blob: 643dc91ca29c7ad5dbfa4f677e951dc4b7193d7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_jpeg_encoder.h"
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "media/gpu/macros.h"
#include "media/gpu/vaapi/vaapi_wrapper.h"
#include "media/parsers/jpeg_parser.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
void FillPictureParameters(const gfx::Size& input_size,
int quality,
VABufferID output_buffer_id,
VAEncPictureParameterBufferJPEG* pic_param) {
pic_param->picture_width = input_size.width();
pic_param->picture_height = input_size.height();
pic_param->num_components = 3;
// Output buffer.
pic_param->coded_buf = output_buffer_id;
pic_param->quality = quality;
// Profile = Baseline.
pic_param->pic_flags.bits.profile = 0;
// Sequential encoding.
pic_param-> = 0;
// Uses Huffman coding.
pic_param->pic_flags.bits.huffman = 1;
// Input format is interleaved (YUV).
pic_param->pic_flags.bits.interleaved = 0;
// Non-differential Encoding.
pic_param->pic_flags.bits.differential = 0;
// Only 8 bit sample depth is currently supported.
pic_param->sample_bit_depth = 8;
pic_param->num_scan = 1;
void FillQMatrix(VAQMatrixBufferJPEG* q_matrix) {
// Fill the raw, unscaled quantization tables for libva. The VAAPI driver is
// responsible for scaling the quantization tables based on picture
// parameter quality.
const JpegQuantizationTable& luminance = kDefaultQuantTable[0];
static_assert(std::extent<decltype(luminance.value)>() ==
"Luminance quantization table size mismatch.");
static_assert(base::size(kZigZag8x8) == base::size(luminance.value),
"Luminance quantization table size mismatch.");
q_matrix->load_lum_quantiser_matrix = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(kZigZag8x8); i++) {
q_matrix->lum_quantiser_matrix[i] = luminance.value[kZigZag8x8[i]];
const JpegQuantizationTable& chrominance = kDefaultQuantTable[1];
static_assert(std::extent<decltype(chrominance.value)>() ==
"Chrominance quantization table size mismatch.");
static_assert(base::size(kZigZag8x8) == base::size(chrominance.value),
"Chrominance quantization table size mismatch.");
q_matrix->load_chroma_quantiser_matrix = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(kZigZag8x8); i++) {
q_matrix->chroma_quantiser_matrix[i] = chrominance.value[kZigZag8x8[i]];
void FillHuffmanTableParameters(
VAHuffmanTableBufferJPEGBaseline* huff_table_param) {
static_assert(base::size(kDefaultDcTable) == base::size(kDefaultAcTable),
"DC table and AC table size mismatch.");
static_assert(base::size(kDefaultDcTable) ==
"DC table and destination table size mismatch.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(kDefaultDcTable); ++i) {
const JpegHuffmanTable& dcTable = kDefaultDcTable[i];
const JpegHuffmanTable& acTable = kDefaultAcTable[i];
huff_table_param->load_huffman_table[i] = true;
// Load DC Table.
// |code_values| of JpegHuffmanTable needs to hold DC and AC code values
// so it has different size than
// |huff_table_param->huffman_table[i].dc_values|. Therefore we can't use
// SafeArrayMemcpy() here.
std::extent<decltype(huff_table_param->huffman_table[i].dc_values)>() <=
"DC table code value array too small.");
memcpy(huff_table_param->huffman_table[i].dc_values, &dcTable.code_value[0],
// Load AC Table.
memset(huff_table_param->huffman_table[i].pad, 0,
void FillSliceParameters(VAEncSliceParameterBufferJPEG* slice_param) {
slice_param->restart_interval = 0;
slice_param->num_components = 3;
slice_param->components[0].component_selector = 1;
slice_param->components[0].dc_table_selector = 0;
slice_param->components[0].ac_table_selector = 0;
slice_param->components[1].component_selector = 2;
slice_param->components[1].dc_table_selector = 1;
slice_param->components[1].ac_table_selector = 1;
slice_param->components[2].component_selector = 3;
slice_param->components[2].dc_table_selector = 1;
slice_param->components[2].ac_table_selector = 1;
size_t FillJpegHeader(const gfx::Size& input_size,
const uint8_t* exif_buffer,
size_t exif_buffer_size,
int quality,
uint8_t* header,
size_t* exif_offset) {
unsigned int width = input_size.width();
unsigned int height = input_size.height();
size_t idx = 0;
// Start Of Input.
