| Validates the exposed Gamepad API. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS navigator.getGamepads is defined. |
| PASS GamepadEvent is defined. |
| PASS gamepads.length is 4 |
| PASS gamepads[0] is undefined. |
| PASS gamepads.item.__proto__ is Function.prototype |
| PASS gamepads.item(0) is null |
| PASS gamepad is non-null. |
| PASS gamepad.connected is true |
| PASS gamepad.__proto__ is Gamepad.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.id.__proto__ is String.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.connected.__proto__ is Boolean.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.index.__proto__ is Number.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.timestamp.__proto__ is Number.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.axes.__proto__ is Array.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.axes[0].__proto__ is Number.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.buttons.__proto__ is Array.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.buttons[0].pressed.__proto__ is Boolean.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.buttons[0].value.__proto__ is Number.prototype |
| PASS gamepad.mapping.__proto__ is String.prototype |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |