blob: 89c713bddc77a1d93bb7cc257ee5afa03a32066f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "ios/net/clients/crn_forwarding_network_client_factory.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
@interface TestFactoryA : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryA
// B must appear before A
@interface TestFactoryB : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryB
+ (instancetype)mustApplyBefore { return [TestFactoryA class]; }
// C must appear after A
@interface TestFactoryC : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryC
+ (instancetype)mustApplyAfter { return [TestFactoryA class]; }
// D must appear after B and before C
@interface TestFactoryD : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryD
+ (instancetype)mustApplyAfter { return [TestFactoryB class]; }
+ (instancetype)mustApplyBefore { return [TestFactoryC class]; }
// E and F form a loop
@interface TestFactoryE : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@interface TestFactoryF : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryE
+ (instancetype)mustApplyAfter { return [TestFactoryF class]; }
@implementation TestFactoryF
+ (instancetype)mustApplyAfter { return [TestFactoryE class]; }
// G must appear before B and after C, so while not a loop, it can't be
// ordered consistently.
@interface TestFactoryG : CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory
@implementation TestFactoryG
+ (instancetype)mustApplyAfter { return [TestFactoryC class]; }
+ (instancetype)mustApplyBefore { return [TestFactoryB class]; }
namespace {
class ForwardingNetworkClientFactoryTest : public testing::Test {
ForwardingNetworkClientFactoryTest() {}
void SetUp() override {
factory_a_.reset([[TestFactoryA alloc] init]);
factory_b_.reset([[TestFactoryB alloc] init]);
factory_c_.reset([[TestFactoryC alloc] init]);
factory_d_.reset([[TestFactoryD alloc] init]);
base::scoped_nsobject<TestFactoryA> factory_a_;
base::scoped_nsobject<TestFactoryB> factory_b_;
base::scoped_nsobject<TestFactoryC> factory_c_;
base::scoped_nsobject<TestFactoryD> factory_d_;
} // namespace
TEST_F(ForwardingNetworkClientFactoryTest, SortFactories) {
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> array([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
// Add a, c, b.
EXPECT_TRUE([[TestFactoryA class] orderedOK]);
EXPECT_TRUE([[TestFactoryB class] orderedOK]);
EXPECT_TRUE([[TestFactoryC class] orderedOK]);
[array addObject:factory_a_.get()];
[array addObject:factory_b_.get()];
[array addObject:factory_c_.get()];
[array sortUsingSelector:@selector(orderRelativeTo:)];
// Expect b before a.
EXPECT_LT([array indexOfObject:factory_b_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_a_.get()]);
// Expect c after a.
EXPECT_GT([array indexOfObject:factory_c_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_a_.get()]);
// Add d.
EXPECT_TRUE([[TestFactoryD class] orderedOK]);
[array addObject:factory_d_.get()];
[array sortUsingSelector:@selector(orderRelativeTo:)];
// Expect previous relations unchanged.
EXPECT_LT([array indexOfObject:factory_b_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_a_.get()]);
EXPECT_GT([array indexOfObject:factory_c_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_a_.get()]);
// Expect b before d.
EXPECT_LT([array indexOfObject:factory_b_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_d_.get()]);
// Expect c after d.
EXPECT_GT([array indexOfObject:factory_c_.get()],
[array indexOfObject:factory_d_.get()]);
// E and F are not OK.
EXPECT_FALSE([[TestFactoryE class] orderedOK]);
EXPECT_FALSE([[TestFactoryF class] orderedOK]);
// G is not OK.
EXPECT_FALSE([[TestFactoryG class] orderedOK]);
TEST_F(ForwardingNetworkClientFactoryTest, TestSubclassImplementations) {
// Look at all the subclasses of of CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory.
// Make sure that each one implements at least one clientHandling.. method.
Class factory_superclass = [CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory class];
std::string superclass_name = class_getName(factory_superclass);
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> subclasses(
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
// Look at every known class and find those that are subclasses of
// |factory_superclass|.
int class_count = objc_getClassList(nullptr, 0);
Class* classes = nullptr;
classes = static_cast<Class*>(malloc(sizeof(Class) * class_count));
class_count = objc_getClassList(classes, class_count);
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < class_count; i++) {
std::string class_name = class_getName(classes[i]);
// Skip the test classes defined above.
if (base::StartsWith(class_name, "TestFactory",
Class subclass_super = classes[i];
int subclassing_count = 0;
// Walk up the class hiererchy from |classes[i]| to |factory_superclass|.
do {
subclass_super = class_getSuperclass(subclass_super);
} while (subclass_super && subclass_super != factory_superclass);
if (subclass_super == nil)
// If |subclassing_count| > 1 we have found a class that is a subclass of
// a subclass of |factory_superclass|, which we want to (for now) flag.
EXPECT_EQ(1, subclassing_count)
<< class_name << " is an indirect subclass of " << superclass_name;
[subclasses addObject:classes[i]];
// Get all of the methods defined in ForwardingNetworkClientFactoryTest and
// compile a list of those named "clientHandling...".
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> client_handling_methods(
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
unsigned int method_count;
Method* superclass_methods =
class_copyMethodList(factory_superclass, &method_count);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < method_count; i++) {
NSString* method_name =
if ([method_name hasPrefix:@"clientHandling"]) {
[client_handling_methods addObject:method_name];
// The superclass should implement at least one method.
EXPECT_LT(0u, [client_handling_methods count]);
for (Class subclass in subclasses.get()) {
Method* methods = class_copyMethodList(subclass, &method_count);
// The subclass has to have > 0 methods
EXPECT_LT(0u, method_count);
// Collect an array of the methods the class implements, then check each
// superclass clientHandling method to see if it's in the list.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> method_names(
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < method_count; i++) {
[method_names addObject:NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(methods[i]))];
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> subclass_implementations(
[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]);
for (NSString* superclass_method_name in client_handling_methods.get()) {
if ([method_names indexOfObject:superclass_method_name] != NSNotFound) {
[subclass_implementations addObject:superclass_method_name];
std::string class_name = class_getName(subclass);
std::string method_list = base::SysNSStringToUTF8(
[subclass_implementations componentsJoinedByString:@", "]);
ASSERT_NE(0u, [subclass_implementations count])
<< class_name
<< " does not implement any required clientHandling methods.";
ASSERT_EQ(1u, [subclass_implementations count])
<< class_name << " implements too many superclass methods ("
<< method_list << ").";