blob: 325cc23fc61ff5b6b65d0283e6d48c31dc9e1f34 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from common import SDK_ROOT
from common import GetHostArchFromPlatform
from common import GetHostToolPathFromPlatform
# TODO(steveroe): Change 'llvm-3.8' to 'llvm' after docker image is updated.
ARM64_DOCKER_LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH = os.path.join('/', 'usr', 'lib', 'llvm-3.8',
'bin', 'llvm-symbolizer')
def BuildIdsPaths(package_paths):
"""Generate build ids paths for symbolizer processes."""
build_ids_paths = map(
lambda package_path: os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(package_path), 'ids.txt'),
return build_ids_paths
def RunSymbolizer(input_file, output_file, build_ids_files):
"""Starts a symbolizer process.
input_file: Input file to be symbolized.
output_file: Output file for symbolizer stdout and stderr.
build_ids_file: Path to the ids.txt file which maps build IDs to
unstripped binaries on the filesystem.
Returns a Popen object for the started process."""
if (GetHostArchFromPlatform() == 'arm64' and
llvm_symbolizer_path = ARM64_DOCKER_LLVM_SYMBOLIZER_PATH
llvm_symbolizer_path = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, os.pardir, os.pardir,
'llvm-build', 'Release+Asserts', 'bin',
symbolizer = GetHostToolPathFromPlatform('symbolize')
symbolizer_cmd = [symbolizer,
'-ids-rel', '-llvm-symbolizer', llvm_symbolizer_path,
'-build-id-dir', os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, '.build-id')]
for build_ids_file in build_ids_files:
symbolizer_cmd.extend(['-ids', build_ids_file])'Running "%s".' % ' '.join(symbolizer_cmd))
return subprocess.Popen(symbolizer_cmd, stdin=input_file, stdout=output_file,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True)
def SymbolizerFilter(input_file, build_ids_files):
"""Symbolizes an output stream from a process.
input_file: Input file to be symbolized.
build_ids_file: Path to the ids.txt file which maps build IDs to
unstripped binaries on the filesystem.
Returns a generator that yields symbolized process output."""
symbolizer_proc = RunSymbolizer(input_file, subprocess.PIPE, build_ids_files)
while True:
line = symbolizer_proc.stdout.readline()
if not line:
# Skip spam emitted by the symbolizer that obscures the symbolized output.
# TODO( Fix the symbolizer and remove this.
if '[[[ELF ' in line:
yield line