blob: 385bcf06c41d4ace2c4bd9a26e033a0a752fc3d8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_android) {
group("client") {
visibility = [ "//blimp" ]
deps = []
if (is_android) {
deps += [
if (is_linux && !is_chromeos && use_x11) {
deps += [ "//blimp/client/app:blimp_shell" ]
group("test_binaries") {
visibility = [ "//blimp:blimp_tests" ]
testonly = true
if (is_android) {
deps = [
group("unit_tests") {
visibility = [ "//blimp:*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [
if (is_android) {
# This is the list of targets that the tests need to depend on in order to add
# the java classes for their native counterparts to the test apk.
# We could directly include them in the test target, but in order to
# keep the visibility of the //blimp/client/core:core_java target restricted,
# we make it visible to this group (which is testonly) and depend on this
# group instead.
# We could not add "//blimp:blimp_unittests" to the visibility list of
# //blimp/client/core:core_java, since the targets that actually need to
# depend on it are generated by the test template (see testing/test.gni). So
# it was better to add this indirection and expose it to this testonly target,
# which can be used in this file only.
java_group("blimp_unittests_java_deps") {
visibility = [ "//blimp:*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [