| toc: |
| - title: "Version 31 (dev)" |
| path: /native-client/dev/version |
| - title: "API Migration Guide" |
| path: /native-client/deprecation/migration |
| - title: "What is Native Client?" |
| path: /native-client/dev/overview |
| - title: "Demos" |
| path: http://gonativeclient.appspot.com/demo/ |
| - title: "Download SDK" |
| path: /native-client/dev/sdk/download |
| - title: "Getting Started Tutorial" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/tutorial/ |
| section: |
| - title: "Part 1: Simple PNaCl Web App" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/tutorial/tutorial-part1 |
| - title: "Part 2: SDK Build System and Chrome Apps" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/tutorial/tutorial-part2 |
| - title: "Learn More About NaCl" |
| section: |
| - title: "NaCl and PNaCl" |
| path: /native-client/dev/nacl-and-pnacl |
| - title: "Publications & Presentations" |
| path: /native-client/dev/publications-and-presentations |
| - title: "Security Contest Archive" |
| path: /native-client/dev/community/security-contest/index |
| - title: "Developer's Guide" |
| section: |
| - title: "SDK Examples" |
| path: /native-client/dev/sdk/examples |
| - title: "SDK Release Notes" |
| path: /native-client/dev/sdk/release-notes |
| - title: "Development Cycle" |
| section: |
| - title: "Building" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/devcycle/building |
| - title: "Running" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/devcycle/running |
| - title: "Debugging" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/devcycle/debugging |
| - title: "Debugging With Visual Studio" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/devcycle/vs-addin |
| - title: "Dynamic Linking and Loading with glibc" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/devcycle/dynamic-loading |
| - title: "Coding Your Application" |
| section: |
| - title: "Application Structure" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/application-structure |
| - title: "Native Client Modules" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/native-client-modules |
| - title: "3D Graphics" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/3D-graphics |
| - title: "Audio" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/audio |
| - title: "File I/O" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/file-io |
| - title: "The nacl_io Library" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/nacl_io |
| - title: "Messaging System" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/message-system |
| - title: "Progress Events" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/progress-events |
| - title: "URL Loading" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/url-loading |
| - title: "View Change, Focus, and Input Events" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/coding/view-focus-input-events |
| - title: "Distributing Your Application" |
| path: /native-client/dev/devguide/distributing |
| - title: "Reference" |
| section: |
| - title: "Glossary" |
| path: /native-client/dev/glossary |
| - include: /native-client/dev/_reference_toc.yaml |
| - title: "Contributor Ideas" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/ideas |
| - title: "Native Client Manifest (nmf) Format" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/nacl-manifest-format |
| - title: "Contents of PNaCl Bitcode Files" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/pnacl-bitcode-manual |
| - title: "PNaCl Bitcode Reference Manual" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/pnacl-bitcode-abi |
| - title: "PNaCl C/C++ Language Support" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/pnacl-c-cpp-language-support |
| - title: "PNaCl Undefined Behavior" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/pnacl-undefined-behavior |
| - title: "Sandbox Internals" |
| section: |
| - title "ARM 32-bit Sandbox" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/sandbox_internals/arm-32-bit-sandbox |
| - title "x86-64 Sandbox" |
| path: /native-client/dev/reference/sandbox_internals/x86-64-sandbox |
| - title: "Help" |
| section: |
| - title: "FAQ" |
| path: /native-client/dev/faq |
| - title: "Forums & Issue Tracker" |
| path: /native-client/dev/help |