blob: 5a1c49ec3d21b607bf416278bce68dd1580bb1d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: crbug/1082836
// This file is currently manually tweaked for Chromium use. Find a
// way to automatically sync from source and make the following necessary
// changes:
// 1) Add "option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;" to avoid link error.
// 2) Remove Google internal options:
// "option java_api_version = 2;"
// "option java_enable_dual_generate_mutable_api = true;"
// "option cc_api_version = 2;"
// "option java_use_javaproto2 = true;"
// "option java_java5_enums = true;"
// 3) Update the copyright section.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package wireless_android_enterprise_devicemanagement;
import "message_set.proto";
option java_package = "";
// Disable ProtoBestPractices for enum_default_value, as the values in the enums
// below match the values as defined in Omaha:
// http://cs/search/?q=f:omaha+f:generate.*admx+%5EADMX_POLICIES&m=25l&type=cs
// This also applies to boolean values from Omaha that are defined as enums
// here.
// ProtoBestPractices.ignore_findings = "enum_default_value"
enum UpdateValue {
// Updates disabled
// Always allow updates (recommended)
// Manual updates only
// Automatic silent updates only
enum InstallValue {
enum RollbackToTargetVersionValue {
message UpdatesSuppressed {
optional int64 start_hour = 1;
optional int64 start_minute = 2;
optional int64 duration_min = 3;
message ApplicationSettings {
// Application GUID for use on Windows, e.g.
// '{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96}'.
optional string app_guid = 1;
// Bundle identifier for use on Mac, e.g. ''.
optional string bundle_identifier = 2;
// Allow installation
// Specifies whether <app> can be installed using Google Update/Google
// Installer.
// If this policy is not configured, <app> can be installed as specified by
// "Allow installation default".
optional InstallValue install = 3;
// Update policy override
// Specifies how Google Update handles available <app> updates from Google.
// If this policy is not configured, Google Update handles available updates
// as specified by "Update policy override default".
// Options:
// - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by
// periodic update check or by a manual update check.
// - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a
// manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)
// - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are
// found via the periodic update check.
// - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.
// If you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates
// using the application's manual update mechanism if available. If you
// disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute
// them to users.
optional UpdateValue update = 4;
// Target version prefix override
// Specifies which version <app> should be updated to.
// When this policy is enabled, the app will be updated to the version
// prefixed with this policy value.
// Some examples:
// 1) Not configured: app will be updated to the latest version available.
// 2) Policy value is set to "55.": the app will be updated to any minor
// version of 55 (e.g., 55.24.34 or 55.60.2). 3) Policy value is "55.2.": the
// app will be updated to any minor version of 55.2 (e.g., 55.2.34 or 55.2.2).
// 4) Policy value is "55.24.34": the app will be updated to this specific
// version only.
optional string target_version_prefix = 5;
// Rollback to Target version
// Specifies that Google Update should roll installations of <app> back to the
// version indicated by "Target version prefix override".
// This policy setting has no effect unless "Target version prefix override"
// is set.
// If this policy is not configured or is disabled, installs that have a
// version higher than that specified by "Target version prefix override" will
// be left as-is.
// If this policy is enabled, installs that have a version higher than that
// specified by "Target version prefix override" will be downgraded to the
// highest available version that matches the target version.
optional RollbackToTargetVersionValue rollback_to_target_version = 6;
message OmahaSettingsClientProto {
extend proto2.bridge.MessageSet {
optional OmahaSettingsClientProto message_set_extension = 276737523;
reserved 1 to 10;
// Auto-update check period override
// Minimum number of minutes between automatic update checks.
// Set the value to 0 if you want to disable all auto-update checks (not
// recommended).
optional int64 auto_update_check_period_minutes = 11;
// Download URL class override
// If enabled, the Google Update server will attempt to provide cache-friendly
// URLs for update payloads in its responses.
optional string download_preference = 12;
// Time period in each day to suppress auto-update check
// If this setting is enabled, update checks will be suppressed during each
// day starting from Hour:Minute for a period of Duration (in minutes).
// Duration does not account for daylight savings time. So for instance, if
// the start time is 22:00, and with a duration of 480 minutes, the updates
// will be suppressed for 8 hours regardless of whether daylight savings time
// changes happen in between.
optional UpdatesSuppressed updates_suppressed = 13;
// Choose how to specify proxy server settings
// Allows you to specify the proxy server used by Google Update.
// If you choose to never use a proxy server and always connect directly, all
// other options are ignored.
// If you choose to use system proxy settings or auto detect the proxy server,
// all other options are ignored.
// If you choose fixed server proxy mode, you can specify further options in
// 'Address or URL of proxy server'.
// If you choose to use a .pac proxy script, you must specify the URL to the
// script in 'URL to a proxy .pac file'.
// Enum with string values; must be one of ['direct', 'auto_detect',
// 'pac_script', 'fixed_servers', 'system'].
optional string proxy_mode = 14;
// Address or URL of proxy server
// You can specify the URL of the proxy server here.
// This policy only takes effect if you have selected manual proxy settings at
// 'Choose how to specify proxy server settings'.
optional string proxy_server = 15;
// URL to a proxy .pac file
// You can specify a URL to a proxy .pac file here.
// This policy only takes effect if you have selected manual proxy settings at
// 'Choose how to specify proxy server settings'.
optional string proxy_pac_url = 16;
// Allow installation default
// Specifies the default behavior for whether Google software can be installed
// using Google Update/Google Installer.
// Can be overridden by the "Allow installation" for individual applications.
// Only affects installation of Google software using Google Update/Google
// Installer. Cannot prevent running the application installer directly or
// installation of Google software that does not use Google Update/Google
// Installer for installation.
optional InstallValue install_default = 17;
// Update policy override default
// Specifies the default policy for software updates from Google.
// Can be overridden by the "Update policy override" for individual
// applications.
// Options:
// - Always allow updates: Updates are always applied when found, either by
// periodic update check or by a manual update check.
// - Manual updates only: Updates are only applied when the user does a
// manual update check. (Not all apps provide an interface for this.)
// - Automatic silent updates only: Updates are only applied when they are
// found via the periodic update check.
// - Updates disabled: Never apply updates.
// If you select manual updates, you should periodically check for updates
// using each application's manual update mechanism if available. If you
// disable updates, you should periodically check for updates and distribute
// them to users.
// Only affects updates for Google software that uses Google Update for
// updates. Does not prevent auto-updates of Google software that does not use
// Google Update for updates.
// Updates for Google Update are not affected by this setting; Google Update
// will continue to update itself while it is installed.
// WARNING: Disabing updates will also prevent updates of any new Google
// applications released in the future, possibly including dependencies for
// future versions of installed applications.
optional UpdateValue update_default = 18;
// Application-specific settings.
repeated ApplicationSettings application_settings = 19;