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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Canvas Hit Regions: transform test</title>
<script src="../../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<script src="./resources/canvas-hit-region-event.js"></script>
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var testSet = [];
function clickTests(message, tests)
type : "debug",
message : message
for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++)
type : "shouldBe",
actual : clickCanvas(tests[i].x, tests[i].y),
expected : tests[i].expected
type : "debug",
message : ""
function createHitRegion(pathMethod)
id : "hit"
function drawStar()
context.moveTo(0, -50);
context.lineTo(-15, -10);
context.lineTo(-50, -10);
context.lineTo(-15, 10);
context.lineTo(-35, 50);
context.lineTo(0, 20);
context.lineTo(35, 50);
context.lineTo(15, 10);
context.lineTo(50, -10);
context.lineTo(15, -10);
context.lineTo(0, -50);
// Rectangle with context.translate()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.translate(20, 20);
context.rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
clickTests("Rectangle with context.translate():", [
{ x : 1, y : 1, expected : null },
{ x : 31, y : 21, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 51, y : 51, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 10, y : 5, expected : null },
{ x : 61, y : 61, expected : "hit" }
// Rectangle with context.rotate()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.rotate(Math.PI * 0.25); // 45 degrees
context.rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
clickTests("Rectangle with context.rotate():", [
{ x : 20, y : 5, expected : null },
{ x : 0, y : 25, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 49, y : 49, expected : null },
{ x : 0, y : 51, expected : "hit" },
// Rectangle with context.scale()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.scale(2, 2);
context.rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
clickTests("Rectangle with context.scale():", [
{ x : 1, y : 1, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 49, y : 49, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 51, y : 51, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 99, y : 99, expected : "hit" },
// Non rectangle (star) with context.translate()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.translate(50, 50);
clickTests("Non rectangle (star) with context.translate():", [
{ x : 26, y : 23, expected : null },
{ x : 82, y : 65, expected : null },
{ x : 51, y : 21, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 74, y : 49, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 49, y : 88, expected : null },
{ x : 13, y : 65, expected : null },
{ x : 66, y : 76, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 76, y : 23, expected : null },
{ x : 38, y : 76, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 28, y : 47, expected : "hit" },
// Non rectangle (star) with context.rotate()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.translate(50, 50);
context.rotate(Math.PI * 0.25);
clickTests("Non rectangle (star) with context.rotate():", [
{ x : 26, y : 23, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 82, y : 65, expected : null },
{ x : 51, y : 21, expected : null },
{ x : 74, y : 49, expected : null },
{ x : 49, y : 88, expected : null },
{ x : 13, y : 65, expected : null },
{ x : 66, y : 76, expected : null },
{ x : 76, y : 23, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 38, y : 76, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 28, y : 47, expected : null },
// Non rectangle (star) with context.scale()
createHitRegion(function() {
context.translate(25, 25);
context.scale(0.5, 0.5);
clickTests("Non rectangle (star) with context.scale():", [
{ x : 28, y : 13, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 38, y : 24, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 34, y : 38, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 13, y : 12, expected : null },
{ x : 36, y : 12, expected : null },
{ x : 40, y : 33, expected : null },
{ x : 9, y : 31, expected : null },
{ x : 18, y : 41, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 12, y : 25, expected : "hit" },
{ x : 25, y : 42, expected : null },
for (var i = 0; i < testSet.length; i++) {
var test = testSet[i];
if (test.type == "debug") {
else if (test.type == "shouldBe") {
window.region = test.expected;
if (test.expected == null)
shouldBe("region", String(test.actual));
shouldBe("region", "'" + test.actual + "'");