static const uint8_t kSOI[] = {0xFF, JPEG_SOI};
memcpy(header, kSOI, sizeof(kSOI));
idx += sizeof(kSOI);
if (exif_buffer_size > 0) {
// Application Segment for Exif data.
uint16_t exif_segment_size = static_cast<uint16_t>(exif_buffer_size + 2);
const uint8_t kAppSegment[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_APP1, static_cast<uint8_t>(exif_segment_size / 256),
static_cast<uint8_t>(exif_segment_size % 256)};
memcpy(header + idx, kAppSegment, sizeof(kAppSegment));
idx += sizeof(kAppSegment);
*exif_offset = idx;
memcpy(header + idx, exif_buffer, exif_buffer_size);
idx += exif_buffer_size;
} else {
// Application Segment - JFIF standard 1.01.
static const uint8_t kAppSegment[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_APP0, 0x00,
0x10, // Segment length:16 (2-byte).
0x4A, // J
0x46, // F
0x49, // I
0x46, // F
0x00, // 0
0x01, // Major version.
0x01, // Minor version.
0x01, // Density units 0:no units, 1:pixels per inch,
// 2: pixels per cm.
0x48, // X density (2-byte).
0x48, // Y density (2-byte).
0x00, // Thumbnail width.
0x00 // Thumbnail height.
memcpy(header + idx, kAppSegment, sizeof(kAppSegment));
idx += sizeof(kAppSegment);
if (quality <= 0) {
quality = 1;
// Normalize quality factor.
// Unlike VAQMatrixBufferJPEG, we have to scale quantization table in JPEG
// header by ourselves.
uint32_t quality_normalized = base::saturated_cast<uint32_t>(
(quality < 50) ? (5000 / quality) : (200 - (quality * 2)));
// Quantization Tables.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
const uint8_t kQuantSegment[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_DQT, 0x00,
0x03 + kDctSize, // Segment length:67 (2-byte).
static_cast<uint8_t>(i) // Precision (4-bit high) = 0,
// Index (4-bit low) = i.
memcpy(header + idx, kQuantSegment, sizeof(kQuantSegment));
idx += sizeof(kQuantSegment);
const JpegQuantizationTable& quant_table = kDefaultQuantTable[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < kDctSize; ++j) {
uint32_t scaled_quant_value =
(quant_table.value[kZigZag8x8[j]] * quality_normalized) / 100;
scaled_quant_value = base::ClampToRange(scaled_quant_value, 1u, 255u);
header[idx++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(scaled_quant_value);
// Start of Frame - Baseline.
const uint8_t kStartOfFrame[] = {
JPEG_SOF0, // Baseline.
0x11, // Segment length:17 (2-byte).
8, // Data precision.
static_cast<uint8_t>((height >> 8) & 0xFF),
static_cast<uint8_t>(height & 0xFF),
static_cast<uint8_t>((width >> 8) & 0xFF),
static_cast<uint8_t>(width & 0xFF),
0x03, // Number of Components.
memcpy(header + idx, kStartOfFrame, sizeof(kStartOfFrame));
idx += sizeof(kStartOfFrame);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// These are the values for U and V planes.
uint8_t h_sample_factor = 1;
uint8_t v_sample_factor = 1;
uint8_t quant_table_number = 1;
if (!i) {
// These are the values for Y plane.
h_sample_factor = 2;
v_sample_factor = 2;
quant_table_number = 0;
header[idx++] = i + 1;
// Horizontal Sample Factor (4-bit high),
// Vertical Sample Factor (4-bit low).
header[idx++] = (h_sample_factor << 4) | v_sample_factor;
header[idx++] = quant_table_number;
static const uint8_t kDcSegment[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_DHT, 0x00,
0x1F, // Segment length:31 (2-byte).
static const uint8_t kAcSegment[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_DHT, 0x00,
0xB5, // Segment length:181 (2-byte).
// Huffman Tables.
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
// DC Table.
memcpy(header + idx, kDcSegment, sizeof(kDcSegment));
idx += sizeof(kDcSegment);
// Type (4-bit high) = 0:DC, Index (4-bit low).
header[idx++] = static_cast<uint8_t>(i);
const JpegHuffmanTable& dcTable = kDefaultDcTable[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumDcRunSizeBits; ++j)
header[idx++] = dcTable.code_length[j];
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumDcCodeWordsHuffVal; ++j)
header[idx++] = dcTable.code_value[j];
// AC Table.
memcpy(header + idx, kAcSegment, sizeof(kAcSegment));
idx += sizeof(kAcSegment);
// Type (4-bit high) = 1:AC, Index (4-bit low).
header[idx++] = 0x10 | static_cast<uint8_t>(i);
const JpegHuffmanTable& acTable = kDefaultAcTable[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumAcRunSizeBits; ++j)
header[idx++] = acTable.code_length[j];
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNumAcCodeWordsHuffVal; ++j)
header[idx++] = acTable.code_value[j];
// Start of Scan.
static const uint8_t kStartOfScan[] = {
0xFF, JPEG_SOS, 0x00,
0x0C, // Segment Length:12 (2-byte).
0x03 // Number of components in scan.
memcpy(header + idx, kStartOfScan, sizeof(kStartOfScan));
idx += sizeof(kStartOfScan);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
uint8_t dc_table_number = 1;
uint8_t ac_table_number = 1;
if (!i) {
dc_table_number = 0;
ac_table_number = 0;
header[idx++] = i + 1;
// DC Table Selector (4-bit high), AC Table Selector (4-bit low).
header[idx++] = (dc_table_number << 4) | ac_table_number;
header[idx++] = 0x00; // 0 for Baseline.
header[idx++] = 0x3F; // 63 for Baseline.
header[idx++] = 0x00; // 0 for Baseline.
return idx << 3;
} // namespace
VaapiJpegEncoder::VaapiJpegEncoder(scoped_refptr<VaapiWrapper> vaapi_wrapper)
: vaapi_wrapper_(vaapi_wrapper),
slice_param_cached_(nullptr) {}
VaapiJpegEncoder::~VaapiJpegEncoder() {}
size_t VaapiJpegEncoder::GetMaxCodedBufferSize(const gfx::Size& size) {
return size.GetArea() * 3 / 2 + kJpegDefaultHeaderSize;
bool VaapiJpegEncoder::Encode(const gfx::Size& input_size,
const uint8_t* exif_buffer,
size_t exif_buffer_size,
int quality,
VASurfaceID surface_id,
VABufferID output_buffer_id,
size_t* exif_offset) {
if (input_size.width() > kMaxDimension ||
input_size.height() > kMaxDimension) {
return false;
// Set picture parameters.
VAEncPictureParameterBufferJPEG pic_param;
FillPictureParameters(input_size, quality, output_buffer_id, &pic_param);
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAEncPictureParameterBufferType,
&pic_param)) {
return false;
if (!q_matrix_cached_) {
q_matrix_cached_.reset(new VAQMatrixBufferJPEG());
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAQMatrixBufferType,
q_matrix_cached_.get())) {
return false;
if (!huff_table_param_cached_) {
huff_table_param_cached_.reset(new VAHuffmanTableBufferJPEGBaseline());
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAHuffmanTableBufferType,
huff_table_param_cached_.get())) {
return false;
// Set slice parameters.
if (!slice_param_cached_) {
slice_param_cached_.reset(new VAEncSliceParameterBufferJPEG());
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAEncSliceParameterBufferType,
slice_param_cached_.get())) {
return false;
size_t jpeg_header_size =
exif_buffer_size > 0
? kJpegDefaultHeaderSize + kJFIFApp1HeaderSize + exif_buffer_size
: kJpegDefaultHeaderSize + kJFIFApp0Size;
std::vector<uint8_t> jpeg_header(jpeg_header_size);
size_t length_in_bits =
FillJpegHeader(input_size, exif_buffer, exif_buffer_size, quality,, exif_offset);
VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBuffer header_param;
memset(&header_param, 0, sizeof(header_param));
header_param.type = VAEncPackedHeaderRawData;
header_param.bit_length = length_in_bits;
header_param.has_emulation_bytes = 0;
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAEncPackedHeaderParameterBufferType,
&header_param)) {
return false;
if (!vaapi_wrapper_->SubmitBuffer(VAEncPackedHeaderDataBufferType,
(length_in_bits + 7) / 8, {
return false;
// Submit the |surface_id| which contains input YUV frame and begin encoding.
return vaapi_wrapper_->ExecuteAndDestroyPendingBuffers(surface_id);
} // namespace media