blob: 2608e7649d419286b6bb13074c191d230a931278 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "blimp/helium/result.h"
namespace blimp {
namespace helium {
// Pure virtual interface for a helium::Stream factory. Subclasses can use this
// interface to encapsulate transport-specific stream connection semantics.
class Transport {
// Callback invoked with the stream and result code of a Connect or Accept
// attempt.
// The helium::Stream is assumed to be authenticated and ready to use.
// If the connection attempt failed, the value of |stream| will be null and
// |result| will be set to the relevant error code.
using StreamCreatedCallback =
base::CancelableCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<Stream> stream,
Result result)>;
// Callback to be invoked when the underlying transport transitions
// between an offline/unusable state and an online/usable state.
using AvailabilityChangedCallback = base::Callback<void(bool)>;
virtual void SetAvailabilityChangedCallback(
const AvailabilityChangedCallback& callback);
// Asynchronously attempts to connect a new helium::Stream.
// Multiple overlapping connection attempts are permitted.
// The caller can cancel |cb| if it no longer needs the stream.
virtual void Connect(const StreamCreatedCallback& cb) = 0;
// Accepts an incoming connection from the peer.
virtual void Accept(const StreamCreatedCallback& cb) = 0;
// Returns true if the underlying transport has the necessary resources
// and connectivity for Connect and Accept operations.
virtual bool IsAvailable() = 0;
} // namespace helium
} // namespace blimp