blob: fb861770f5d5d26201ffdc270d15f93ea2177459 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_dmabuf_video_frame_mapper.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/color_plane_layout.h"
#include "media/gpu/chromeos/platform_video_frame_utils.h"
#include "media/gpu/macros.h"
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_utils.h"
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_wrapper.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
constexpr VAImageFormat kImageFormatNV12{.fourcc = VA_FOURCC_NV12,
.byte_order = VA_LSB_FIRST,
.bits_per_pixel = 12};
void DeallocateBuffers(std::unique_ptr<ScopedVAImage> va_image,
scoped_refptr<const VideoFrame> /* video_frame */) {
// The |video_frame| will be released here and it will be returned to pool if
// client uses video frame pool.
// Destructing ScopedVAImage releases its owned memory.
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> CreateMappedVideoFrame(
const VideoPixelFormat format,
scoped_refptr<const VideoFrame> src_video_frame,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedVAImage> va_image) {
// ScopedVAImage manages the resource of mapped data. That is, ScopedVAImage's
// dtor releases the mapped resource.
const size_t num_planes = VideoFrame::NumPlanes(format);
if (num_planes != va_image->image()->num_planes) {
VLOGF(1) << "The number of planes of VAImage is not expected. "
<< "(expected: " << num_planes
<< ", VAImage: " << va_image->image()->num_planes << ")";
return nullptr;
// All the planes are stored in the same buffer, VAImage.va_buffer.
std::vector<ColorPlaneLayout> planes(num_planes);
uint8_t* addrs[VideoFrame::kMaxPlanes] = {};
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; i++) {
planes[i].stride = va_image->image()->pitches[i];
planes[i].offset = va_image->image()->offsets[i];
addrs[i] = static_cast<uint8_t*>(va_image->va_buffer()->data()) +
// The size of each plane is not given by VAImage. We compute the size to be
// mapped from offset and the entire buffer size (data_size).
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_planes; i++) {
if (i < num_planes - 1) {
planes[i].size = planes[i + 1].offset - planes[i].offset;
} else {
planes[i].size = va_image->image()->data_size - planes[i].offset;
auto mapped_layout = VideoFrameLayout::CreateWithPlanes(
format, gfx::Size(va_image->image()->width, va_image->image()->height),
if (!mapped_layout) {
VLOGF(1) << "Failed to create VideoFrameLayout for VAImage";
return nullptr;
auto video_frame = VideoFrame::WrapExternalYuvDataWithLayout(
*mapped_layout, src_video_frame->visible_rect(),
src_video_frame->visible_rect().size(), addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[2],
if (!video_frame)
return nullptr;
// The source video frame should not be released until the mapped
// |video_frame| is destructed, because |video_frame| holds |va_image|.
DeallocateBuffers, std::move(va_image), std::move(src_video_frame)));
return video_frame;
bool IsFormatSupported(VideoPixelFormat format) {
return format == PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12;
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<VideoFrameMapper> VaapiDmaBufVideoFrameMapper::Create(
VideoPixelFormat format) {
if (!IsFormatSupported(format)) {
VLOGF(1) << " Unsupported format: " << format;
return nullptr;
auto video_frame_mapper =
base::WrapUnique(new VaapiDmaBufVideoFrameMapper(format));
if (!video_frame_mapper->vaapi_wrapper_)
return nullptr;
return video_frame_mapper;
// While kDecode and H264PROFILE_MAIN are set here, the mode and profile are
// not required for VaapiWrapper to perform pixel format conversion.
// TODO( Create a VaapiWrapper only for pixel format
// conversion. Either mode or profile isn't required to create the VaapiWrapper.
VideoPixelFormat format)
: VideoFrameMapper(format),
base::DoNothing())) {}
VaapiDmaBufVideoFrameMapper::~VaapiDmaBufVideoFrameMapper() {}
scoped_refptr<VideoFrame> VaapiDmaBufVideoFrameMapper::Map(
scoped_refptr<const VideoFrame> video_frame) const {
if (!video_frame) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Video frame is nullptr";
return nullptr;
if (!video_frame->HasDmaBufs())
return nullptr;
if (video_frame->format() != format_) {
VLOGF(1) << "Unexpected format, got: "
<< VideoPixelFormatToString(video_frame->format())
<< ", expected: " << VideoPixelFormatToString(format_);
return nullptr;
scoped_refptr<gfx::NativePixmap> pixmap =
if (!pixmap) {
VLOGF(1) << "Failed to create NativePixmap from VideoFrame";
return nullptr;
scoped_refptr<VASurface> va_surface =
if (!va_surface) {
VLOGF(1) << "Failed to create VASurface";
return nullptr;
// Map tiled NV12 buffer by CreateVaImage so that mapped buffers can be
// accessed as non-tiled NV12 buffer.
constexpr VideoPixelFormat kConvertedFormat = PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12;
VAImageFormat va_image_format = kImageFormatNV12;
auto va_image = vaapi_wrapper_->CreateVaImage(
va_surface->id(), &va_image_format, va_surface->size());
if (!va_image || !va_image->IsValid()) {
VLOGF(1) << "Failed in CreateVaImage.";
return nullptr;
return CreateMappedVideoFrame(kConvertedFormat, std::move(video_frame),
} // namespace media