blob: 3ca1e8084bcaf6e430dd4e943df75c4f40bcf1e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/x/keyboard_state.h"
#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/connection.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/keysyms/keysyms.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xkb.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xproto.h"
namespace x11 {
namespace {
constexpr KeySym kNoSymbol = static_cast<KeySym>(0);
void ConvertCaseImpl(uint32_t sym, uint32_t* lower, uint32_t* upper);
void ConvertCase(KeySym sym, KeySym* lower, KeySym* upper) {
uint32_t lower32;
uint32_t upper32;
ConvertCaseImpl(static_cast<uint32_t>(sym), &lower32, &upper32);
*lower = static_cast<KeySym>(lower32);
*upper = static_cast<KeySym>(upper32);
bool IsPublicOrPrivateKeypadKey(KeySym keysym) {
auto key = static_cast<uint32_t>(keysym);
return (key >= XK_KP_Space && key <= XK_KP_Equal) ||
(key >= 0x11000000 && key <= 0x1100FFFF);
int GetXkbGroupFromState(int state) {
return (state >> 13) & 0x3;
#include "third_party/libx11/src/KeyBind.c"
#include "third_party/libx11/src/xkb/XKBBind.c"
#include "third_party/libxcb-keysyms/keysyms/keysyms.c"
} // namespace
KeyboardState::KeyboardState() = default;
KeyboardState::~KeyboardState() = default;
// Non-XKB (core protocol) implementation of KeysymToKeycode and
// KeycodeToKeysym.
class CoreKeyboardState : public KeyboardState {
explicit CoreKeyboardState(Connection* connection) : connection_(connection) {
~CoreKeyboardState() override = default;
KeyCode KeysymToKeycode(uint32_t keysym) const override {
auto min_keycode = static_cast<uint8_t>(connection_->setup().min_keycode);
auto max_keycode = static_cast<uint8_t>(connection_->setup().max_keycode);
int count = max_keycode - min_keycode + 1;
DCHECK_EQ(count * keyboard_mapping_.keysyms_per_keycode,
for (size_t i = 0; i < keyboard_mapping_.keysyms.size(); i++) {
auto keycode = min_keycode + i / keyboard_mapping_.keysyms_per_keycode;
if (keyboard_mapping_.keysyms[i] == static_cast<x11::KeySym>(keysym))
return static_cast<KeyCode>(keycode);
return {};
uint32_t KeycodeToKeysym(KeyCode keycode, uint32_t modifiers) const override {
auto sym = static_cast<uint32_t>(KeycodeToKeysymCoreImpl(
keycode, modifiers, connection_, keyboard_mapping_, lock_meaning_,
mode_switch_, num_lock_));
return sym == XK_VoidSymbol ? 0 : sym;
void UpdateMapping() override {
UpdateMappingImpl(connection_, &keyboard_mapping_, &lock_meaning_,
&mode_switch_, &num_lock_);
x11::Connection* const connection_;
GetKeyboardMappingReply keyboard_mapping_;
uint16_t lock_meaning_ = 0;
uint8_t mode_switch_ = 0;
uint8_t num_lock_ = 0;
// XKB implementation of KeysymToKeycode and KeycodeToKeysym.
class XkbKeyboardState : public KeyboardState {
explicit XkbKeyboardState(Connection* connection) : connection_(connection) {
~XkbKeyboardState() override = default;
KeyCode KeysymToKeycode(uint32_t keysym) const override {
int first_keycode = static_cast<int>(map_.firstKeySym);
for (int keycode = 0; keycode < map_.nKeySyms; keycode++) {
for (auto sym : map_.syms_rtrn->at(keycode).syms) {
if (static_cast<uint32_t>(sym) == keysym)
return static_cast<KeyCode>(keycode + first_keycode);
return {};
uint32_t KeycodeToKeysym(KeyCode key, uint32_t modifiers) const override {
return KeycodeToKeysymXkbImpl(key, modifiers, map_);
void UpdateMapping() override {
auto future = connection_->xkb().GetMap(
Xkb::MapPart::KeyTypes | Xkb::MapPart::KeySyms});
if (auto response = future.Sync())
map_ = std::move(*response.reply);
x11::Connection* const connection_;
Xkb::GetMapReply map_;
std::unique_ptr<KeyboardState> CreateKeyboardState(Connection* connection) {
if (connection->xkb().present())
return std::make_unique<XkbKeyboardState>(connection);
return std::make_unique<CoreKeyboardState>(connection);
} // namespace x11