| // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #import "ios/chrome/search_widget_extension/search_widget_view.h" |
| #include "base/logging.h" |
| #import "ios/chrome/search_widget_extension/copied_content_view.h" |
| #import "ios/chrome/search_widget_extension/search_action_view.h" |
| #import "ios/chrome/search_widget_extension/search_widget_constants.h" |
| |
| #if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc) |
| #error "This file requires ARC support." |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| const CGFloat kMaxContentSize = 421; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| @interface SearchWidgetView () |
| // The content displayed in the actions section. |
| @property(nonatomic, strong) UIView* actionsContent; |
| // The actions section. Can be bigger than the content within. |
| @property(nonatomic, strong) UIView* actionsSection; |
| // The copied URL section. Fits its contents. |
| @property(nonatomic, strong) CopiedContentView* copiedURLSection; |
| // The height used in the compact display mode. |
| @property(nonatomic) CGFloat compactHeight; |
| // The target for actions in the view. |
| @property(nonatomic, weak) id<SearchWidgetViewActionTarget> target; |
| // The actions section height constraint. Set its constant to modify the action |
| // section's height. |
| @property(nonatomic, strong) NSLayoutConstraint* actionsSectionHeightConstraint; |
| |
| // Sets up the widget UI in compact mode. |
| - (void)createUI; |
| |
| // Creates the views for the action buttons. |
| - (void)createActionsView; |
| |
| // Returns the height of the action content. |
| - (CGFloat)actionContentHeight; |
| |
| // Returns the height of the copied URL section. |
| - (CGFloat)copiedURLSectionHeight; |
| |
| // Returns the height to use for the action section, depending on the display |
| // mode. |
| - (CGFloat)actionSectionHeight:(BOOL)compact; |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation SearchWidgetView |
| |
| @synthesize target = _target; |
| @synthesize copiedURLSection = _copiedURLSection; |
| @synthesize actionsSection = _actionsSection; |
| @synthesize actionsContent = _actionsContent; |
| @synthesize compactHeight = _compactHeight; |
| @synthesize actionsSectionHeightConstraint = _actionsSectionHeightConstraint; |
| |
| - (instancetype)initWithActionTarget:(id<SearchWidgetViewActionTarget>)target |
| compactHeight:(CGFloat)compactHeight { |
| self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; |
| if (self) { |
| DCHECK(target); |
| _target = target; |
| _compactHeight = compactHeight; |
| [self createUI]; |
| } |
| return self; |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - UI creation |
| |
| - (void)createUI { |
| [self createActionsView]; |
| _actionsSection.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO; |
| [self addSubview:_actionsSection]; |
| |
| _copiedURLSection = [[CopiedContentView alloc] |
| initWithActionTarget:self.target |
| actionSelector:@selector(openCopiedContent:)]; |
| [self addSubview:_copiedURLSection]; |
| |
| _actionsSectionHeightConstraint = [self.actionsSection.heightAnchor |
| constraintEqualToConstant:[self actionSectionHeight:YES]]; |
| |
| [NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:@[ |
| [_actionsSection.topAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor:self.topAnchor], |
| [_actionsSection.bottomAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:_copiedURLSection.topAnchor], |
| |
| [self.leadingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsSection.leadingAnchor], |
| [self.leadingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.copiedURLSection.leadingAnchor], |
| [self.trailingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsSection.trailingAnchor], |
| [self.trailingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.copiedURLSection.trailingAnchor], |
| _actionsSectionHeightConstraint, |
| ]]; |
| } |
| |
| - (CGFloat)actionSectionHeight:(BOOL)compact { |
| if (compact) { |
| return self.compactHeight; |
| } |
| CGFloat contentHeight = [self actionContentHeight]; |
| CGFloat copiedURLHeight = [self copiedURLSectionHeight]; |
| CGFloat height = contentHeight + copiedURLHeight; |
| if (height >= self.compactHeight) { |
| return contentHeight; |
