blob: 4280c3cb74553efe05481c54833d7d6ff6351af1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_instance.h"
#include "ppapi/c/pp_resource.h"
#include "ppapi/host/ppapi_host_export.h"
#include "ppapi/shared_impl/ppapi_permissions.h"
namespace ppapi {
namespace proxy {
class ResourceMessageCallParams;
class ResourceMessageReplyParams;
class SerializedHandle;
namespace host {
class HostFactory;
struct HostMessageContext;
class InstanceMessageFilter;
struct ReplyMessageContext;
class ResourceHost;
// The host provides routing and tracking for resource message calls that
// come from the plugin to the host (browser or renderer), and the
// corresponding replies.
class PPAPI_HOST_EXPORT PpapiHost : public IPC::Sender, public IPC::Listener {
// The sender is the channel to the plugin for outgoing messages.
// Normally the creator will add filters for resource creation messages
// (AddHostFactoryFilter) and instance messages (AddInstanceMessageFilter)
// after construction.
PpapiHost(IPC::Sender* sender, const PpapiPermissions& perms);
virtual ~PpapiHost();
const PpapiPermissions& permissions() const { return permissions_; }
// Sender implementation. Forwards to the sender_.
virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) OVERRIDE;
// Listener implementation.
virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) OVERRIDE;
// Sends the given reply message to the plugin.
void SendReply(const ReplyMessageContext& context,
const IPC::Message& msg);
// Sends the given unsolicited reply message to the plugin.
void SendUnsolicitedReply(PP_Resource resource, const IPC::Message& msg);
// Similar to |SendUnsolicitedReply()|, but also sends handles.
void SendUnsolicitedReplyWithHandles(
PP_Resource resource,
const IPC::Message& msg,
const std::vector<proxy::SerializedHandle>& handles);
// Create a ResourceHost with the given |nested_msg|.
scoped_ptr<ResourceHost> CreateResourceHost(
const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
PP_Instance instance,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg);
// Adds the given host resource as a pending one (with no corresponding
// PluginResource object and no PP_Resource ID yet). The pending resource ID
// is returned. See PpapiHostMsg_AttachToPendingHost.
int AddPendingResourceHost(scoped_ptr<ResourceHost> resource_host);
// Adds the given host factory filter to the host. The PpapiHost will take
// ownership of the pointer.
void AddHostFactoryFilter(scoped_ptr<HostFactory> filter);
// Adds the given message filter to the host. The PpapiHost will take
// ownership of the pointer.
void AddInstanceMessageFilter(scoped_ptr<InstanceMessageFilter> filter);
// Returns null if the resource doesn't exist.
host::ResourceHost* GetResourceHost(PP_Resource resource) const;
friend class InstanceMessageFilter;
void HandleResourceCall(
const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg,
HostMessageContext* context);
// Message handlers.
void OnHostMsgResourceCall(const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg);
void OnHostMsgInProcessResourceCall(
int routing_id,
const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg);
void OnHostMsgResourceSyncCall(
const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& params,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg,
IPC::Message* reply_msg);
void OnHostMsgResourceCreated(const proxy::ResourceMessageCallParams& param,
PP_Instance instance,
const IPC::Message& nested_msg);
void OnHostMsgAttachToPendingHost(PP_Resource resource, int pending_host_id);
void OnHostMsgResourceDestroyed(PP_Resource resource);
// Non-owning pointer.
IPC::Sender* sender_;
PpapiPermissions permissions_;
// Filters for resource creation messages. Note that since we don't support
// deleting these dynamically we don't need to worry about modifications
// during iteration. If we add that capability, this should be replaced with
// an ObserverList.
ScopedVector<HostFactory> host_factory_filters_;
// Filters for instance messages. Note that since we don't support deleting
// these dynamically we don't need to worry about modifications during
// iteration. If we add that capability, this should be replaced with an
// ObserverList.
ScopedVector<InstanceMessageFilter> instance_message_filters_;
typedef std::map<PP_Resource, linked_ptr<ResourceHost> > ResourceMap;
ResourceMap resources_;
// Resources that have been created in the host and have not yet had the
// corresponding PluginResource associated with them.
// See PpapiHostMsg_AttachToPendingHost.
typedef std::map<int, linked_ptr<ResourceHost> > PendingHostResourceMap;
PendingHostResourceMap pending_resource_hosts_;
int next_pending_resource_host_id_;
} // namespace host
} // namespace ppapi