blob: ffcae8b4fad2f01f2587f6226c6bad0babca8eb5 [file] [log] [blame]
;; Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
;; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
;; found in the LICENSE file.
; *** The contents of content/common/ are implicitly included here. ***
; Allow communication between the GPU process and the UI server.
(allow mach-lookup (global-name ""))
(allow file-read-metadata (literal "/"))
; Needed for WebGL on OS X 10.7 -
(if (param-true? lion-or-later)
(allow iokit-open
(iokit-connection "IOAccelerator")
(iokit-user-client-class "IOAccelerationUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "IOFramebufferSharedUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "AppleGraphicsControlClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "AGPMClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "IOHIDParamUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "RootDomainUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "IOSurfaceRootUserClient")
(iokit-user-client-class "IOSurfaceSendRight")))
(if (param-true? elcap-or-later)
(allow file-read* (regex #"^/System/Library/Extensions($|/)")))