blob: 1bebb015d331ffd18a53f2d6dcd46bb84c2deb73 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Use: <start-from> [exclude-dir ...]
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
sub check_is_generated_file($);
sub start_copyright_parsing();
my $progname = basename($0);
my $root_dir = shift @ARGV;
my @find_args = ();
while (@ARGV) {
my $path = shift @ARGV;
push @find_args, qw'-not ( -path', "*/$path/*", qw'-prune )'
push @find_args, qw(-follow -type f -print);
open FIND, '-|', 'find', $root_dir, @find_args
or die "$progname: Couldn't exec find: $!\n";
my $check_regex = '\.(asm|c(c|pp|xx)?|h(h|pp|xx)?|p(l|m)|xs|sh|php|py(|x)' .
'|rb|idl|java|el|sc(i|e)|cs|pas|inc|js|pac|html|dtd|xsl|mod|mm?' .
my @files = ();
while (<FIND>) {
push @files, $_ unless (-z $_ || !m%$check_regex%);
close FIND;
my $generated_file_scan_boundary = 25;
while (@files) {
my $file = shift @files;
my $file_header = '';
my %copyrights;
open (F, "<$file") or die "$progname: Unable to access $file\n";
my $parse_copyright = start_copyright_parsing();
while (<F>) {
$file_header .= $_ unless $. > $generated_file_scan_boundary;
my $copyright_match = $parse_copyright->($_, $.);
if ($copyright_match) {
$copyrights{lc("$copyright_match")} = "$copyright_match";
my $copyright = join(" / ", sort values %copyrights);
print "$file\t";
if (check_is_generated_file($file_header)) {
} else {
print ($copyright or "*No copyright*");
print "\n";
sub check_is_generated_file($) {
my $license = uc($_[0]);
# Remove Python multiline comments to avoid false positives
if (index($license, '"""') != -1) {
$license =~ s/"""[^"]*(?:"""|$)//mg;
if (index($license, "'''") != -1) {
$license =~ s/'''[^']*(?:'''|$)//mg;
# Quick checks using index.
if (index($license, 'ALL CHANGES MADE IN THIS FILE WILL BE LOST') != -1) {
return 1;
if (index($license, 'DO NOT EDIT') != -1 ||
index($license, 'DO NOT DELETE') != -1 ||
index($license, 'GENERATED') != -1) {
return ($license =~ /(All changes made in this file will be lost' .
'DO NOT (EDIT|delete this file)|Generated (at|automatically|data)' .
'|Automatically generated|\Wgenerated\s+(?:\w+\s+)*file\W)/i);
return 0;
sub are_within_increasing_progression($$$) {
my $delta = $_[0] - $_[1];
return $delta >= 0 && $delta <= $_[2];
sub start_copyright_parsing() {
my $max_line_numbers_proximity = 3;
# Set up the defaults the way that proximity checks will not succeed.
my $last_a_item_line_number = -200;
my $last_b_item_line_number = -100;
return sub {
my $line = $_[0];
my $line_number = $_[1];
# Remove C / C++ strings to avoid false positives.
if (index($line, '"') != -1) {
$line =~ s/"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"//g;
my $uc_line = uc($line);
# Record '(a)' and '(b)' last occurences in C++ comments.
my $cpp_comment_idx = index($uc_line, '//');
if ($cpp_comment_idx != -1) {
if (index($uc_line, '(A)') > $cpp_comment_idx) {
$last_a_item_line_number = $line_number;
if (index($uc_line, '(B)') > $cpp_comment_idx) {
$last_b_item_line_number = $line_number;
# Fast bailout, uses the same patterns as the regexp.
if (index($uc_line, 'COPYRIGHT') == -1 &&
index($uc_line, 'COPR.') == -1 &&
index($uc_line, '\x{00a9}') == -1 &&
index($uc_line, '\xc2\xa9') == -1) {
my $c_item_index = index($uc_line, '(C)');
return '' if ($c_item_index == -1);
# Filter out 'c' used as a list item inside C++ comments.
# E.g. "// blah-blah (a) blah\n// blah-blah (b) and (c) blah"
if ($c_item_index > $cpp_comment_idx &&
$max_line_numbers_proximity) &&
$max_line_numbers_proximity)) {
return '';
my $copyright_indicator_regex =
my $full_copyright_indicator_regex =
sprintf '(?:\W|^)%s(?::\s*|\s+)(\w.*)$', $copyright_indicator_regex;
my $copyright_disindicator_regex =
my $copyright = '';
if ($line =~ m%$full_copyright_indicator_regex%i) {
my $match = $1;
if ($match !~ m%^\s*$copyright_disindicator_regex%i) {
$match =~ s/([,.])?\s*$//;
$match =~ s/$copyright_indicator_regex//ig;
$match =~ s/^\s+//;
$match =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
$match =~ s/\\@/@/g;
$copyright = $match;
return $copyright;