blob: f5fc9d6ff13509ba4b9241d1528118700afbb842 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'targets': [
# Remoting unit tests
'target_name': 'remoting_unittests',
'type': '<(gtest_target_type)',
'dependencies': [
'defines': [
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
'conditions': [
[ 'OS=="win"', {
'defines': [
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
[ 'OS=="mac" or (OS=="linux" and chromeos==0)', {
# Javascript unittests are disabled on CrOS because they cause
# valgrind and test errors.
# Javascript unittests are disabled on Windows because they add a
# dependency on 'common_constants' which (only on Windows) requires
# additional dependencies:
# '../content/content.gyp:content_common',
# 'installer_util',
# These targets are defined in .gypi files that would need to be
# included here:
# '../chrome/chrome_common.gypi',
# '../chrome/chrome_installer.gypi',
# '../chrome/chrome_installer_util.gypi',
# But we can't do that because ninja will complain about multiple
# target definitions.
# TODO(garykac): Move installer_util into a proper .gyp file so that
# it can be included in multiple .gyp files.
'includes': [
'dependencies': [
'sources': [
[ 'OS=="android"', {
'dependencies!': [
[ 'OS=="android" and gtest_target_type=="shared_library"', {
'dependencies': [
[ 'chromeos==0', {
'sources!': [
['enable_remoting_host == 0', {
'dependencies!': [
'sources/': [
['exclude', '^codec/'],
['exclude', '^host/'],
['exclude', '^base/resources_unittest\\.cc$'],
[ 'OS == "linux" and use_allocator!="none"', {
'dependencies': [
], # end of 'conditions'
}, # end of target 'remoting_unittests'
'target_name': 'remoting_browser_test_resources',
'type': 'none',
'copies': [
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'files': [
], #end of copies
}, # end of target 'remoting_browser_test_resources'
], # end of targets