blob: b690bce76fa2a0647ba027293addba36fcaf0877 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from core import perf_benchmark
from measurements import startup
import page_sets
from telemetry import benchmark
class _StartWithExt(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark):
"""Base benchmark for testing startup with extensions."""
page_set = page_sets.BlankPageSetWithExtensionProfile
tag = None
def Name(cls):
return 'start_with_ext.blank_page'
def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, _, is_first_result):
return not is_first_result
def SetExtraBrowserOptions(self, options):
options.disable_default_apps = False
def CreatePageTest(self, _):
is_cold = (self.tag == 'cold')
return startup.Startup(cold=is_cold)
@benchmark.Enabled('has tabs')
@benchmark.Disabled('mac') #
@benchmark.Disabled('win', 'linux', 'reference', 'android')
class StartWithExtCold(_StartWithExt):
"""Measure time to start Chrome cold with extensions."""
options = {'pageset_repeat': 5}
tag = 'cold'
def Name(cls):
return 'start_with_ext.cold.blank_page'
@benchmark.Enabled('has tabs')
@benchmark.Disabled('mac') #
@benchmark.Disabled('win', 'linux', 'reference', 'android')
class StartWithExtWarm(_StartWithExt):
"""Measure time to start Chrome warm with extensions."""
options = {'pageset_repeat': 20}
tag = 'warm'
def Name(cls):
return 'start_with_ext.warm.blank_page'