blob: 33032dbd7da63c3c9bfbea7d0ad841a846102415 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/proto/network_properties.pb.h"
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
// Stores the properties of a single network.
class NetworkPropertiesManager {
// Returns true if usage of secure proxies are allowed on the current network.
bool IsSecureProxyAllowed() const;
// Returns true if usage of insecure proxies are allowed on the current
// network.
bool IsInsecureProxyAllowed() const;
// Returns true if usage of secure proxies has been disallowed by the carrier
// on the current network.
bool IsSecureProxyDisallowedByCarrier() const;
// Sets the status of whether the usage of secure proxies is disallowed by the
// carrier on the current network.
void SetIsSecureProxyDisallowedByCarrier(bool disallowed_by_carrier);
// Returns true if the current network has a captive portal.
bool IsCaptivePortal() const;
// Sets the status of whether the current network has a captive portal or not.
// If the current network has captive portal, usage of secure proxies is
// disallowed.
void SetIsCaptivePortal(bool is_captive_portal);
// If secure_proxy is true, returns true if the warmup URL probe has failed
// on secure proxies on the current network. Otherwise, returns true if the
// warmup URL probe has failed on insecure proxies.
bool HasWarmupURLProbeFailed(bool secure_proxy) const;
// Sets the status of whether the fetching of warmup URL failed on the current
// network. Sets the status for secure proxies if |secure_proxy| is true.
// Otherwise, sets the status for the insecure proxies.
void SetHasWarmupURLProbeFailed(bool secure_proxy,
bool warmup_url_probe_failed);
// State of the proxies on the current network.
NetworkProperties network_properties_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy