blob: 3e3a98efbf9e53300a9ed04927a801a613994686 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Gives a picture of the CPU activity between timestamps.
When executed as a script, takes a loading trace, and prints the activity
breakdown for the request dependencies.
import collections
import logging
import operator
import request_track
class ActivityLens(object):
"""Reconstructs the activity of the main renderer thread between requests."""
_SCRIPT_EVENT_NAMES = ('EvaluateScript', 'FunctionCall')
_PARSING_EVENT_NAMES = ('ParseHTML', 'ParseAuthorStyleSheet')
def __init__(self, trace):
"""Initializes an instance of ActivityLens.
trace: (LoadingTrace) loading trace.
self._trace = trace
events = trace.tracing_track.GetEvents()
self._renderer_main_pid_tid = self._GetRendererMainThreadId(events)
self._tracing = self._trace.tracing_track.Filter(
def _GetRendererMainThreadId(cls, events):
"""Returns the most active main renderer thread.
Several renderers may be running concurrently, but we assume that only one
of them is busy during the time covered by the loading trace.. It can be
selected by looking at the number of trace events generated.
events: [tracing.Event] List of trace events.
(PID (int), TID (int)) of the busiest renderer main thread.
events_count_per_pid_tid = collections.defaultdict(int)
main_renderer_thread_ids = set()
for event in events:
tracing_event = event.tracing_event
pid = event.tracing_event['pid']
tid = event.tracing_event['tid']
events_count_per_pid_tid[(pid, tid)] += 1
if (tracing_event['cat'] == '__metadata'
and tracing_event['name'] == 'thread_name'
and event.args['name'] == 'CrRendererMain'):
main_renderer_thread_ids.add((pid, tid))
events_count_per_pid_tid = {
pid_tid: count for (pid_tid, count) in events_count_per_pid_tid.items()
if pid_tid in main_renderer_thread_ids}
pid_tid_events_counts = sorted(events_count_per_pid_tid.items(),
key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
if (len(pid_tid_events_counts) > 1
and pid_tid_events_counts[0][1] < 2 * pid_tid_events_counts[1][1]):
'Several active renderers (%d and %d with %d and %d events).'
% (pid_tid_events_counts[0][0][0], pid_tid_events_counts[1][0][0],
pid_tid_events_counts[0][1], pid_tid_events_counts[1][1]))
return pid_tid_events_counts[0][0]
def _OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(self, start_msec, end_msec):
return self._tracing.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
def _ClampedDuration(cls, event, start_msec, end_msec):
return max(0, (min(end_msec, event.end_msec)
- max(start_msec, event.start_msec)))
def _ThreadBusyness(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Amount of time a thread spent executing from the message loop."""
busy_duration = 0
message_loop_events = [
e for e in events
if (e.tracing_event['cat'] == 'toplevel'
and e.tracing_event['name'] == 'MessageLoop::RunTask')]
for event in message_loop_events:
clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
busy_duration += clamped_duration
interval_msec = end_msec - start_msec
assert busy_duration <= interval_msec
return busy_duration
def _ScriptsExecuting(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Returns the time during which scripts executed within an interval.
events: ([tracing.Event]) list of tracing events.
start_msec: (float) start time in ms, inclusive.
end_msec: (float) end time in ms, inclusive.
A dict {URL (str) -> duration_msec (float)}. The dict may have a None key
for scripts that aren't associated with a URL.
script_to_duration = collections.defaultdict(float)
script_events = [e for e in events
if ('devtools.timeline' in e.tracing_event['cat']
and (e.tracing_event['name']
for event in script_events:
clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
script_url = event.args['data'].get('scriptName', None)
script_to_duration[script_url] += clamped_duration
return dict(script_to_duration)
def _FullyIncludedEvents(cls, events, event):
"""Return a list of events wholly included in the |event| span."""
(start, end) = (event.start_msec, event.end_msec)
result = []
for event in events:
if start <= event.start_msec < end and start <= event.end_msec < end:
return result
def _Parsing(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Returns the HTML/CSS parsing time within an interval.
events: ([tracing.Event]) list of events.
start_msec: (float) start time in ms, inclusive.
end_msec: (float) end time in ms, inclusive.
