blob: b2626e3bb2d4c2be6ad3016274fe9f5319a9f2dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
// Provides a fluent interface for building messages to be presented to the
// user with functions to add values of basic types and common line patterns.
// The class also provides an interface for automatically increasing the
// indentation level and decrease it back when the current scope ends.
// Usage example:
// MessageBuilder builder;
// builder.AddHeaderLine(L"Main header");
// {
// MessageBuilder::ScopedIndent scoped_indent(&builder);
// builder
// .AddFieldValueLine(L"WString field", L"abc")
// .AddFieldValueLine(L"Int field", 10)
// .AddFieldValueLine(L"String field", "xyz");
// {
// MessageBuilder::ScopedIndent scoped_indent(&builder);
// builder.Add(L"abc ", "xyz ", 10).NewLine();
// builder.AddFieldValueLine(L"Another field", L"pqr")
// MessageBuilder::ScopedIndent scoped_indent_2(&builder);
// builder.Add(1, L" ", 2, L" ", 4).NewLine();
// }
// builder.AddFieldValueLine(L"Last field", L"xyz")
// }
// At the end, builder.content() will contain (| represents the start of the
// line):
// |Main header:
// |\tWString field: abc
// |\tInt field: 10
// |\tString field: xyz
// |\t\tabc xyz 10
// |\t\tAnother field: pqr
// |\t\t\t1 2 4
// |\tLast field: xyz
// Note: scoped indentation can also be introduced by the following idiom:
// auto scoped_indent = builder.Indent();
class MessageBuilder {
// Increases the indentation level for |builder| in the current scope:
// - on construction, this object will indentation level is increased by 1,
// so all new lines will start with an additional tab;
// - on destruction, indentation level is restored to its previous value.
// For convenience, an EOL symbol is appended to the result string whenever
// the indentation level changes and the last appended character is not EOL.
class ScopedIndent {
explicit ScopedIndent(MessageBuilder* builder);
ScopedIndent(ScopedIndent&& other);
ScopedIndent& operator=(ScopedIndent&& other);
MessageBuilder* builder_;
MessageBuilder() = default;
// Appends an EOL character to the result string.
MessageBuilder& NewLine();
// Appends a list of values to the result string.
template <typename... Values>
MessageBuilder& Add(const Values&... values) {
return *this;
// Appends a list of values to the result string and then appends an EOL.
// Equivalent to:
// Add(...).NewLine()
template <typename... Values>
MessageBuilder& AddLine(const Values&... values) {
return *this;
// Adds a new line with |title| indented with |indentation_level| tabs.
// Equivalent to:
// Add(title, ":").NewLine()
MessageBuilder& AddHeaderLine(base::WStringPiece title);
// AddFieldValueLine adds a new line for a pair (|field_name|, |value|)
// indented with |indentation_level| tabs.
// Equivalent to:
// Add(field_name, ": ", value).NewLine()
template <typename Value>
MessageBuilder& AddFieldValueLine(base::WStringPiece field_name,
const Value& value) {
Add(field_name, L": ", value).NewLine();
return *this;
MessageBuilder::ScopedIndent Indent();
std::wstring content() const { return content_; }
// Updates the current indentation level and appends a L'\n' if it's not the
// last symbol appended to the result string.
void IncreaseIdentationLevel();
void DecreaseIdentationLevel();
// Internal representation of a value that can be appended to the result
// string, so that values of different types can be added to the initializer
// list in AddInternal().
class MessageItem {
explicit MessageItem(base::WStringPiece value);
explicit MessageItem(base::StringPiece value);
explicit MessageItem(int value);
const std::wstring& value() const { return value_; }
std::wstring value_;
void AddInternal(std::initializer_list<MessageItem> values);
void IndentIfNewLine();
std::wstring content_;
int indentation_level_ = 0;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner