blob: a0db6e689796725f7a9d09f9adfd9aade72559e8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file contains UI-related build flags. It should theoretically be in the
# src/ui directory and only things that depend on the ui module should get the
# definitions.
# However, today we have many "bad" dependencies on some of these flags from,
# e.g. base, so they need to be global.
# See also build/config/ui.gni
declare_args() {
# Multicast DNS.
enable_mdns = is_win || is_linux
enable_plugins = !is_android || !is_ios
# Additional dependent variables -----------------------------------------------
# Set the version of CLD.
# 0: Don't specify the version. This option is for the Finch testing.
# 1: Use only CLD1.
# 2: Use only CLD2.
if (is_android || is_ios) {
cld_version = 1
} else {
cld_version = 2
# libudev usage. This currently only affects the content layer.
use_udev = is_linux
# Enable the spell checker.
enable_spellcheck = !is_android
enable_pepper_cdms = enable_plugins && (is_linux || is_mac || is_win)
# Enable printing support and UI. This variable is used to configure which
# parts of printing will be built. 0 disables printing completely, 1 enables it
# fully, and 2 enables only the codepath to generate a Metafile (e.g. usually
# a PDF or EMF) and disables print preview, cloud print, UI, etc.
if (is_android) {
enable_printing = 2
} else {
enable_printing = 1