blob: 507751f26a3a96b54cb9aa43c825042dce9740ba [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import json
import os
from core import perf_benchmark
from telemetry import page as page_module
from import legacy_page_test
from telemetry import story
from telemetry.value import list_of_scalar_values
from metrics import power
_URL = ''
'Pure JavaScript computations of the kind you might use to do 3d '
'rendering, but without the rendering. This ends up mostly hitting '
'floating point math and array access.',
'Pure JavaScript computations of the kind you might use to do 3d '
'rendering, but without the rendering. This ends up mostly hitting '
'floating point math and array access.',
'Pure JavaScript computations of the kind you might use to do 3d '
'rendering, but without the rendering. This ends up mostly hitting '
'floating point math and array access.',
'access-binary-trees': 'Array, object property and variable access.',
'access-fannkuch': 'Array, object property and variable access.',
'access-nbody': 'Array, object property and variable access.',
'access-nsieve': 'Array, object property and variable access.',
'Bitwise operations, these can be useful for various things '
'including games, mathematical computations, and various kinds of '
'encoding/decoding. It\'s also the only kind of math in JavaScript '
'that is done as integer, not floating point.',
'Bitwise operations, these can be useful for various things '
'including games, mathematical computations, and various kinds of '
'encoding/decoding. It\'s also the only kind of math in JavaScript '
'that is done as integer, not floating point.',
'Bitwise operations, these can be useful for various things '
'including games, mathematical computations, and various kinds of '
'encoding/decoding. It\'s also the only kind of math in JavaScript '
'that is done as integer, not floating point.',
'Bitwise operations, these can be useful for various things '
'including games, mathematical computations, and various kinds of '
'encoding/decoding. It\'s also the only kind of math in JavaScript '
'that is done as integer, not floating point.',
'Control flow constructs (looping, recursion, conditionals). Right '
'now it mostly covers recursion, as the others are pretty well covered '
'by other tests.',
'crypto-aes': 'Real cryptography code related to AES.',
'crypto-md5': 'Real cryptography code related to MD5.',
'crypto-sha1': 'Real cryptography code related to SHA1.',
'date-format-tofte': 'Performance of JavaScript\'s "date" objects.',
'date-format-xparb': 'Performance of JavaScript\'s "date" objects.',
'math-cordic': 'Various mathematical type computations.',
'math-partial-sums': 'Various mathematical type computations.',
'math-spectral-norm': 'Various mathematical type computations.',
'regexp-dna': 'Regular expressions performance.',
'string-base64': 'String processing.',
'string-fasta': 'String processing',
'string-tagcloud': 'String processing code to generate a giant "tagcloud".',
'string-unpack-code': 'String processing code to extracting compressed JS.',
'string-validate-input': 'String processing.',
class _SunspiderMeasurement(legacy_page_test.LegacyPageTest):
def __init__(self):
super(_SunspiderMeasurement, self).__init__()
self._power_metric = None
def CustomizeBrowserOptions(self, options):
def WillStartBrowser(self, platform):
self._power_metric = power.PowerMetric(platform)
def DidNavigateToPage(self, page, tab):
self._power_metric.Start(page, tab)
def ValidateAndMeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
'window.location.pathname.indexOf("results.html") >= 0'
'&& typeof(output) != "undefined"', 300)
self._power_metric.Stop(page, tab)
self._power_metric.AddResults(tab, results)
js_get_results = 'JSON.stringify(output);'
js_results = json.loads(tab.EvaluateJavaScript(js_get_results))
# Below, r is a map of benchmark names to lists of result numbers,
# and totals is a list of totals of result numbers.
# js_results is: formatted like this:
# [
# {'3d-cube': v1, '3d-morph': v2, ...},
# {'3d-cube': v3, '3d-morph': v4, ...},
# ...
# ]
r = collections.defaultdict(list)
totals = []
for result in js_results:
total = 0
for key, value in result.iteritems():
total += value
for key, values in r.iteritems():
results.current_page, key, 'ms', values, important=False,
results.current_page, 'Total', 'ms', totals,
description='Totals of run time for each different type of benchmark '
'in sunspider'))
class Sunspider(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark):
"""Apple's SunSpider JavaScript benchmark.
test = _SunspiderMeasurement
def Name(cls):
return 'sunspider'
def CreateStorySet(self, options):
ps = story.StorySet(
_URL, ps, ps.base_dir, make_javascript_deterministic=False))
return ps