closed by an error handler.
DLOG_IF(FATAL, !ref_->was_valid())
<< "Cannot call mutating statements on an invalid statement.";
return is_valid();
int Statement::StepInternal() {
if (!CheckValid())
base::Optional<base::ScopedBlockingCall> scoped_blocking_call;
ref_->InitScopedBlockingCall(FROM_HERE, &scoped_blocking_call);
stepped_ = true;
int ret = sqlite3_step(ref_->stmt());
return CheckError(ret);
bool Statement::Run() {
return StepInternal() == SQLITE_DONE;
bool Statement::Step() {
return StepInternal() == SQLITE_ROW;
void Statement::Reset(bool clear_bound_vars) {
base::Optional<base::ScopedBlockingCall> scoped_blocking_call;
ref_->InitScopedBlockingCall(FROM_HERE, &scoped_blocking_call);
if (is_valid()) {
if (clear_bound_vars)
// StepInternal() cannot track success because statements may be reset
// before reaching SQLITE_DONE. Don't call CheckError() because
// sqlite3_reset() returns the last step error, which StepInternal() already
// checked.
// Potentially release dirty cache pages if an autocommit statement made
// changes.
if (ref_->database())
succeeded_ = false;
stepped_ = false;
bool Statement::Succeeded() const {
return is_valid() && succeeded_;
bool Statement::BindNull(int col) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_null(ref_->stmt(), col + 1));
bool Statement::BindBool(int col, bool val) {
return BindInt(col, val ? 1 : 0);
bool Statement::BindInt(int col, int val) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_int(ref_->stmt(), col + 1, val));
bool Statement::BindInt64(int col, int64_t val) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_int64(ref_->stmt(), col + 1, val));
bool Statement::BindDouble(int col, double val) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_double(ref_->stmt(), col + 1, val));
bool Statement::BindCString(int col, const char* val) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_text(ref_->stmt(), col + 1, val, -1,
bool Statement::BindString(int col, const std::string& val) {
return is_valid() &&
CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_text(ref_->stmt(), col + 1,,
bool Statement::BindString16(int col, base::StringPiece16 value) {
return BindString(col, base::UTF16ToUTF8(value));
bool Statement::BindBlob(int col, const void* val, int val_len) {
return is_valid() && CheckOk(sqlite3_bind_blob(ref_->stmt(), col + 1, val,
int Statement::ColumnCount() const {
if (!is_valid())
return 0;
return sqlite3_column_count(ref_->stmt());
// Verify that our enum matches sqlite's values.
static_assert(static_cast<int>(ColumnType::kInteger) == SQLITE_INTEGER,
"INTEGER mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(ColumnType::kFloat) == SQLITE_FLOAT,
"FLOAT mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(ColumnType::kText) == SQLITE_TEXT,
"TEXT mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(ColumnType::kBlob) == SQLITE_BLOB,
"BLOB mismatch");
static_assert(static_cast<int>(ColumnType::kNull) == SQLITE_NULL,
"NULL mismatch");
ColumnType Statement::GetColumnType(int col) const {
return static_cast<enum ColumnType>(sqlite3_column_type(ref_->stmt(), col));
bool Statement::ColumnBool(int col) const {
return static_cast<bool>(ColumnInt(col));
int Statement::ColumnInt(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return 0;
return sqlite3_column_int(ref_->stmt(), col);
int64_t Statement::ColumnInt64(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return 0;
return sqlite3_column_int64(ref_->stmt(), col);
double Statement::ColumnDouble(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return 0;
return sqlite3_column_double(ref_->stmt(), col);
std::string Statement::ColumnString(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return std::string();
const char* str = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
sqlite3_column_text(ref_->stmt(), col));
int len = sqlite3_column_bytes(ref_->stmt(), col);
std::string result;
if (str && len > 0)
result.assign(str, len);
return result;
base::string16 Statement::ColumnString16(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return base::string16();
std::string s = ColumnString(col);
return !s.empty() ? base::UTF8ToUTF16(s) : base::string16();
int Statement::ColumnByteLength(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return 0;
return sqlite3_column_bytes(ref_->stmt(), col);
const void* Statement::ColumnBlob(int col) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return nullptr;
return sqlite3_column_blob(ref_->stmt(), col);
bool Statement::ColumnBlobAsString(int col, std::string* blob) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return false;
const void* p = ColumnBlob(col);
size_t len = ColumnByteLength(col);
if (blob->size() != len) {
return false;
blob->assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(p), len);
return true;
bool Statement::ColumnBlobAsString16(int col, base::string16* val) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return false;
const void* data = ColumnBlob(col);
size_t len = ColumnByteLength(col) / sizeof(base::char16);
if (val->size() != len)
return false;
val->assign(reinterpret_cast<const base::char16*>(data), len);
return true;
bool Statement::ColumnBlobAsVector(int col, std::vector<char>* val) const {
if (!CheckValid())
return false;
const void* data = sqlite3_column_blob(ref_->stmt(), col);
int len = sqlite3_column_bytes(ref_->stmt(), col);
if (data && len > 0) {
memcpy(&(*val)[0], data, len);
return true;
bool Statement::ColumnBlobAsVector(
int col,
std::vector<unsigned char>* val) const {
return ColumnBlobAsVector(col, reinterpret_cast< std::vector<char>* >(val));
const char* Statement::GetSQLStatement() {
return sqlite3_sql(ref_->stmt());
bool Statement::CheckOk(int err) const {
// Binding to a non-existent variable is evidence of a serious error.
// TODO(gbillock,shess): make this invalidate the statement so it
// can't wreak havoc.
DCHECK_NE(err, SQLITE_RANGE) << "Bind value out of range";
return err == SQLITE_OK;
int Statement::CheckError(int err) {
// Please don't add DCHECKs here, OnSqliteError() already has them.
succeeded_ = (err == SQLITE_OK || err == SQLITE_ROW || err == SQLITE_DONE);
if (!succeeded_ && ref_.get() && ref_->database())
return ref_->database()->OnSqliteError(err, this, nullptr);
return err;
} // namespace sql