blob: 6ecdb04270b7263078b324540eb9d9974dfb7e6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace ash {
namespace test {
class MaterialDesignControllerTestAPI;
} // namespace test
// Central controller to handle material design modes.
class ASH_EXPORT MaterialDesignController {
// The different material design modes for Chrome OS system UI.
enum Mode {
// Not initialized.
// Classic, non-material design.
// Basic material design.
// Material design with experimental features.
// Initializes |mode_|. Must be called before calling IsMaterial(),
// IsMaterialExperimental(), IsMaterialNormal(), or GetMode().
static void Initialize();
// Returns the currently initialized MaterialDesignController::Mode type for
// Chrome OS system UI.
static Mode GetMode();
// Returns true if Material Design features are enabled for Chrome OS shelf.
static bool IsShelfMaterial();
// Returns true if Material Design features are enabled for Chrome OS
// immersive mode.
static bool IsImmersiveModeMaterial();
// Returns true if Material Design features are enabled for Chrome OS system
// tray menu.
static bool IsSystemTrayMenuMaterial();
// Returns true if material design versions of icons should be used in the
// status tray and system menu.
static bool UseMaterialDesignSystemIcons();
friend class test::MaterialDesignControllerTestAPI;
// Declarations only. Do not allow construction of an object.
// Material Design |Mode| for Chrome OS system UI. Used only by tests.
static Mode mode();
// Returns true if Material Design is enabled in Chrome OS system UI.
// Maps to "ash-md" flag "enabled" or "experimental" values.
static bool IsMaterial();
// Returns true if Material Design normal features are enabled in Chrome OS
// system UI. Maps to "--ash-md=enabled" command line switch value.
static bool IsMaterialNormal();
// Returns true if Material Design experimental features are enabled in
// Chrome OS system UI. Maps to "--ash-md=experimental" command line switch
// value.
static bool IsMaterialExperimental();
// Returns the per-platform default material design variant.
static Mode DefaultMode();
// Sets |mode_| to |mode|. Can be used by tests to directly set the mode.
static void SetMode(Mode mode);
// Resets the initialization state to uninitialized. To be used by tests to
// allow calling Initialize() more than once.
static void Uninitialize();
} // namespace ash