blob: 5d78d33a93d27a13514aee8cc1e9dc40ab99f8db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
namespace mac {
namespace services {
struct JobInfo {
JobInfo(const JobInfo& other);
std::string program;
base::Optional<int> pid;
struct JobCheckinInfo {
JobCheckinInfo(const JobCheckinInfo& info);
std::string program;
int socket;
struct JobOptions {
JobOptions(const JobOptions& other);
std::string label;
// See launchd.plist(5) for details about these two fields. In short:
// - executable_path, if non-empty, is the absolute path to the executable
// for this job;
// - arguments[0] is the absolute *or relative* path to the executable if
// executable_path is empty; in either case, all of arguments is passed
// directly as argv to the job, meaning arguments[0] becomes argv[0]
// There are important caveats about the argument vector documented in the
// launchd.plist(5) man page.
std::string executable_path;
std::vector<std::string> arguments;
// See launchd.plist(5) "Sockets" for details about the meaning of these two
// fields. The socket_key field corresponds to a top-level key in the socket
// dictionary; the socket_name field corresponds to a pathname to a Unix
// domain socket (the SockPathName member in the Sockets dictionary).
std::string socket_name;
std::string socket_key;
// Whether to run this job immediately once it is loaded.
bool run_at_load;
// Whether to restart the job whenever it exits successfully. This also
// implicitly limits the job to interactive sessions only (i.e., the job will
// not run in system sessions).
bool auto_launch;
bool GetJobInfo(const std::string& label, JobInfo* info);
bool CheckIn(const std::string& socket_key, JobCheckinInfo* info);
bool SubmitJob(const JobOptions& options);
bool RemoveJob(const std::string& label);
} // namespace services
} // namespace mac