blob: 9a22d8babdfd3b3cf2e668091336d0baf720fa6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/logging/utils.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/disk_util_types.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/process.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/pup_data/pup_data.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/settings/settings_types.h"
#include "components/chrome_cleaner/public/constants/result_codes.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace chrome_cleaner {
class RegistryLogger;
namespace internal {
struct FileInformation;
struct RegistryValue;
} // namespace internal
// Manage where the logs are sent, and expose an API for more specific logging.
class LoggingServiceAPI {
typedef base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> UploadResultCallback;
virtual ~LoggingServiceAPI() {}
// Return the singleton instance which will get destroyed by the AtExitMgr.
// The instance must have been initialized with |Initialize| before
// being used, and |Terminate| must be called before releasing (or destroying)
// the object.
// Tests can force their own logging service implemenation with
// SetInstanceForTesting().
static LoggingServiceAPI* GetInstance();
// Sets the logging service instance for testing purposes only.
// Using |logging_service| as null resets GetInstance() to its default
// behaviour.
// Recommended usage:
// void SetUp() override {
// LoggingServiceAPI::SetInstance(&my_logging_service_);
// LoggingServiceAPI::GetInstance()->Initialize(&my_registry_logger_);
// }
// void TearDown() override {
// LoggingServiceAPI::GetInstance()->Terminate();
// LoggingServiceAPI::SetInstance(nullptr);
// }
// Note: when my_logging_service_ is a MockLoggingService, Initialize() and
// Terminate() don't need to be called.
static void SetInstanceForTesting(LoggingServiceAPI* logging_service);
// All of the following functions must be called from the main UI thread:
// Start and stop intercepting logs. The function |Terminate| disables uploads
// and flushes current content of the logging report. |registry_logger| is
// needed to make sure there are no logs upload scheduled tasks left active
// when logs upload is disabled. It can be nullptr when caller is positive
// that there are none, i.e., when initializing for the first time.
virtual void Initialize(RegistryLogger* registry_logger) = 0;
virtual void Terminate() = 0;
// Send the current state of |chrome_cleaner_report_| to the Safe Browsing API
// and clear it. |registry_logger| is specified by the caller so that it can
// be mocked for testing.
virtual void SendLogsToSafeBrowsing(const UploadResultCallback& done_callback,
RegistryLogger* registry_logger) = 0;
// Cancel all current and future waits, to speed up system shutdown.
virtual void CancelWaitForShutdown() = 0;
// Enable / disable uploads of logs. |registry_logger| is needed to make sure
// there are no logs upload scheduled tasks left active when logs upload is
// disabled. It can be nullptr when caller is positive that there are none,
// i.e., when enabling for the first time.
virtual void EnableUploads(bool enabled, RegistryLogger* registry_logger) = 0;
// Schedule a task to upload logs in case we fail to progress beyond the point
// from where this is called, which can be identified by |result_code|. These
// fall back logs use the current state of raw log lines without flushing
// them, and use |result_code| as the protobuf exit code.
virtual void ScheduleFallbackLogsUpload(RegistryLogger* registry_logger,
ResultCode result_code) = 0;
// All of the following functions can be called from any thread:
virtual bool uploads_enabled() const = 0;
// Set |detailed_system_report| to |chrome_cleaner_report_|.
virtual void SetDetailedSystemReport(bool detailed_system_report) = 0;
virtual bool detailed_system_report_enabled() const = 0;
// Add |found_uws_name| to |chrome_cleaner_report_|.
virtual void AddFoundUwS(const std::string& found_uws_name) = 0;
// Add |found_uws| to |chrome_cleaner_report_| with the detail level of the
// UwS set according to |flags|.
// Can be called from any thread.
virtual void AddDetectedUwS(const PUPData::PUP* found_uws,
UwSDetectedFlags flags) = 0;
// Adds a converted UwS proto to the list of matched UwS.
virtual void AddDetectedUwS(const UwS& uws) = 0;
// Set |exit_code| to |chrome_cleaner_report_|. Can be called from any thread.
// Must not be called except when really done.
virtual void SetExitCode(ResultCode exit_code) = 0;
// Add a loaded module to the system report.
virtual void AddLoadedModule(
const std::wstring& name,
ModuleHost host,
const internal::FileInformation& file_information) = 0;
// Add a running service to the system report.
virtual void AddService(
const std::wstring& display_name,
const std::wstring& service_name,
const internal::FileInformation& file_information) = 0;
// Add an installed program to the system report.
virtual void AddInstalledProgram(const base::FilePath& folder_path) = 0;
// Add a running process to the system report.
virtual void AddProcess(
const std::wstring& name,
const internal::FileInformation& file_information) = 0;
// Add a registry value |registry_value| which may have |file_informations|
// associated with it to the system report.
virtual void AddRegistryValue(
const internal::RegistryValue& registry_value,
const std::vector<internal::FileInformation>& file_informations) = 0;
// Add a layered service provider to the system report.
virtual void AddLayeredServiceProvider(
const std::vector<std::wstring>& guids,
const internal::FileInformation& file_information) = 0;
// Set the WinInetProxy settings of the system report.
virtual void SetWinInetProxySettings(const std::wstring& config,
const std::wstring& bypass,
const std::wstring& auto_config_url,
bool autodetect) = 0;
// Set the WinHttpProxy settings of the system report.
virtual void SetWinHttpProxySettings(const std::wstring& config,
const std::wstring& bypass) = 0;
// Add an installed extension to the system report.
virtual void AddInstalledExtension(
const std::wstring& extension_id,
ExtensionInstallMethod install_method,
const std::vector<internal::FileInformation>& extension_files) = 0;
// Add a scheduled task to the system report.
virtual void AddScheduledTask(
const std::wstring& name,
const std::wstring& description,
const std::vector<internal::FileInformation>& actions) = 0;
// Add a ShortcutData to the system report.
virtual void AddShortcutData(
const std::wstring& lnk_path,
const std::wstring& executable_path,
const std::string& executable_hash,
const std::vector<std::wstring>& command_line_arguments) = 0;
// Set |found_modified_shortcuts| in the |reporter_logs|.
virtual void SetFoundModifiedChromeShortcuts(
bool found_modified_shortcuts) = 0;
// Set |scanned_locations| in the reporter log.
virtual void SetScannedLocations(
const std::vector<UwS::TraceLocation>& scanned_locations) = 0;
// Log resource usage of a Chrome Cleanup process identified by
// |process_type|.
virtual void LogProcessInformation(SandboxType process_type,
const SystemResourceUsage& usage) = 0;
// Returns whether all files detected for removable UwS were successfully
// deleted.
virtual bool AllExpectedRemovalsConfirmed() const = 0;
// Return a raw representation of the current state of the report.
virtual std::string RawReportContent() = 0;
// Read the content of |log_file| as a protocol buffer and replace current
// state with it. Return false on failures.
virtual bool ReadContentFromFile(const base::FilePath& log_file) = 0;
// If in debug mode or switch --dump-raw-logs is present, save the serialized
// report proto to |executable||tag|.pb, where |executable| is the current
// binary name.
virtual void MaybeSaveLogsToFile(const std::wstring& tag);
static LoggingServiceAPI* logging_service_for_testing_;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner