blob: 5bb0a3ceada4e13f3f7e5d7376060a77566ca2e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace updater {
class CachedPolicyInfo;
class PolicyManagerInterface;
// DM policy map: policy_type --> serialized_policy_data
using DMPolicyMap = base::flat_map<std::string, std::string>;
// The token service interface defines how to serialize tokens.
class TokenServiceInterface {
virtual ~TokenServiceInterface() = default;
// ID of the device that the tokens target to.
virtual std::string GetDeviceID() = 0;
// Writes |enrollment_token| to storage.
virtual bool StoreEnrollmentToken(const std::string& enrollment_token) = 0;
// Reads the enrollment token from sources as-needed to find one.
// Returns an empty string if no enrollment token is found.
virtual std::string GetEnrollmentToken() = 0;
// Writes |dm_token| into storage.
virtual bool StoreDmToken(const std::string& dm_token) = 0;
// Returns the device management token from storage, or returns an empty
// string if no device management token is found.
virtual std::string GetDmToken() = 0;
// The DMStorage is responsible for serialization of:
// 1) DM enrollment token.
// 2) DM token.
// 3) DM policies.
class DMStorage {
explicit DMStorage(const base::FilePath& policy_cache_root);
DMStorage(const base::FilePath& policy_cache_root,
std::unique_ptr<TokenServiceInterface> token_service);
DMStorage(const DMStorage&) = delete;
DMStorage& operator=(const DMStorage&) = delete;
virtual ~DMStorage();
// Forwards to token service to get device ID
std::string GetDeviceID() { return token_service_->GetDeviceID(); }
// Forwards to token service to save enrollment token.
bool StoreEnrollmentToken(const std::string& enrollment_token) {
return token_service_->StoreEnrollmentToken(enrollment_token);
// Forwards to token service to get enrollment token.
std::string GetEnrollmentToken() {
return token_service_->GetEnrollmentToken();
// Forwards to token service to save DM token.
bool StoreDmToken(const std::string& dm_token) {
return token_service_->StoreDmToken(dm_token);
// Forwards to token service to get DM token.
std::string GetDmToken() { return token_service_->GetDmToken(); }
// Writes a special DM token to storage to mark current device as
// deregistered.
bool DeregisterDevice();
// Returns true if the DM token is valid, where valid is defined as non-blank
// and not de-registered.
bool IsValidDMToken();
// Persists DM policies.
// |policy_info_data| is the serialized data of a PolicyFetchResponse. It will
// be saved into a fixed file named "CachedPolicyInfo" in cache root. The
// file content will be used to construct an updater::CachedPolicyInfo object
// to get public key, its version, and signing timestamp. The values will
// be used in subsequent policy fetches.
// Each entry in |policy_map| will be stored within a sub-directory named
// {Base64Encoded{policy_type}}, with a fixed file name of
// "PolicyFetchResponse", where the file contents are serialized data of
// the policy object.
// Please note that this function also purges all stale polices whose policy
// type does not appear in keys of |policies|.
// Visualized directory structure example:
// <policy_cache_root_>
// |-- CachedPolicyInfo # Policy meta-data file.
// |-- Z29vZ2xlL21hY2hpbmUtbGV2ZWwtb21haGE=
// | `--PolicyFetchResponse # Policy response data.
// `-- Zm9vYmFy # b64("foobar").
// `--PolicyFetchResponse # Policy response data.
// ('Z29vZ2xlL21hY2hpbmUtbGV2ZWwtb21haGE=' is base64 encoding of
// "google/machine-level-omaha").
bool PersistPolicies(const std::string& policy_info_data,
const DMPolicyMap& policy_map) const;
// Creates a CachedPolicyInfo object and populates it with the public key
// information loaded from file |policy_cache_root_|\CachedPolicyInfo.
std::unique_ptr<CachedPolicyInfo> GetCachedPolicyInfo();
// Creates a policy manager and populates it with the Omaha policies loaded
// from PolicyFetchResponse file within
// |policy_cache_root_|\{Base64Encoded{kGoogleUpdatePolicyType}} directory.
std::unique_ptr<PolicyManagerInterface> GetOmahaPolicyManager();
const base::FilePath policy_cache_root_;
std::unique_ptr<TokenServiceInterface> token_service_;
} // namespace updater