| } |
| return self.compactHeight - copiedURLHeight; |
| } |
| |
| - (CGFloat)actionContentHeight { |
| [self.actionsContent setNeedsLayout]; |
| [self.actionsContent layoutIfNeeded]; |
| CGFloat height = |
| [self.actionsContent |
| systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:UILayoutFittingCompressedSize] |
| .height; |
| return height + 2 * kContentMargin; |
| } |
| |
| - (CGFloat)copiedURLSectionHeight { |
| [self.copiedURLSection setNeedsLayout]; |
| [self.copiedURLSection layoutIfNeeded]; |
| CGFloat height = |
| [self.copiedURLSection |
| systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:UILayoutFittingCompressedSize] |
| .height; |
| return height; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)createActionsView { |
| UIStackView* actionsContentStack = |
| [[UIStackView alloc] initWithArrangedSubviews:@[ |
| [[SearchActionView alloc] |
| initWithActionTarget:self.target |
| actionSelector:@selector(openSearch:) |
| title:NSLocalizedString(@"IDS_IOS_NEW_SEARCH", |
| @"New Search") |
| imageName:@"quick_action_search"], |
| [[SearchActionView alloc] |
| initWithActionTarget:self.target |
| actionSelector:@selector(openIncognito:) |
| title:NSLocalizedString(@"IDS_IOS_INCOGNITO_SEARCH", |
| @"Incognito Search") |
| imageName:@"quick_action_incognito_search"], |
| [[SearchActionView alloc] |
| initWithActionTarget:self.target |
| actionSelector:@selector(openVoice:) |
| title:NSLocalizedString(@"IDS_IOS_VOICE_SEARCH", |
| @"Voice Search") |
| imageName:@"quick_action_voice_search"], |
| [[SearchActionView alloc] |
| initWithActionTarget:self.target |
| actionSelector:@selector(openQRCode:) |
| title:NSLocalizedString(@"IDS_IOS_SCAN_QR_CODE", |
| @"Scan QR Code") |
| imageName:@"quick_action_scan_qr_code"], |
| ]]; |
| |
| actionsContentStack.axis = UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal; |
| actionsContentStack.alignment = UIStackViewAlignmentTop; |
| actionsContentStack.distribution = UIStackViewDistributionFillEqually; |
| actionsContentStack.spacing = kIconSpacing; |
| actionsContentStack.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero; |
| actionsContentStack.layoutMarginsRelativeArrangement = YES; |
| actionsContentStack.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO; |
| |
| self.actionsContent = actionsContentStack; |
| |
| self.actionsSection = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; |
| self.actionsSection.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO; |
| [self.actionsSection addSubview:self.actionsContent]; |
| |
| // These constraints stretch the action row to the full width of the widget. |
| // Their priority is < UILayoutPriorityRequired so that they can break when |
| // the view is larger than kMaxContentSize. |
| NSLayoutConstraint* actionsLeadingConstraint = |
| [self.actionsContent.leadingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsSection.leadingAnchor |
| constant:kContentMargin]; |
| actionsLeadingConstraint.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh; |
| NSLayoutConstraint* actionsTrailingConstraint = |
| [self.actionsContent.trailingAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsSection.trailingAnchor |
| constant:-kContentMargin]; |
| actionsTrailingConstraint.priority = UILayoutPriorityDefaultHigh; |
| |
| [NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:@[ |
| [self.actionsSection.centerYAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsContent.centerYAnchor], |
| [self.actionsContent.centerXAnchor |
| constraintEqualToAnchor:self.actionsSection.centerXAnchor], |
| [self.actionsContent.widthAnchor |
| constraintLessThanOrEqualToConstant:kMaxContentSize], |
| actionsLeadingConstraint, |
| actionsTrailingConstraint, |
| ]]; |
| } |
| |
| #pragma mark - SearchWidgetView |
| |
| - (void)showMode:(BOOL)compact { |
| self.actionsSectionHeightConstraint.constant = |
| [self actionSectionHeight:compact]; |
| } |
| |
| - (CGFloat)widgetHeight { |
| return [self actionContentHeight] + [self copiedURLSectionHeight]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)setCopiedContentType:(CopiedContentType)type |
| copiedText:(NSString*)copiedText { |
| [self.copiedURLSection setCopiedContentType:type copiedText:copiedText]; |
| } |
| |
| @end |