blob: f04351633c15f267cd1a0b19e839aa10bebba610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview Simple class to represent a cursor selection.
* A cursor selection is just two cursors; one for the start and one for
* the end of some interval in the document.
* If the start node and end node are the same, and the indexes are the same,
* the selection is interpreted to be a node. Otherwise, it is interpreted
* to be a range.
* @param {!cvox.Cursor} start The starting cursor.
* @param {!cvox.Cursor} end The ending cursor.
* @param {boolean=} opt_reverse Whether to make it a reversed selection or
* not. Default is selection is not reversed. If start and end are in the
* wrong order, they will be swapped automatically.
* NOTE: Can't infer automatically whether the selection is reversed because
* for a selection on a single node, the start and end are equal.
* @constructor
cvox.CursorSelection = function(start, end, opt_reverse) {
this.start = start.clone();
this.end = end.clone();
if (opt_reverse == undefined) {
opt_reverse = false;
/** @private */
this.isReversed_ = opt_reverse;
if ((this.isReversed_ &&
this.start.node.compareDocumentPosition(this.end.node) ==
cvox.CursorSelection.BEFORE) ||
(!this.isReversed_ &&
this.end.node.compareDocumentPosition(this.start.node) ==
cvox.CursorSelection.BEFORE)) {
var oldStart = this.start;
this.start = this.end;
this.end = oldStart;
* From
cvox.CursorSelection.BEFORE = 4;
* If true, ensures that this selection is reversed. Otherwise, ensures that
* it is not reversed.
* @param {boolean} reversed True to reverse. False to nonreverse.
* @return {!cvox.CursorSelection} For chaining.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.setReversed = function(reversed) {
if (reversed == this.isReversed_) {
return this;
var oldStart = this.start;
this.start = this.end;
this.end = oldStart;
this.isReversed_ = reversed;
return this;
* Returns true if this selection is a reverse selection.
* @return {boolean} true if reversed.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.isReversed = function() {
return this.isReversed_;
* Returns start if not reversed, end if reversed.
* @return {!cvox.Cursor} start if not reversed, end if reversed.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.absStart = function() {
return this.isReversed_ ? this.end : this.start;
* Returns end if not reversed, start if reversed.
* @return {!cvox.Cursor} end if not reversed, start if reversed.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.absEnd = function() {
return this.isReversed_ ? this.start : this.end;
* Clones the selection.
* @return {!cvox.CursorSelection} The cloned selection.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.clone = function() {
return new cvox.CursorSelection(this.start, this.end, this.isReversed_);
* Places a DOM selection around this CursorSelection.
*/ = function() {
var sel = window.getSelection();
* Creates a new cursor selection that starts and ends at the node.
* Returns null if node is null.
* @param {Node} node The node.
* @return {cvox.CursorSelection} The selection.
cvox.CursorSelection.fromNode = function(node) {
if (!node) {
return null;
var text = cvox.TraverseUtil.getNodeText(node);
return new cvox.CursorSelection(
new cvox.Cursor(node, 0, text),
new cvox.Cursor(node, 0, text));
* Creates a new cursor selection that starts and ends at document.body.
* @return {!cvox.CursorSelection} The selection.
cvox.CursorSelection.fromBody = function() {
return /** @type {!cvox.CursorSelection} */ (
* Returns the text that the selection spans.
* @return {string} Text within the selection. '' if it is a node selection.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.getText = function() {
if (this.start.equals(this.end)) {
return cvox.TraverseUtil.getNodeText(this.start.node);
return cvox.SelectionUtil.getRangeText(this.getRange());
* Returns a range from the given selection.
* @return {Range} The range.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.getRange = function() {
var range = document.createRange();
if (this.isReversed_) {
range.setStart(this.end.node, this.end.index);
range.setEnd(this.start.node, this.start.index);
} else {
range.setStart(this.start.node, this.start.index);
range.setEnd(this.end.node, this.end.index);
return range;
* Check for equality.
* @param {!cvox.CursorSelection} rhs The CursorSelection to compare against.
* @return {boolean} True if equal.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.equals = function(rhs) {
return this.start.equals(rhs.start) && this.end.equals(rhs.end);
* Check for equality regardless of direction.
* @param {!cvox.CursorSelection} rhs The CursorSelection to compare against.
* @return {boolean} True if equal.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.absEquals = function(rhs) {
return ((this.start.equals(rhs.start) && this.end.equals(rhs.end)) ||
(this.end.equals(rhs.start) && this.start.equals(rhs.end)));
* Determines if this starts before another CursorSelection in document order.
* If this is reversed, then a reversed document order is checked.
* In the case that this and rhs start at the same position, we return true.
* @param {!cvox.CursorSelection} rhs The selection to compare.
* @return {boolean} True if this is before rhs.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.directedBefore = function(rhs) {
var leftToRight = this.start.node.compareDocumentPosition(rhs.start.node) ==
return this.start.node == rhs.start.node ||
(this.isReversed() ? !leftToRight : leftToRight);
* Normalizes this selection.
* Use this routine to adjust CursorSelection's that have been collapsed due to
* convention such as when a CursorSelection references a node without attention
* to its endpoints.
* The result is to surround the node with this cursor.
* @return {!cvox.CursorSelection} The normalized selection.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.normalize = function() {
if (this.absEnd().index == 0 && this.absEnd().node) {
var node = this.absEnd().node;
// DOM ranges use different conventions when surrounding a node. For
// instance, input nodes endOffset is always 0 while h1's endOffset is 1
//with both having no children. Use a range to compute the endOffset.
var testRange = document.createRange();
this.absEnd().index = testRange.endOffset;
return this;
* Collapses to the directed start of the selection.
* @return {!cvox.CursorSelection} For chaining.
cvox.CursorSelection.prototype.collapse = function() {
// Not a selection.
if (this.start.equals(this.end)) {
return this;
if (this.start.text.length == 0) {
return this;
if (this.isReversed()) {
if (this.end.index > 0) {
} else {
if (this.end.index < this.end.text.length) {
return this;