A dict {URL (str) -> duration_msec (float)}. The dict may have a None key
for tasks that aren't associated with a URL.
url_to_duration = collections.defaultdict(float)
parsing_events = [e for e in events
if ('devtools.timeline' in e.tracing_event['cat']
and (e.tracing_event['name']
for event in parsing_events:
# Parsing events can contain nested script execution events, avoid
# double-counting by discounting these.
nested_events = cls._FullyIncludedEvents(events, event)
events_tree = _EventsTree(event, nested_events)
js_events = events_tree.DominatingEventsWithNames(cls._SCRIPT_EVENT_NAMES)
duration_to_subtract = sum(
cls._ClampedDuration(e, start_msec, end_msec) for e in js_events)
tracing_event = event.tracing_event
clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
if tracing_event['name'] == 'ParseAuthorStyleSheet':
url = tracing_event['args']['data']['styleSheetUrl']
url = tracing_event['args']['beginData']['url']
parsing_duration = clamped_duration - duration_to_subtract
assert parsing_duration >= 0
url_to_duration[url] += parsing_duration
return dict(url_to_duration)
def GenerateEdgeActivity(self, dep):
"""For a dependency between two requests, returns the renderer activity
dep: (Request, Request, str) As returned from
{'edge_cost': (float) ms, 'busy': (float) ms,
'parsing': {'url' -> time_ms}, 'script' -> {'url' -> time_ms}}
(first, second, reason) = dep
(start_msec, end_msec) = request_track.IntervalBetween(
first, second, reason)
assert end_msec - start_msec >= 0.
events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
result = {'edge_cost': end_msec - start_msec,
'busy': self._ThreadBusyness(events, start_msec, end_msec)}
result.update(self.ComputeActivity(start_msec, end_msec))
return result
def ComputeActivity(self, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Returns a breakdown of the main renderer thread activity between two
start_msec: (float)
end_msec: (float)
{'parsing': {'url' -> time_ms}, 'script': {'url' -> time_ms}}.
assert end_msec - start_msec >= 0.
events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
result = {'parsing': self._Parsing(events, start_msec, end_msec),
'script': self._ScriptsExecuting(events, start_msec, end_msec)}
return result
def BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(self, dep):
"""For a dependency between two requests, categorizes the renderer activity.
dep: (Request, Request, str) As returned from
{'script': float, 'parsing': float, 'other_url': float,
'unknown_url': float, 'unrelated_work': float}
where the values are durations in ms:
- idle: The renderer main thread was idle.
- script: The initiating file was executing.
- parsing: The initiating file was being parsed.
- other_url: Other scripts and/or parsing activities.
- unknown_url: Activity which is not associated with a URL.
- unrelated_work: Activity unrelated to scripts or parsing.
activity = self.GenerateEdgeActivity(dep)
breakdown = {'unrelated_work': activity['busy'],
'idle': activity['edge_cost'] - activity['busy'],
'script': 0, 'parsing': 0,
'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 0}
for kind in ('script', 'parsing'):
for (script_name, duration_ms) in activity[kind].items():
if not script_name:
breakdown['unknown_url'] += duration_ms
elif script_name == dep[0].url:
breakdown[kind] += duration_ms
breakdown['other_url'] += duration_ms
breakdown['unrelated_work'] -= sum(
breakdown[x] for x in ('script', 'parsing', 'other_url', 'unknown_url'))
return breakdown
def MainRendererThreadBusyness(self, start_msec, end_msec):
"""Returns the amount of time the main renderer thread was busy.
start_msec: (float) Start of the interval.
end_msec: (float) End of the interval.
events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
return self._ThreadBusyness(events, start_msec, end_msec)
class _EventsTree(object):
"""Builds the hierarchy of events from a list of fully nested events."""
def __init__(self, root_event, events):
"""Creates the tree.
root_event: (Event) Event held by the tree root.
events: ([Event]) List of events that are fully included in |root_event|.
self.event = root_event
self.start_msec = root_event.start_msec
self.end_msec = root_event.end_msec
self.children = []
if not events:
current_child = (events[0], [])
for event in events[1:]:
if event.end_msec < current_child[0].end_msec:
self.children.append(_EventsTree(current_child[0], current_child[1]))
current_child = (event, [])
self.children.append(_EventsTree(current_child[0], current_child[1]))
def DominatingEventsWithNames(self, names):
"""Returns a list of the top-most events in the tree with a matching name.
if in names:
return [self.event]
result = []
for child in self.children:
result += child.DominatingEventsWithNames(names)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import json
import loading_trace
import request_dependencies_lens
filename = sys.argv[1]
json_dict = json.load(open(filename))
loading_trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
activity_lens = ActivityLens(loading_trace)
dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
deps = dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
for requests_dep in deps:
print activity_lens.GenerateEdgeActivity(requests_dep)