blob: b8142aba5c00355c0497b590f1134256a29d1add [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
namespace net {
class AuthChallengeInfo;
class URLRequest;
} // namespace net
namespace network_client {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool auth_ok,
const base::string16& username,
const base::string16& password)> AuthCallback;
} // namespace network_client
// CRNNetworkClientProtocol provides an interface for delegate classes that
// receive calls about data loading from the Chromium network stack.
// Many methods in this protocol correspond to the NSURLProtocol methods, and
// are called by the HttpProtocolHandlerCore when events occur in the network
// stack. A class that implements this protocol can respond by proxying the call
// over to an NSURLProtocolClient that it manages, or by managing the data as it
// sees fit.
@protocol CRNNetworkClientProtocol<NSObject>
// Methods corresponding to NSURLProtocolClient methods.
// Called from the IO thread.
// Corresponds to |-URLProtocol:didFailWithError|.
// The base client will create an NSError instance using |nsErrorCode| (an error
// code from NSURLError.h) and |netErrorCode| (a Chrome errror code) and url
// and creation time information supplied by the HttpProtocolHandlerCore
// instance.
- (void)didFailWithNSErrorCode:(NSInteger)nsErrorCode
// Corresponds to |-URLProtocol:didLoadData|.
- (void)didLoadData:(NSData*)data;
// Corresponds to |-URLProtocol:didReceiveResponse:cacheStoragePolicy|.
- (void)didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response;
// Corresponds to |-URLProtocol:wasRedirectedToRequest:redirectResponse|.
- (void)wasRedirectedToRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request
// Corresponds to |-URLProtocol:didFinishLoading|.
- (void)didFinishLoading;
// Methods that don't correspond to NSURLProtocolClient methdods but which are
// used to implement injectible features using network clients.
// Called after |nativeRequest| is created, but before it's started; native
// clients have the opportunity to modify the request at this time.
- (void)didCreateNativeRequest:(net::URLRequest*)nativeRequest;
// Called when an authentication challenge represented by |authInfo| is recieved
// from |nativeRequest|.
// Clients that won't handle the challenge should forward this call down the
// client stack.
// Clients that will handle the request should do so asynchronously, immediately
// returning without forwarding down the client stack, and then invoking
// |callback| on the IO thread when credentials are available.
// |callback|'s first parameter is a boolean that indicates if authentication
// was successful.
// If authentication was successful, |callback|'s second and third parameters
// are username and password; if unsuccesful they are empty strings.
- (void)didRecieveAuthChallenge:(net::AuthChallengeInfo*)authInfo
nativeRequest:(const net::URLRequest&)nativeRequest
callback:(const network_client::AuthCallback&)callback;
// Called when a request is terminated, signalling that any outstanding
// authentication requests should cancel.
- (void)cancelAuthRequest;
// If |underlyingClient| is not nil, the protocol is responsible for calling it.
// If the protocol is only listening for network events, it should simply
// forward all the calls to the underlying client.
// Called from the IO thread.
- (void)setUnderlyingClient:(id<CRNNetworkClientProtocol>)underlyingClient;