blob: 92b0d0b7c4b1a28f6d7a568b77aaaa0d4321e28d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blimp/common/proto/helium.pb.h"
#include "blimp/helium/blimp_helium_export.h"
namespace blimp {
namespace helium {
// Version Vectors are used to store revisions of both client and engine
// objects. It will allow determining partial ordering between 2 VersionVectors.
// It's similar to a vector clock, but it different according to the Wikipedia
// definition specially when handling merge. Vector Clocks specifies you should
// advance your local version, whereas VersionVectors you won't advance your
// local version (Unless you have to handle a merge conflict and requires to
// send data to the other side).
typedef uint64_t Revision;
class BLIMP_HELIUM_EXPORT VersionVector {
enum class Comparison { LessThan, EqualTo, GreaterThan, Conflict };
VersionVector(Revision local_revision, Revision remote_revision);
VersionVector(const VersionVector&) = default;
// Compares two vector clocks. There are 4 possibilities for the result:
// * LessThan: One revision is equal and for the other is smaller.
// (1,0).CompareTo((2, 0));
// * EqualTo: Both revisions are the same.
// * GreaterThan: One revision is equal and for the other is greater.
// (2,0).CompareTo((1, 0));
// * Conflict: Both revisions are different. (1,0).CompareTo(0,1)
Comparison CompareTo(const VersionVector& other) const;
// Merges two vector clocks. This function should be used at synchronization
// points. i.e. when client receives data from the server or vice versa.
VersionVector MergeWith(const VersionVector& other) const;
// Increments local_revision_ by one. This is used when something changes
// in the local state like setting a property or applying a change set with
// a conflict that requires sending state to the other peer.
void IncrementLocal();
Revision local_revision() const { return local_revision_; }
void set_local_revision(Revision local_revision) {
local_revision_ = local_revision;
Revision remote_revision() const { return remote_revision_; }
void set_remote_revision(Revision remote_revision) {
remote_revision_ = remote_revision;
// Create the proto message corresponding to this object.
proto::VersionVectorMessage ToProto() const;
// Inverts the local and remote components respectively.
// Used when we send VersionVector across the wire. The local becomes
// remote and vice versa.
VersionVector Invert() const;
Revision local_revision_ = 0;
Revision remote_revision_ = 0;
} // namespace helium
} // namespace blimp